Page 31 of The Bodyguard

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“Why would I wanna do that? This is so much more fun.” She flipped up the bottom of the shirt and showed me her ass before making her escape under the pretense of setting the outside table.

I’m gonna have to keep my eye on her, she seems a little squirrelly to me. I’m serious about that acting shit though. She keeps catching me out there and I’m strung way too tight to play around with this shit. Plus it’s too new for me to have my footing and I feel like a newborn calf. Shit, I need some pointers here.


Dinner was an exercise in fuckery. I saw yet another side to her. Playful, carefree and full of spunk this one. She had a million questions all of which I answered truthfully while digging into her shit.

There were a few times I thought she was evading my questions, but she did that shit so expertly that it seemed that I was over reacting.

“You mind telling me why you’re not more spooked about this stalker situation?” I decided to come right out and ask since it was always that one issue she seemed to skirt around. She shrugged her shoulders and refused to make eye contact and my guts tied itself in knots.

“No reason. I figure everybody else is already freaking out as it is, no point in me adding to the drama.”

“You do know that that shit makes no sense right. I’ve seen the shit this asshole wrote to you, you can’t tell me it doesn’t bother you.” I watched her carefully and my suspicion only grew.

In the beginning I hadn’t paid too much attention to the way she seemed almost removed from the shit as dangerous as it is. It was easy to brush it off weeks ago, to find excuses for her behavior.

But I’d come to know her and the shit didn’t jive. Not that I wanted her to be spooked out of her fucking mind, she had the right amount of caution, but there was something missing.

“Do you know or suspect who this might be Tara?” She shook her head and took a healthy gulp from her water glass. Lying ass. If this turned out to be some good ole farm boy from back home I’m gonna skin his ass right after I tan hers.

‘Tell me more about this Kevin guy you dated in high school.”

“Kevin? Please, he wouldn’t harm a fly. No, Kev’s married with a cute little baby girl. We ended on friendly terms. It was never that serious between us. He was just someone I hung out with at the local Dairy Queen when the mood struck.”

Say what now? That did not sound like the guy she gave her virginity to and it was burning a hole in my tongue to ask more. She’s not the type to be so blasé about something like that, and her answer only left me with more questions than answers.

“You call him Kev?” Seriously Hunter? Which size panties are you wearing here? She stopped with the fork halfway to her lips with a look of surprise on her face and laughter in her eyes.

“That’s what I’ve always called him. I knew him since I was like three.” She ate her pasta and tried to hide her smile. Somehow I still didn’t like the softness in her voice when she talked about this asshole.

“When’s the last time you saw him?” Maybe I’ll figure out how to not let her go home since this fucker still lives there. Do you hear yourself? Didn’t I tell you to get fucked?

Nothing like a private conversation with oneself, to lighten shit up. All day I’ve been doing this shit. It appears crazy isn’t ready to take a break in this bitch. “Well, when was it?”

“Last Thanksgiving. That’s the last time I saw him. We catch up by email sometimes but I don’t think his wife likes us being close, she feels threatened I think. But Kev and I are just friends.”

I was with the wife on this one and was trying to format the right words to put that shit out there when she zinged me. Fucking female, I’m beginning to think that innocent shit is a trap.

“So what are you gonna tell Zeta?” Nice way to change the subject. No worries, I’ll get back to that shit soon enough. “Tell ‘er about what? I think we said all we had to say to each other the other day.” She smirked and rolled her damn eyes at me.

“I don’t think so; you’re such a guy.”

“What do you want me to be a teenage girl?” She almost fell off her damn chair laughing.

“Very funny but no. I just mean that if she’s ever had feelings for you she won’t let things end like that, over the phone.”
