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What had they done to the two women they had attacked? Terror struck Jacob’s heart. Had they somehow forced unmated Breed women to conceive? With what? The question sent ice spreading through his body.

“Conception isn’t my concern, Marshal. Unlike the Council, I leave such things up to a higher power. I will not release my mate to you. ”

“You make it sound as though you have a choice, my friend,” Marshal laughed in quiet amusement. A cold, hard sound that underscored the evil in his heart. “I didn’t ask you to release her. I ordered you to, Jacob. ”

Jacob slid his finger over the trigger of the gun as he noticed the slight shadow that edged by a window behind him. He watched the wavering image from the corner of his eye in the mirrored shelves beside Marshal. So far, the soldiers with him were more concerned with Faith than any of the Enforcers that may have defeated their men outside. Help was here. The only problem left was to figure out exactly what was going on.

“I no longer follow your orders, Marshal,” Jacob reminded him, now watching the men more closely for any signs of aggression. “And neither does my mate. You will not take her. ”

Marshal sighed heavily. “We will return her,” he argued as though it would make a difference.

“After how many of your men have raped her?” Jacob asked tightly, remembering the reports of the two Breed women who had been attacked. “This woman carries my mark, my scent. She belongs to me. I will allow no other man to touch her, you know this. ”

“Those women were unmated. ” Evidently Marshal had no concept of the horrors he had brought on those women. “We merely played for a while with them. We will guard your woman with more care. ”

Marshal’s hand moved, clasping the weapon at his side as the two soldiers brought their automatic rifles up a few inches higher, aiming them straight at Jacob’s heart.

“Release her to me, Jacob,” Marshal ordered again. “Or I may have to get testy. You know how unpredictable I am when I get testy. ”

“Unpredictable?” Jacob questioned the word. “Rabid, you mean? You are like a diseased dog, Marshal, that needs to be put down. I would never trust you with my woman. ”

“You are not looking at the bigger picture, you fool!” Marshal finally spat out. “She is trying to conceive. We cannot allow untested conception, Jacob. You know what it could mean to the future of civilization. The world is not ready for your kind. We must fix this problem. Only a Breed fully human can be allowed to survive. ”

Shock ripped through his system. Insanity glowed in Marshal’s eyes. A fanatical gleam that hinted at a greater evil.

“Fully human? How could this be possible? What insane experiments are you bastards involved in now? We are not fully human, Marshal,” Jacob reminded him.

“You are abominations. That must be fixed if you are going to force your seed on the world,” Marshal spat out. “The Felines were bad enough. We will not allow it with your Packs as well. ”

Insanity. Only the insane could have conceived the plan to create the Breeds. Only the demented, true monsters could carry out their plans.

“Then perhaps your Council should not have created us,” Jacob shot back. “We were to be your dogs of war, your trained pets to carry out your perverted plans. They forgot, Marshal, only humans are naturally deceptive. Naturally cruel. The breeds they chose were the most honorable, as well as the most savage. We were not meant to be your mindless puppets. ”

Marshal’s face flushed as fury engulfed him.

“Puppets be damned. You are all animals who now think you have the right to live and multiply. The Council created you, and they will now destroy you. ”

Two things happened simultaneously. Jacob pushed Faith to the floor behind the dubious protection of the chair as he brought the gun to bear on the three men already pulling the triggers on their own weapons.

The glass in the windows behind him shattered as he fell to the floor, covering Faith’s body, firing at the enemy that would destroy all he had ever dreamed or prayed for.

But it wasn’t Stygian or the Enforcers that came through the windows, guns blazing, a war cry sounding on their lips. Jacob’s attention splintered from Marshal and his men as shock tore through his body. It couldn’t be possible. Even the Council in all their perversions and cruelties couldn’t have actually managed to create a Breed such as this.

But they had, the proof of it rolled across the floor. Three large males in their prime, weapons blazing, rage reflecting in their cries as they focused their fury on Marshal and his men.

“Don’t kill them all, dammit!” Jacob screamed as he saw a soldier fall. “Marshal, we need Marshal. ”

He had no idea if his words were heard above the commotion. He kept Faith covered, his heart pounding in fear as weapons blazed and bullets ricocheted around the room.

“Dammit, Jacob, get off me,” Faith cursed beneath him as he held her securely to the floor, protecting her with his own body. “I’m going to kick your ass when I get up. ”

She jerked beneath him, her voice raised furiously.

As the last shot fired, Jacob was on his feet.

“Find out who the hell they are,” he yelled as he pointed imperiously at the three winged men slowly coming back to their feet. “Dammit, we don’t need any more fucking Breeds running around the world. Kill the fucking Council members I say…”

He rushed into the hall, shouting orders as he went, cursing the blood and the damage done to the house.

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