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“This is beside the point. When a Wolf Breed does sire a child, he will need no help from others, I can you assure you of this. ”

Faith drew in a hard, patience-restoring breath. “You have lost your mind. Is this an Alpha thing that comes with a male’s mating cycle? Thank God all I have to deal with is perpetual horniness. And let me assure you, you are not keeping up today. Perhaps you need help after all. ”

Below, Enforcers scattered amid helpless laughter as she faced a more than enraged mate.

“I promise you, mate,” he snarled as he came slowly forward, backing her into the thick trunk of the tree, his body aggressive, his voice dangerously sensual. “I need no help keeping you fucked. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. All I need to do is get rid of the damned coffee that turns you into a nymphomaniac with more attitude than a rabid Coyote. ”

Her eyes narrowed on him as his hips pressed into hers, driving his cock against the softness of her lower belly.

“We have a deal,” she reminded him heatedly. “You have to leave my coffee alone and keep me fucked. Not snipe at me, or take it out on me because I figured out something you hadn’t thought of. ”

Her hands gripped the limbs above her to steady herself. She watched his eyes heat, his cheeks darkening with sensual awareness as her breasts brushed his chest.

Jacob’s hands went to her waist as he lifted her just enough to grind his cock between her thighs suggestively.

“Mmm. ” She licked her lips again as she lifted her legs, allowing them to bend and grip his thighs. “Wild monkey sex. Sounds like fun to me. ”

Chapter Twenty-One

“It would serve you right if I fucked you in front of the entire Pack,” he growled as his lips went to her neck, his tongue stroking her skin.

“Exhibitionism? Sounds kinky, Jacob. I’m game if you are. ” Her head tilted back, her eyes closing as pleasure washed over her, heating the core of her body further, and leaving her longing for his touch, his taste.

There, in the shade of the huge trees, sheltered by the jungle, the mists of night still clinging to the air around them as the sun blazed in the morning sky, she wanted his touch, his heat.

Her hands tightened on the limbs of the tree as Jacob moved closer to her, his feet braced on two closely spaced limbs, his hips pressing tight against hers as his lips caressed her neck, and one hand delved beneath her shirt to the bare, swollen breasts awaiting him.

At the first touch, Faith felt ripples of sensation streaking through her body, caressing her womb and her vagina. She whispered a needy moan of arousal, desperate for more.

“Oh, you are hot,” he nipped her ear as his fingers tweaked her breast. “Does it turn you on, Faith, sparring with me? Pushing me?”

It did. She knew it did. Pitting herself against him, watching his eyes flame, seeing emotion transform his face, the confused anger, the heated desire. The need to make her submit. It fired her blood as nothing else could, seeing that dominance rising to the surface. She had no desire to best him. Faith fully admitted she wanted to be bested.

“Does it turn you on?” she asked him, rather than revealing her feelings, her weakness for his emotions.

His growl was surprisingly strong as he jerked her shirt above her breasts and stared down at the bounty now offered up to him.

“Turn me on?” he said roughly. “Damn you, Faith, you make me so hot I expect to disintegrate every time I touch you. ”

She expected his mouth to ravish her breasts. To take what he was staring at so greedily. Instead, he took her lips in a kiss that destroyed her. His tongue swept into her mouth, conquering her, weakening her and yet filling her with a power she could have never imagined.

“Then take me, Jacob,” she whispered beseechingly as his lips lifted. “We can burn together. ”

She needed him, needed him as she had never needed anything in her life.

“I won’t take you where my men can see your lush body, or hear your cries,” he bit out. “You are mine, Faith. Know this now. Mine. ”

“Yours,” she cried out breathlessly as his hands cupped her breasts, fingers plucking at her nipples as he stared down at her in heated desperation. “If I am yours, Jacob, then prove it. Take me. ”

He stepped away from her, breathing in quick, hard breaths, his hands rough, shaking as he jerked her T-shirt back over her bare breasts.

“Go. Now. ” His voice was raspy, as dark and graveled as any she had ever heard. “I’ll be in our bedroom in five minutes, and by God, you better be ready for me. ”

* * * * *

Ready for him didn’t come close to describing how eagerly she awaited him, Jacob thought as he entered the bedroom to find her sleek, perfect body laying back on the bed.

She stared up at him, her eyes so black and hot they seared him further. His whole body throbbed. Not just his cock, not just his tongue. He watched as she licked her lips with a lazy, moist movement of her tongue. They glistened now, making him hunger with his need to taste them.

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