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She lost her breath, could only gasp as she tightened in his arms. And then she felt more. Her eyes flew open in alarm as she heard Jacob curse. His cock tunneled inside her, then thickened further, then further, until each time his hips jerked, the unusual thickness that seemed to have grown at the point where her channel was narrowest, only lodged him inside her tighter. His cock was spurting repeatedly as he cried out her name, his body jerking against her, triggering flaring, multi-orgasms as the hard ball wedged inside her tighter, hotter than before.

Reality was only Jacob’s flesh locked inside her. It was only the hard, deep pulses of release that ripped repeatedly through her body. The heat and hardness, the lash of pleasure/pain, until she could do no more than collapse beneath him, fighting for breath as he followed her, catching his weight on his arms as his hips jerked against her buttocks, driving the steel hard knot that had grown in his cock only deeper.

Time was a meaningless concept. She lay beneath him, shuddering each time he pulsed inside her, each time his hips jerked, his cock tugging at her flesh.

“Jacob,” she whispered his name repeatedly, the word so soft, so breathless she doubted he even heard her.

Finally, with a last shuddering groan, she felt him tug once more, his cock popping free of her vagina as he leaned back from her. She expected him to fall beside her. Had thought he would hold her. She didn’t expect him to jerk from her and stomp across the room. As she turned quickly in surprise, she saw only his sweat dampened back as the door slammed furiously on his retreat.

Chapter Nine

Fury flared in Faith. It surged through her body. As hot as passion, as destructive as a climax, it tore through her body as the last vibrations of the door slamming died down. Shock had held her motionless, silent, but the pain that ripped through her tore her from the frozen moorings of silent disbelief.

“You bastard!” she screamed as she came to her knees, her fists clenched, tears falling down her cheeks as she felt the slick moisture of her body, and his seed dampening her thighs.

Her body still hummed with her release, and he just walked away? He couldn’t spare a hug or even a damned thank you? Something broke in her chest. A hollow center of hope that she had always held, always nurtured. Dark, vivid dreams of Jacob holding her, touching her in heat and gentleness, taking away the ache, the lonely core of misery that seemed to fill her. She felt it all shatter, and in its place a hard, cold core of fury replaced it.

She didn’t know what had happened, didn’t know how to deal with the desertion. He had just walked away. As though she were nothing, as though she meant that little to him. Once again, her own desperation, her sickening needs and love for him, had driven him away from her.

A sob broke from her throat as she jumped from the bed and strode quickly to the bathroom to clean the proof of her lack of control from her body. It wasn’t the first time he had left her like this, she reminded herself, but damn him to hell, it would be the last time.

Her teeth clenched on her pain-filled, enraged screams. The sounds locked in her chest, the small whimpers no more than the hard rasp of her breathing as she fought for and maintained her control.

This was what she had waited six years for, she raged silently. This was what she had dreamed? She didn’t think so. She would be damned if she would accept it.

She pulled her clothes on, her body vibrating with anger and a hopeless pain born of yet another rejection by Jacob. It would be her last, she promised herself. When she managed to get out of this damned place and return home, she would make certain Jacob never had a chance to hurt her again.

As she slipped past his room, she heard glass shatter, and a curse, dark and violent echo from it. She sneered. Poor baby was upset? Over what? She would like to shatter glass over his head.

She collected her jacket from the kitchen and rushed for the front door as she pulled her cell phone from the pocket. Jacob’s SUV was still sitting there in the driveway, waiting on her, keys in the ignition. To hell with him. She would be damned if she would walk back to town, or hike out of this dirty little hole. She would drive out in style and he could sit his ass there until he found other transportation.

As she jumped into the driver’s seat, she keyed in the number to Hawke’s cell phone. She tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder as she started the vehicle, counting off each ring as she put the vehicle in gear and headed for the gates.

Remote. She reached over and flipped open the door to the glove box. Thankfully, she had paid attention to Jacob earlier when he keyed in the code. The gates swung open smoothly as a victorious snarl curled at the edge of her lips.

“What?” Hawke finally answered, his voice drowsy and cranky.

“Meet me in the parking lot of that damned bar,” she bit out. “I’m not searching for you. If you aren’t there, then I head home on my own. ”

“Faith?” Shock colored his voice. “What the hell are you doing? Stay with Jacob. ”

“You heard me, Hawke,” she bit out. “I’ll be there soon, you have one hour to meet me and then I’m headed out of there. Do you understand me?”

She didn’t give him time to answer before she disconnected the phone. She wiped at the wetness on her face, amazed at the tears that still fell from her eyes. Why was she crying? She should have known what to expect. She had known, she had just refused to face it. Jacob was the classic lone wolf, he didn’t need her. He never had. Her breath hitched, infuriating her. Damn him, he had made her cry. He had made her cry when all the long, desperately painful nights aching for him had never pushed her to that point.

She drove the SUV down the rough track that led back into town, there she found herself helplessly lost amid the back roads and narrow alleys she managed to enter. She cursed Jacob, Wolfe and the damned cell phone beeping its battery operated little brain out beside her.

“What?” she snarled into the device as she turned along another side road.

There was a small silence; enough to make her frown as she sniffed back her tears.

“If I don’t pass you headi

ng back to the house, then you may not like me much once I get hold of you, Faith. ” She had never heard Jacob’s voice so cold, so furious.

“I don’t like you much now,” she bit out. “I did my job, you have your papers, now I’m going home. ”

“Faith, you won’t get out of town before I catch up with you, baby,” he growled. “And I promise you, you’ll regret leaving like that. ”

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