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She bit her lip, staring up at him, and Jacob felt his heart clench at the emotion in her gaze. He laid his finger to her lips before she would have spoken, expressing those emotions. She likely believed in love, in happily ever after, despite the reality of her life. He could see the dreams in her eyes, her belief that he would make it come out all right. What was he to do when he could not protect her, could not save her from the misery he knew was coming to her?

“No weakness, Faith,” he mouthed, reminding her of the microphones within the cells, and wishing he hadn’t had to. He wouldn’t speak of the cameras that he knew watched them. She knew. There was no help for it. Even the bathrooms were similarly equipped.

A tear slipped from her eye. He felt her body tremble, felt her inner pain begin, and howled silently in misery.

“Trust me, Faith. Relax, I don’t want to hurt you,” he told her, his hands moving to her legs, drawing them away from her chest as he helped her to lie back on the mattress.

She was still, almost unyielding as he practically forced her to uncurl her body and lay back. He was furious with Bainesmith, with himself, and with Faith. The scientist for her cruelty, himself for his weakness, and Faith for her belief in him.

She stretched out slowly, tears sliding from the corners of her eyes, dampening her flesh, the dark fire of her hair at her temples. He hated the tears, hated himself because he knew there would be more where those came from.

Jacob lowered himself beside her, burying his mouth at her ear as he pulled her body into his embrace. She was small and delicate, fragile in his arms. His hands caressed her back, her hips as he tried to soothe her past her fears.

He couldn’t reassure her. He couldn’t show her kindness, or it would be used against her later. Bainesmith enjoyed exploiting their weaknesses. She enjoyed playing them off against each other. He couldn’t allow Faith to be a weakness, or else her life would count for nothing.

She shuddered, whimpering as his lips pressed to the delicate skin of her neck. Her body trembled, and he felt the heat of her skin as her arousal grew.

“I’m frightened,” she whispered, her voice trembling, thick with her tears. “What have they done to me, Jacob?”

“No need for fear, Faith,” he promised her, wanting to growl at the incredible pleasure that the feel of her body brought to his. “Just relax. It will be over soon enough. Trust me in this. ”

Her breath hitched as she fought to swallow her tears. “I do trust you, Jacob,” she promised him.

He turned her head, groaned at the trust and the depth of emotion in her eyes before he covered her lips with his own. Her lashes fluttered against her cheeks as she moaned hungrily. Her lips opened for him, her tongue twining with his immediately. Jacob flinched at the incredible pleasure that washed over him. Her tongue shyly mated with his own, causing the glands at the side of his tongue to pulse, to ache.

He clasped her hip, rolling her to her back as he came over her. His lips closed on her tongue and created a gentle suckling motion as she bucked against him. He speared his tongue into her mouth, encouraging her to do the same. Sweet mercy. He shuddered, his grip tightening on her as his body shook with a sudden lust he couldn’t explain. All he knew was that the taste and the touch of her was driving him higher in his need, something no other woman had done in his sexual lifetime.

His hand moved from her hip, desperately loosening the large buttons of her shirt so his hand could cup her breast. It was warm and swollen, the nipple a hard little pinpoint of need against his palm. She cried out his name, trying to muffle the sound against his shoulder as his fingers tweaked the little point. She was fire in his arms, and suddenly his control was desperately weak.

Jacob had never known a time when he could not contain his sexual impulses. It had never mattered before how needy the woman was, how desperately she cried out for him, his control had never been tested. Now, with this small virgin, her body quaking beneath him, Jacob felt his own body trembling.

His lips slid from hers, over the delicate, stubborn chin, along a throat so soft he felt an incredible need to nip at the skin, to mark it. To mark her. His lips paused at the area where neck and shoulder met, and he could no longer contain that need. His canines nipped at her roughly, scratching the skin as she arched violently in his arms, crying out his name again. He covered the wound with his lips, stroked it with his tongue and drew it into his mouth to allow his saliva to ease whatever pain would have occurred.

With the urge to mark her satisfied, he moved to the swollen curves of her breasts. Tipped with light pink, engorged nipples, his hand curved around one pale mound, plumping the flesh further.

“Jacob,” her cry was desperate as he lowered his head and covered the hot tip.

She arched to him, aiding him as he jerked the shirt from her, nearly ripping it in his need to uncover her. His hands went to the drawstring of her pants, loosening them, pushing them past her hips, desperate to sink his fingers into the soft flesh of her cunt.

The smell of her was intoxicating. He could feel his blood thundering through his veins, his cock throbbing. Damn her, what was she doing to him?

His tongue laved one nipple as she kicked her pants free of her body, then laved the next as he pushed her legs apart. He could barely breathe for the exquisite pleasure he found in touching her. Her nipples hardened further beneath his tongue, flushing, reddening from the suckling motions of his mouth.

“Easy,” he groaned as her hands speared through his hair, her body trying to arch closer.

There was no easy with her though. Arousal, both natural and drug induced was pouring through her body. He felt her tremble against him, heard her desperate cries in his ears. Jacob fought the need and rushing desperation of his own instincts. He wanted this time to be one of pleasure for her, not one of rushed release. If he gave her nothing else, he wanted to give her the memory of his desire for her, his need to bring her the greatest pleasure possible.

His hand smoothed over her abdomen, his fingers shook, amazing him, as he drew closer to the bare flesh of her pussy. Breeds had no hair on their genitals, male or female. There was no explanation of this, but as his fingers touched the petal smooth perfection of her cunt, his blood pressure sharply increased. He could feel his blood boiling in his veins, rushing through his body as though he had been drugged as well.

Her juices coated the silken lips like soft warm syrup. His fingers slid through the narrow slit, drawing the wet silk in its wake as his lips slid from breasts to abdomen, moving unerringly to the fragrant heat of her cunt.

“Jacob?” Confused passion filled her voice as he moved, drawing her thighs further apart, determined to taste the liquid perfection of her rising need for him.

“It’s okay, Faith. ” He fought not to pant, to keep his voice even, comforting. “Easy, baby. I just want to taste you. Just taste, Faith. ”

As he settled between her splayed thighs, he looked into her rounded, dark gaze. She was flying on lust. Her body was pumped with the rising heat of her need and the desperate pleasure assailing her. Needs he was determined to ease soon. Because there was no way in hell he could hold off for long. But first, first he had to taste her.

His head lowered, his tongue swiped through the sweet syrup and he couldn’t halt the sound of appreciation that he allowed to rumble against her flesh. Her cunt trembled; he could see the throb of her clit. She tasted sweet, earthy, like the scent of the mountains after a summer rain. And he was desperate for more.

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