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“Not yet I’m not. ” One small hand went to the buttons of the shirt he wore, slipping several free as he fought for breath. Her mouth moved along his collarbone, her tongue licking over him like a wash of sensual lightning.

Resisting the soft, needy allure of her body wasn’t easy. The dominant core of him was outraged that she would try such maneuvers to get past her punishment, but the man who knew her, who finally realized the years of loss and lonely heat she had lived through, clenched in self-anger. How was he to punish her, when he could not get past the years she had needed him? Years he had spent fighting, and trying to still the hunger for her in his very denial of its existence.

He had left his mate. It didn’t matter that he had not realized the ramifications of the mark he had left on her. It didn’t matter that he would have gone to her if he had known the need, both physical and emotional that she had for him. It mattered that he had not. And now, his natural possessiveness would force her to face another part of the animal that fucked her, that locked inside her, forcing her body to accept his seed, to hold it with the hope of nurturing it.

He sighed as he reached the closed gates of the hacienda. Reaching over to the glove box, he retrieved the remote to the gates, watching as they opened slowly. He pulled through them, set them to re-close and the security system to reset. He watched the rearview mirror carefully, assuring himself that no one had slipped in behind them.

His trouble indicator was flagging a warning, but nothing too serious. Damned good thing it wasn’t too insistent, with his arms full of Faith, her hot cunt grinding against his erection, her body heating in his arms, it was damned hard to concentrate on anything but Faith.

“Tell me, Jacob,” she whispered sensuously, her soft voice filled with husky arousal. “Have you ever fucked anyone in this SUV before?”

* * * * *

Faith felt Jacob’s cock flex between her thighs as he drew in a hard breath. She suppressed a small smile of triumph as his hands flexed on her hips and a rumbling growl sounded from his throat. Her fingers caressed the back of his head, sifting through the fine strands of hair as her lips caressed the sensitive skin beneath his ear.

She felt bold, adventurous. Serious, quiet little Faith was gone, and in her place was the woman she had always longed to be. A temptress. How far could she tempt Jacob? Could she make him lose that precious control of his? Make him take her again as he had taken her that night in the Labs?

She was a seductress. She would seduce him, make him burn as she had burned for so damned long. Could she make the blood sizzle in his veins, make him forget any ideas he had of anger or punishment and fill his thoughts, his mind with nothing but her?

Well, maybe not. But she could definitely tease the hell out of him, which was what she meant to do. And it seemed she was off to a running start. She felt the buttons at the side of her pants slipping free, and Jacob’s hands as they caressed her bare hips. He was breathing deep and hard, his head lying back against the seat as her lips whispered over his neck.

“The bed would be more comfortable,” he told her roughly, his hands running up her back, pushing beneath her shirt as his fingertips skimmed her spine.

“But not nearly as much fun,” she whispered, smiling against his jaw as her tongue peeked out long enough to taste the rough, beard stubbled skin there.

He tasted wild and spicy, with the hint of a thunderstorm, lightning and fire. She wanted more. Her teeth scraped along his chin, her head raising, her tongue peeking out to lick at his lips. Faith opened her eyes, her breath catching at the expression on his face. Lust, raw and bare, and awe. He was watching her as though she had given him some gift, some rare and precious treasure.

“Jacob?” She questioned the look tremulously. What could she have given him that could be so special?

He stared at her, his eyes nearly glowing, heavy lidded, awash with pleasure.

“Kiss me, mate. ” There was a hint of desperation in his voice now. “Kiss me, Faith, before I die for your taste. ”

He didn’t give her time to comply. Faith whimpered in eagerness as his lips covered hers, his tongue pushing past her lips as he groaned in his own need. His hips surged forward as his hands moved to her hips once again, holding her in place as his erection ground against her sex.

Faith wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers never still, learning each contour of his neck, his shoulders. She loved the strength she could feel, the heat and hardness of the man who held her mesmerized her. His flesh was completely free of hair, but the skin wasn’t smooth, soft like her own. It was weathered, tough, and made her feel more feminine, conquered and protected. He made her hornier than hell.

As his tongue tangled with hers, an imp of seductive mischief took hold of her. She allowed her lips to close on his tongue, to draw on him, at the same time, her fingers smoothed down his chest until she encountered the hard nubs of his male nipples beneath this shirt. She gripped the little point, massaging them tightly as she drew on his tongue.

He arched with a short, convulsive move. His body shook, shuddered with pleasure as he cried out at the caress. Yet, his hands moved in a lightning swift move, gripping her wrists and pulling her fingers back.

Faith moved back, watching him, breathing roughly, confused by his actions.

“Why?” She tried to pull her hands out of his grasp, watching as he fought to catch his breath.

His face was flushed, his eyes glittering with some emotion that tugged at her heart. Vulnerability? Hunger? She watched him, fighting to hide her amazement. Was she not supposed to please him, touch him?

“Let me touch you,” he growled, his hands going to the hem of her shirt.

“No. ” Her hands caught his now. “Why don’t you want me to touch you, Jacob? Don’t you enjoy my touch?”

He had fought her before, on the couch. Forcing her to blackmail him, to challenge his strength to allow her freedom to touch him. Perhaps she was so untutored, so unknowing…

“You could teach me how to do it right. ” She hated how her voice trembled, revealing her weakness, her needs to touch him. “Did I do it wrong, Jacob?”

He swallowed tightly, his eyes closing for a brief moment.

“Faith, any better and I would cum in my jeans,” he gritted out, his forehead resting against hers as he stared into her eyes. “I have never known such a lack of control. ”

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