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“You were arguing. I was disagreeing,” he pointed out, his voice less than patient as he pushed her shirt over the full mounds of her breasts. “And I have finished disagreeing and will now begin feasting.” Her cunt throbbed at the sound of his voice, her nipples aching as his head lowered. Roni watched, seeing the sudden sensual fullness of his lips as they opened, his tongue as it curled around the stiff peak first, searing it with a blistering pleasure.

“Oh God, Taber.” She couldn’t stop her desperate moan as his mouth then covered the engorged tip.

His tongue swirled with wet heat around the sensitized bud, his mouth drawing on her, cheeks flexing.

Roni couldn’t help but watch. It was the most sinfully sensual sight she had ever seen. His dark face flushed with arousal…for her. It was for her. His attention solely on the pleasure he took from suckling her nipple, the pleasure he gave was nearly orgasmic.

His hand held the sensitive flesh, pushing the mound higher, intensifying her sensations as his tongue stroked over the elongated tip. She could feel her juices gathering from within her suddenly clenching vagina then spilling past the narrow channel, coating the rapidly sensitizing lips of her cunt. Her clit ached, pulsed in time to the rhythmic suckling of his mouth.

He moaned against her, the sound vibrating along nerve endings that screamed out for relief.

“Delicious.” He lifted his head, her nipple falling from his mouth with a smooth, moist popping sound.

“Come here, baby, let me undress you. I’ll show you…”

“Taber, I need you back in here if you have time.” Callan’s voice called through the courtyard. “We’ll be waiting for you in the office.”

The intrusion was like a bucket of ice water, sweeping over Roni as she stiffened in Taber’s arms, her eyes widening in alarm. She couldn’t believe she had forgotten about the inhabitants of the house. How easily they could step outside and be witness to the erotic loveplay behind the shelter of the thickened foliage surrounding them.

“Dammit, he left me the hell alone while you were in heat,” he muttered. “Now he’ll be interrupting me every damned chance he gets.”

“What?” She shook her head as she moved quickly from his lap, jerking her shirt back over her breasts.


Taber winced as he stood, the ridge of his erection pressing thick and hard against the front of his jeans.

“I did it to him.” He shrugged with an unapologetic grin. “We all did. Hell, still do if we get the chance.

He gets irritated.” There was a shrug to his powerful shoulders, an almost lighthearted grin that tugged at her heart.

How often had she seen such a smile on his face? His eyes were almost glowing with humor, his lips tipped into a comfortable smile. Boyish. Amazement washed over Roni as she realized what was so different about this smile, this look. She had never seen it on his face before, had never known him to relax enough to allow any playfulness out.

“I wish he had just kicked you, instead of waiting to punish me as well,” she sighed roughly. “Go on, do whatever you were going to do. I want to sit here for a while.” She sat back down on the bench, her knees weak, her heart beating roughly as she stared up at him.

God help her, he was too handsome for words and she was terrified of losing him again. Maybe this time, permanently.

“I’ll be back soon.” He knelt in front of her then, his gaze meeting hers as he placed his palm against her lower stomach. “Stay in the house, Roni, until I can get back. Take care of our baby.” Static pleasure washed over her body at the sound of his voice. It was husky, deep, caressing her nerve endings like a physical touch. But even more than the husky throb of his words was the unvoiced emotion behind them.

“You can’t be sure.” She shook her head, confused by the shifting awareness that she felt.

It wasn’t just the lessening of the unnatural arousal; it was the acceptance within herself. She was learning it wasn’t so much her body that couldn’t stand life without Taber; it was her heart, her soul.

How bleak and empty her life had been before he made her live again. Made her fight, made her learn to be who she was. In a few short days, he had given her the very things she had longed for the most: his heart to nurture, his soul to protect, his body to enjoy and love to her heart’s content, and a family. With Taber and the child they had created she had all she had ever dreamed of.

“I can smell the changes in your body,” he whispered. “Just as I could smell your heat, I can smell our child. Do you have any idea the pleasure that brings me, Roni? I, who had nothing, no one to call my own in all the years of my life, now have not only you, but the child we’ve created together.” She could see the hopes and the fears that filled him at that moment. He stared at her, everything he was, everything he dreamed, reflected in the brilliance of his eyes. His brows lowered, his expression becoming intent, fierce. Then he lowered his head, his body bending further until he could place his lips where his hands had been.

Roni gasped as her fingers gripped his shoulders, his arms going around her, holding her close as he pressed his face into her lower stomach. He was so strong and sure in her arms, bending to her, his attention on the child he knew was forming within her.

“I love you, Roni.” The words could only barely be heard but they nearly stopped her heart with emotion. “Know that. For years I have longed for you. Loved you. You complete me…” He didn’t give her time to answer him. No time to accept the emotion he whispered against her flesh. He rose quickly to his feet and stalked away from her. No kiss. No touch. No chance for her to reject what he had given her. As though she could ever reject him.

Roni lowered her head as she fought her tears, fought her own steadily rising emotions. No matter how much she feared the consequences, she loved him. Had always loved him. But damn if he wasn’t too stubborn for words.

Chapter Thirty-Three

“Did you think you could hide from me forever, girlie?”Reginald’s voice was a serrated intrusion into the peaceful atmosphere of the mansion’s living room.

Roni knew she should have expectedReginald to do something stupid. He had never been the smartest man she had ever known but she hadn’t expected him to be one of the dumbest either. Actually, she hadn’t thought he would be inventive enough to slip past the Feline Breeds on guard while Taber was out of the house, but he did.

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