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A second later Merinus’ doorknob turned. Aiming her weapon, Sherra watched coldly as it opened and the other woman stood framed in the doorway, shock widening her eyes at the gun Sherra had leveled at her. Just as quickly, the door closed, then locked.

Smart. Sherra smiled with cold determination. At least the other woman was safe. That was all that mattered. She could almost feel the waves of fury pouring from the other room now. Whoever was in there had seen Merinus’ escape back into her room as well.

A second later three loud reports sounded from Merinus’ room. The gunshots were a clear signal to any Breed within hearing distance. The bastard might have taken out the guards in the house, and those on the grounds, but there was no way he could have gotten them all. She heard a curse, soft, filled with menace, and aimed her gun at the approximate height to severely wound rather than kill. There was only two ways out of that room, the window or the door. But she wasn’t expecting what stepped from the room.

Roni came first, closely followed by the chauffeur/nurse who had come in with the Lawrences several

days before. There was a smug victorious smile on the man’s face as he held the gun to Roni’s temple and kept her carefully in front of him.

“Very lucky,” he grunted. “But not quite good enough. ”

He faced Sherra with malicious contempt.

“So where’s the kid? She wasn’t in her room or with her guard. ”

Sherra kept her expression cold and her gun ready. “If I knew, I wouldn’t tell you. ”

His beady eyes glittered with fury. “Drop the gun or I’ll kill her. ”

Sherra shook her head as she allowed a mocking smile to curl her lips. “No way. And if you kill her, you’ll fall in the next second. ”

He wasn’t nervous. He was cold, calculating. He had Roni by the hair, a tenuous grip at best, his gun at her temple. Sherra’s eyes met Roni’s. She could see the resignation in the other woman’s eyes. Somehow he had taken out their men. Sherra wasn’t certain how he could have managed to do it, but he had.

“Well, we could consider it a standoff. ” He smiled slowly, like a viper preparing to strike. “You think that warning is going to get help here in time? I made sure your boys were out for several more hours. The best. ” He grunted sarcastically. “They were easy, Sherra. ”

Sherra shrugged lightly. “Seems you forgot about me, though. I’m not so easy. ”

Her gaze met Roni’s. The other woman moved her eyes up to indicate the hand holding her hair, then quickly looked to the floor. God, could she pull it off? She did it again, frantically. Up, then down. Was she going to drop?

Sherra angled her weapon at Roni’s head. If the other woman didn’t move fast enough… She swallowed tightly.

Suddenly, Roni dropped. His gun went off the same second Sherra’s did. The bullet dropped the wouldbe assassin immediately as she ran to him, kicking the gun aside before dropping beside Roni.

“Bastard!” Roni came up like a demon, lips curled back, fury lighting her eyes as she kic

ked the fallen would-be assassin.

Merinus’ door flew open at the same time feet pounded on the stairs and male voices began to scream out in fury. It was chaos.

Kane, Callan, Taber, more than a dozen Feline guards and Seth Lawrence rushed into the hallway.

“Are you happy now, Mr. Lawrence?” Sherra snarled in his face as Taber rushed for his wife. “Was it worth it?”

He stared down at the chauffeur, his gaze somber, filled with misery before it went to his sister. Regret flickered in his eyes.

“No, Miss Callahan, it wasn’t. ” But he didn’t take his eyes off his sister.

“Sherra, you didn’t kill him,” Kane said in surprise as he stood up from the fallen body. “Flesh wound. ”

“Not yet,” she snapped as she turned back to him. “I want to know who hired him first. Then I’ll kill him. ” She stared back at Kane with brutal fury. “This time, Breed Law will be enforced. ”

She turned and marched back to the room where Cassie awaited her. Pulling the closet door open she knelt in front of the sobbing girl, her heart clenching. Cassie didn’t make a sound, but her shoulders were shaking violently as she held her teddy bear close to her.

“Come on, Cassie. It’s all over now,” Sherra whispered as she picked her up.

“I want my momma. ” The heartrending sobs came then. “I want my momma now. Now. If you don’t get my momma I’m gonna bite all of you. I will. I will…” She buried her head in Sherra’s shoulder, her arms wrapping tightly around her as her sobs tore through the room. Sherra turned back to Kane, tears filling her own eyes as he watched her with quiet pain.

“Come here, Cassie. ” Callan moved to Sherra’s side, his wife staying close beside him as he eased the little girl from his sister’s arms.

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