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Faith cried out, her neck bending further to grant him greater access as the hand holding his wrist applied pressure, trying to push it from her abdomen to between her thighs.

“You did have a choice,” she whispered, she could barely speak. She was breathing hard, heavy, her body was flaming, sensitized and aching almost painfully.

The anger and fury was dissolving beneath the onslaught of a fury of lust. She was shaking, needing so desperately she didn’t know if she would survive the ache.

“God, Faith, you feel so good. You taste so good,” he whispered, his own breathing rough, heavy. His chest rose and fell hard beneath her head, his tongue stroking over the small, sensitive scar he had left below her neck. “I want to mark you again. I need to, Faith. ”

His voice was desperate, so hot and dark she could only melt against him, a prisoner of her body’s needs, held by chains of arousal so strong, so hot she could only tremble against him.

She felt the scrape of his teeth, the sharp canines as they rasped over her skin, sending sensual daggers of erotic sensation through her body. She knew what was coming, remembered with perfect clarity the all-consuming, raging lusts that would fill her body. Sharper, more intense than even the needs that tormented her now.

Emotions she had so long denied, swamped her now. Her chest tightened with them, her flesh prickling with enjoyment at his touch. She was weak, too weak to fight him, and her own body.

“No,” she whispered her denial of such tormenting sensations even as her neck arched for another scrape of his teeth, and her hand bore down on his to push it closer to her tormented cunt.

His hand slid in further, beneath the edge of her silk panties, glancing over the honey-slick, bare lips of her pussy. She arched on her tiptoes to get closer, feeling the heated rasp of his fingers over her clit.

“More,” she whispered.

He growled, breathing hard, fighting the same battle she was for oxygen amid the growing, painful arousal rising between them.

“I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to take you, Faith, and show you all the things I could not before,” he promised her heatedly, his fingers sliding through the slick, honey coated slit. “You’re so hot,” he panted at her ear, nipping at the lobe as she bucked against the pad of his hand. “So hot and sweet you burn me alive. ”

“It’s too much,” she cried out, barely able to breathe, her body no longer her own, uncontrolled, riding a crest of pleasure that terrified her.

She could feel her vagina spasming, her juices leaking from her entrance, coating his fingers, soaking her panties. She wanted more. She needed relief for the overwhelming hunger now attacking her body.

His fingers moved further. Faith lost her breath as she felt one circling the entrance to her vagina, spreading the thick cream of her arousal, teasing, taunting her.

“Please—” her whispered entreaty became an agonized gasp of pure sensation as he penetrated the entrance to her burning core.

Jacob groaned at her ear. She felt his finger filling her, pushing inside her, hard and hot. She was trembling, her knees weakening, her breathing loud and rough in the silence of the room. Oh God, it was better than she had ever thought it could be. Hotter, more intense, searing her from the inside out. Oh hell, control. Where was her control?

“Mine,” he growled at her ear, his tongue laving the lobe with a slow, sensual sweep. “My woman. My mate. ”

The words penetrated her dazed senses slowly as his hand moved from her soaking flesh to push at her loose pants.

“No. ” She shook her head in dazed rejection, denying his claim. If he claimed her now, took her, she knew she would never survive another desertion.

“Yes,” he snarled at her ear, ignoring her weak attempts to keep him from lowering the material over her hips.

He was claiming her. Taking her over. Anger surged through her once again. She couldn’t allow him to do this. If she let him claim her now, she would never escape the hold he thought he should have on her.

“Stop. ” Gathering her strength, Faith pushed away from him roughly, fighting not just Jacob and his lust, but herself as well.

Moving jerkily, her flesh protesting loudly at the separation from Jacob’s body, Faith quickly put several feet between them, watching him closely. He looked intent, dangerous. Brooding sensuality stamped his features, giving him a dark, erotically dangerous look. That look speared through her womb, causing it to clench almost painfully.

“Faith, you are mine,” he breathed in roughly. “You know this—”

“I belong to no one, Jacob. ” Amazement and anger surged through her. “You cannot just decree this, you and Wolfe, after six years, stinking of other women, and claim your rights as a mate. I will not allow it. ”

She shook her head, unwilling or perhaps unable to understand his assurance he could just take her.

“You want me as well, Faith. You cannot deny it,” he began to advance on her, his body tense, ready to spring.

Breathing hard, Faith watched him warily. If he touched her again, if he drew her to him, she would not be able to resist him further.

“Jacob, I will not be forced into this,” she told him furiously. “You cannot order me to your bed, and I will not allow you to try. ”

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