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“Tedious?” he snarled. He was a big bad Alpha Enforcer. Did this now make him tedious? He didn’t think so. “I am about to show you, Faith, that I can be very untedious, if you do not get that pretty little finger out of my chest. ”

She looked down at her finger, then back up at him. A slender auburn brow arched in challenge. Her finger pressed deeper as a daring expression crossed her face.

“What will you do Big Bad Alpha Enforcer? I’ve already dumped you on your ass once. Are you looking for a repeat performance?” she asked him softly, amusement and calculated female challenge filling her expression.

Before she could react, before he even knew what he had intended, his arms reached for her. She was lightning fast in her attempt to avoid him, to pull another of her little stunts designed to throw him off balance. Before she could get her legs in position he had her arms behind her back, her body sprawling beneath his as he forced her to the couch behind her.

He moved quickly between her thighs, pressing his thick erection against the heated, jeans covered cunt that tempted him past sanity. He stared into her shocked face, seeing the excitement that flared in her eyes, the flush of angry arousal on her cheeks.

“Be very careful, Faith,” he whispered warningly as he arched her swollen breasts into his chest, relishing the feel of her hardened nipples. “I remember well how hot and wet your cunt gets, and how tight your ass wraps around my cock. It’s your choice, which takes you when the time comes, the man or the beast. Push the beast much further, and you may well learn the conclusion of the act forced upon you in that damned Lab six years ago. Do not, Faith, push my needs for you in this manner. ”

She stared up at him, her lips parted, her breathing rough and hard. Then she licked her lips. A slow, wet swipe of her tongue, the act deliberate, challenging.

There was nothing left to say. Jacob’s lips slammed down on hers as a groan was ripped from his throat. His tongue forged into her mouth, the heated depths soothing the sudden ache of it as her lips closed on him. He slanted his lips over hers, the hand holding hers behind her back arched her closer as the other curved ruthlessly around her breast, his fingers gripping the hard little nipple poking against the cloth of her shirt.

She moaned, a sound rich with longing and arousal as she met his kiss with a force of her own. Her thighs tightened on his, driving his cock tighter against the wedge of her thighs as her hips arched into him. She was a live flame in his arms, burning him, searing his body as he fought to take his fill of her lips.

And he would have. He would have taken his fill of her body, her lusts, if he had been but given a chance. As his hand went to burrow beneath her shirt, the low drone of the house alarm began to beep imperatively.

* * * * *

Jacob was on his feet, jerking Faith up behind him a second later as he rushed to the walnut wood cabinet in the corner of the room.

“Visitors,” he bit out at her surprised look.

He jerked two revolvers, and matching comm. links from the chest and pushed them to her.

She didn’t speak, but the brief glance he shot her assured him that she was following his lead efficiently. The revolver was in a readied position at her shoulder, the comm. link attached securely to her head.

“Expecting someone?” she asked him, barely a breath of a sound as they moved into the foyer, edging along the wall to the slender, tinted double windows that looked out to the front gate.

Jacob grunted sarcastically as he flipped his own unit to a private channel. He didn’t want Faith aware of the fact that the whole compound was being watched. He wanted her comfortable, relaxed, and protected.

He didn’t have to speak. When he switched over, he knew the others would be aware of it, and ready to report.

“Can’t see shit, boss. ” Stygian’s voice was disgusted, angry. “I got the alarm the minute it came through, but there’s nothing out here. ”

Not possible. The alarms extended fully around the hacienda’s boundaries, and were set to go off only in certain instances.

“No animals, no nothing. We found the tripped unit, and it’s definitely been tripped, but I’ll be damned if there’s anything around here,” the other Enforcer continued. “If it’s Coyote Breeds, then they’re getting smarter, or the alarm units are malfunctioning. ”

The Coyote Breeds were smart enough as it was, Jacob thought furiously, they didn’t need to get smarter.

“Figure it out,” Jacob told him softly, his voice hard as he continued through the house, secure that Faith was covering his back. “Now!”

“We’re on it. ” The link was broken when Jacob switched back to the private channel with Faith.

“What’s going on, Jacob?” Her voice was suspicious as they went through the lower level of the house.

“I don’t know yet,” he grunted. “Just stay behind me, and stay ready. I don’t know what tripped the alarm but I want to be sure nothing got in the house. We’ll check every room. ”

* * * * *

The house was clear. There were no breached windows, no sign of trespassers. Faith moved carefully behind Jacob, her back to his, her eyes covering every inch of the rooms they moved through. They finally ended back up in the living room, where Jacob hit the switch that closed dark shades over each window and left the interior gloomy, intimate.

“So. ” She turned to him, wanting answers now. “Exactly what mission are you on right now, Jacob, and who the hell were you talking to when you switched over on the comm. link?”

Chapter Seven

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