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“Annie looks really uncomfortable,” he noted. She always seemed so at ease in her skin, but not tonight. The changes were subtle—she was a blank canvas while she played—but Nate could tell the difference. She fidgeted on her stool; her shoulders were curved over her cards, her muscles tensed. Her gaze darted back and forth around the table, watching the other players.

“Maybe she’s nervous about spying for us. It might be too much pressure for her. What if—” A loud hiss of static interrupted Gabe. He frowned, looking down at the control panel and hitting a few buttons without improvement.

“What’s wrong?”

“Something’s wrong with the wire. We’ve lost the feed. It must have gotten disconnected.”

Nate was glad they were doing this today and not in the middle of tournament play. “I’ll go pull her aside and adjust it.”

By the time he reached the poker table, Tessa was out. She hovered beside Annie, watching her play with intense study.

Nate had watched them on the black-and-white monitors but hadn’t fully appreciated the differences between the sisters until he saw them in person.

They were like night and day. Annie was dark and exotic, Tessa, pale and delicate. They had the same lush curves and straight, shiny hair, but they obviously had different fathers.

Annie had never mentioned a stepfather. Come to think of it, she hadn’t mentioned a father at all. Or any family aside from her sister and mother. Of course, this morning she’d practically had to drag information about his family out of him. He normally didn’t talk about his mother. Some details of life were better left out of the conversation.

He took a few steps until he was almost touching Annie. Tessa turned briefly, looking him over with the same deep blue gaze as her sister, but didn’t acknowledge him aside from the quick, appraising glance. Her disgust was poorly hidden as she turned back, disinterested, to watch Annie play.

It was unnerving to see such animosity coming from eyes so like Annie’s. Nate hadn’t really anticipated that kind of hostility from her family. What could she have told Tessa about him? He didn’t bother to ask; instead, he leaned in to press his chest against the back of Annie’s stool.

She stiffened at his touch for a moment before realizing who was behind her and why. “I was wondering where you’d gotten off to. Working, no doubt?” She didn’t turn but leaned back ever so slightly against him.

The scent of her shampoo and spicy perfume mingled to tickle his nose. The heat of her body penetrated his suit and almost made him forget why he’d come down here. “Apparently, I’m the only thing around here that works,” he hinted. “When you finish this hand, we need a private moment.” He leaned in close to her ear so Tessa couldn’t hear. “For adjustments.”

Annie nodded softly and waited for her turn, tossing a few chips into the pot and causing an older gentleman across from her to shift nervously in his seat. He folded. Another man beside Annie groaned as the river card was laid out. He obviously hadn’t mastered his bluff. Annie didn’t react at all.

Tessa stood silently, watching, attempting to somehow absorb her sister’s skill through sheer concentration. She still didn’t look at Nate but for the occasional sideways glance.

He leaned in, pressing his warm lips to the sensitive hollow under Annie’s ear. He left a soft kiss that sent a shudder through her body before whispering, “Are you going to introduce me to your sister?”

At that, he could feel Annie’s muscles tense under his hands. She hesitated, trying to focus on the game for a few seconds more. The other player folded at last, allowing her to claim the pot and shift her attention. She turned on her stool to face them.

“Nate, this is my baby sister, Tessa. Tessa, this is...” She paused, struggling to form the words on her lips. “My husband, Nate.”

He extended a hand and Tessa warily accepted it. “A pleasure to finally meet some of Annie’s family.”

Tessa nodded, her expression smug for some reason. “Well, don’t hold your breath to meet Mom anytime soon. I may be the only family you ever get to see before this is done.”

“Well,” Annie interjected, sliding from her bar stool, “I’ll see you at the party, Tessa. Nate and I have to tend to something.”

“Okay. I’d better get upstairs and get ready for tonight.”

Annie waved off her sister without a second glance. “Sorry,” she muttered once Tessa was gone. She gathered up her winnings slip to take to the cage. “She thought I lost my mind the first time. The idea of us getting back together now is pure insanity to her.”

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