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I grit my teeth. Rising to his bait will only heighten the tension between us because Sebastian is fire and passion rolled into one impossibly gorgeous, unstable male. Movement catches my attention, and a glance over his shoulder reveals his gorgeous subject standing in the doorway of his studio, her body wrapped in a black satin sheet.

“Are you coming back, Sebastian?”

The very essence of her is sinful, and I’ve never envied another woman until now. Her attention shifts, and when I follow the direction of her gaze, I find Liam standing in the shadows of the hall, arms crossed and mouth grim with displeasure.

Chapter Nine

Dinner is unbearable. Tense and silent—only the scrape of flatware on china breaks the disquiet. He said he’s not upset with me.

Sebastian’s the target of his anger.

But deep down, I don’t believe him.

“Why did you want to see me in the library today?”

For the first time since we sat down at the table, his eyes flick up to meet mine. “Heath needs to fit you for your crown.”

I blink. “What crown?”

“It’s Heath’s gift to you. There will be a coronation after the auction.”

His words are a stark, painful reminder that my days with him are numbered.

“I rescheduled the meeting. He’s coming to the penthouse tomorrow.” He gives me a pointed look. “You need to be on your best behavior.”

“Okay.” I go back to pushing manicotti around my plate.

The ensuing seconds eat away at my composure, and I tap my heel against the floor. The food is flavorless as it slides down my throat.

“I can’t stand the thought of them touching you.”

Startled by his confession, I raise my gaze to his. “I can’t stand it either.”

With the exception of one.

The tick in Liam’s jaw tells me he knows it too.

“You’re attracted to him.” Not a question, but a fact that sketches jealousy across his face.

“I’d rather be here with you than with anyone else.”

“You only say that because my brothers are unknown territory to you. You’re scared of the unknown.”

That’s probably true, but there’s no denying my attraction to Liam, or the connection I feel with him. It’s been there from the beginning.

More silence stews between us.

Heavy with the things we’ve said.

And the things we don’t.

“Tomorrow’s my birthday.” His announcement fractures the spiraling tension, offering a welcome change of subject.

“How old will you be?”


“Do you have plans to celebrate?”

“All of them involve you and the many things we shouldn’t do.”

“Why shouldn’t we?” I ask, barely breathing.

“I’m not a patient man, Novalee. You’ll leave my house in a few days, and I won’t be allowed to touch you for the next eleven months.”

“But you’re the chancellor.”

“Yes, my word holds the most authority on policy and business decisions, but the Brotherhood’s contract regarding you is outside the scope of that. My only advantage is having you first.”

I gnaw on my lip, afraid to voice my next question. “What happens if you do…touch me…when I’m under someone else’s authority?”

“Touching you without permission?” He rakes his fingers through his hair. “Corporal punishment, at the least…”

“And at most?”

“My right to bid in the auction could be revoked.”

My mind flashes to yesterday when Sebastian had me against the wall. “Is that why you’re furious with Sebastian? Because he touched me?”

“He crossed a line, but he didn’t engage in a sexual act with you.” He pauses a beat, fingers tapping his annoyance on the table. “That’s me showing my penchant for jealousy.”

I like that he’s jealous. It’s a shameful thing to admit, even to myself. “What constitutes a sexual act?”

“Jesus,” he mutters, letting out a breath. “Touching your breasts or other intimate areas, kissing, using you for pleasure…” He raises his eyes to the ceiling as if praying for fortitude. “Straight up sex.”

“Liam.” The softness of his name on my lips brings his focus back to me, and I feel my face redden with heat. “I want those things with you.” It’s a brazen confession—one I can’t believe I put into words.

“If I touch you…really fucking touch you…I don’t know how I’ll keep my hands to myself until the auction.”

Dinner is forgotten between us on the table, cold and tasteless. The only thing I want to taste is him. I pull up the memory of his cock in my mouth, and the resulting ache is so intense that I squeeze my thighs together.

“What’s going through your head?” he asks as if he senses the direction of my thoughts.

“That first day in the library, when I was on my knees…” I pause, hesitant to continue. “I was thinking of how I’ve wanted to do it again.”

Muttering a curse, he stands. “You can’t help but tempt me.” He picks up our plates and heads toward the kitchen where Selma waits, out of earshot to give us privacy. “I have some work to finish before bed. You should get some sleep too.”

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