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“Wow, so New York is interested?”

“Very. I told them I’d give you the news right away and you’d call them.”

“Good, I hope they’re okay with a call.”

“What do you mean?”

“A call is all I can promise these days.”

“I’m sure they’ll want to meet you at some point. You are absolutely amazing in person.” I give her a quick wink which brings out that big smile of hers I love so much. “And of course I’ll go there with you so none of those guys try anything with you.”

“No way! After this ring you put on my finger they’d be crazy to try.”

“And if anyone ever does you just remind them that it’s in my power to lock them up.”

“Would you?”

“If they tried to harm you or harass you, you’re damn right I would. I don’t tolerate my woman having anything but good days every day. I don’t want so much as someone even being rude to you. But of course I’d never take my position for granted and break the law…I mean, well you know what I mean.”

“I got ya.”

“And I’ve still got that question for you. The one about going up to New York.”

“Ya know I was thinking and doing some research. A lot of this kind of work can be done online now. With Google maps and Skype and all the technological tools that exist it’s very possible.”

“So you’re saying you like being stuck here in this little town with me.”

“Love it.”

“Good, because that means we can get started on making another child.”

“Another child?”

“You’re already pregnant.”

“Oh, I am, am I?”

“Yes, you are. No way you’re not. We’re perfect for each other in every way. I know our first child is already in there.”

I reach my free hand over and place it on her stomach. Damn, I can’t be leaving it there too long because I already want to take her so bad. Just touching her in any way gets me so fired up, and always will.

“I’m not quite sure that’s how it works.” She giggles.

“It does with us.”

“You think so?”

“The most famous Massachusetts man the world has known chased after the second most famous woman named Marilyn years ago. I don’t have any desire to be famous or be president because I’ve already got the best life a man could ever wish for…a life with you.”

“Awww.” She hugs me again.

“Wait. Which Marilyn is more famous than Marilyn Monroe.”

“I’m looking at her.”

“Danny!” she playfully slaps me.

“Give it a few years. You’ll see.”

“She was a movie star and one of the most beautiful women the world has ever seen.”

“One of the most beautiful, but not the most beautiful. That title belongs to you…and you star in my dreams every night and in my life every day.”

Her hug gets tighter and my need gets more urgent.

“How much longer is this parade route?”

“What do you mean? We just got started.”

“Did we close any side streets too? Any detours?”

“Um…yeah. A couple streets up, why?”

I smirk. We’ve got a skeleton crew back at the station today and the whole town is out here.

“Car eight four two, over?”

“This is car eight four two,” comes over our comms.

“Need you to take the lead in the parade. Think one of my tires might be leaking air.”

“Roger that, captain. Will drop back and take open side streets and take the lead, over.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“There’s some forest just up there.”

“You’re worse than a horny sixteen-year-old going to some sort of make-out point.”

“Did you ever get to experience that?”

“You know the answer to that.”

“Exactly. And neither did I. Time to make up for lost time.”

“Are you gonna…frisk me officer?”

“If I’m lucky.”

“Well you do have the luck of the Irish.”

“The only thing that matters is that I have you.”

Car eight four two appears in front of us and I very carefully pull the car off the parade route and past some parade goers.

“Great parade, captain!”

“Thank her, not me,” I say, pointing to my woman. I’m so proud of her my chest hurts.

“Who is she?” someone yells.

“Mine. That’s who she is. Mine forever.”

I hit the lights and hurry down an empty street, making sure to be safe as Marilyn crawls up on my lap.

“We have to wait until we get to the spot.”

“If I distract you does that mean I get the reckless driving ticket or you?”

“It means you’re going to get frisked and cuffed after all.”

“You promise?”

“Just like that ring on your finger.”

She slips out of her jeans and slides her panties down too before making quick work of my belt and zipper.

I’m harder than my nightstick as she slides down my pole and I have to immediately pull over.

“Safety first,” she jokes, but her breathing is too heavy as is mine, and neither of us can even think about laughing.

“The only safe bet right now is that you’re going to be so full of my seed you have twins,” I manage to get out, breathing heavily as she bounces up and down on my rod.

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