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Danny drops to a knee. “Marilyn, my Marilyn. I thought finding you was the true luck of the Irish, but now I know I was completely wrong. It wasn’t luck at all. It was destiny. We were meant to be together and you were meant to be mine. Mine and only mine…from the first moment you came into my life. And now that I’ve got you I’m never letting you go. You’re my love. My light. The best thing in my life. Now let me show you how much you mean to me and how much I love you forever.”

Time completely stands still and all I see is my man standing all the way down in the driveway holding open a tiny black, velvet box with a ring that’s so big and so sparkling I can see it from all the way up here.

“Yes!” I yell, wanting the whole world to know that I’m the happiest, and luckiest, girl to ever walk the face of the earth. I want to throw myself into his arms from all the way up here, and the best part is I know he’d catch me. But of course I don’t.

I turn and race down the stairs and out the front door, jumping when I’m still a few feet away from him.

Just as predicted he catches me…and doesn’t drop the ring.

“I’ve got you and I’m never letting you go.”

His lips meet mine and my eyes close as I melt into him I feel him slide the ring on my finger and suddenly everything makes complete sense.

“I love you,” he whispers into my ear.

“I love you.”

He kisses me hard as my parents both clap and one of their neighbors yells, “Woo-hoo!”

I say one of their neighbors but soon, whoever that person is will be my neighbor too. That’s how small towns work, and that’s why they’re so beautiful…just like his love for me.

I went back to Boston, the big city, to make it, but now I know the truth.

Right here in his arms is where I’ve truly got it made.




St. Patrick’s Day

I place the lightest pressure on the gas pedal and focus a heck of a lot more pressure on the aggressive kiss I place on my fiancée lips, before quickly looking back at the road ahead of me.

“We did it,” she says, turning to look out the back of the squad car at the parade floats behind us.

“You did it.”

Her arms wrap around my waist but she’s careful not to disturb my driving, which is important.

We’re the lead car in the entire thing. North Adams is a patriotic place, plus there needs to be a squad car up front, and I thought there was no one better to lead the charge than the woman who made it all happen.

“Thank you for everything. Thank you for believing in me.” She kisses me on the cheek and I feel myself harden and my chest swell with pride at the same time.

That’s what love’s all about. As a man I like to build things and achieve things and I always thought that was happiness. Now I know that’s not it at all. Happiness is giving other people the opportunity to achieve their goals and then watching them go out there and do it. And in my case, being able to be by her side while she does is absolutely priceless.

And we’re just getting started.

“Seems I’m not the only one who believed in you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I got a call this morning from some hot shot event management firm in New York asking who put together our parade this year.”

“That’s not possible,” she says jerking back in her seat before she pokes me in the ribs. “But thank you for being nice.”

“Apparently it is possible and it already happened.”

“I don’t believe you.” She shoots me a curious look, one eyebrow completely raised. “Our parade hadn’t even started this morning so they wouldn’t even know how it went until…now, actually.”

“We live in the time of drones and apparently someone flew one over the area where all the floats were staged. The kid made a video last night and uploaded it with the parade route.”

“Some kid did that?”

“Apparently so.” I conveniently leave out the part that that kid contacted me last year for an internship and we didn’t have anything for him then. Boy am I glad I saved his number. The idea of fighting crime with a drone sounds very futuristic, but it’s already here. Luckily we don’t have much crime in our small community, and luckier still that kid was still interested. And the five hundred bucks he got for eight hours wasn’t too bad for him either. Little does he know I would have paid more. The kid is a tech genius and he knew how to target the video and make ads so that the right people would see it on their YouTube feeds this morning. And now…here we are.

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