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“Of course. Anything,” I say, swigging again. Damn, I need to get myself under control.

Right now all I can think about is how shitty of a friend I am. Mike confided his deepest secret in me no more than a month ago, and I saw up close and personal just how much of a relief that seemed to be for him, even though by revealing it he could go to jail for it himself. And all cops know that a cop in jail has a very short life expectancy. The bad guys will find out your backstory fast, and on the inside they’re experts on reading body language…they live and die by it. I can’t even imagine the things they’d do to him and then how they’d make sure to take his life in the worst way possible.

And what if someone he put away recognizes him? Then it would all go down that much faster.

Mike confided in me that years ago on a routine traffic stop he pulled over a guy who was a child molester, but somehow had been able to slide out of the system twice due to administrative errors. Twice!

Mike gritted his teeth and put his hand on his weapon, and the fucker smiled almost as if to tempt him. He wanted Mike to know who he was before Mike even saw his license and registration.

He was rubbing it in his face, and Mike wasn’t having it.

“Too bad ya’ll keep fuckin up down at city hall. You know it’s not safe to let all these creeps roam the streets of Boston.”

“License and registration!” Mike had called out, widening his stance as his nostrils flared.

“Right under here, officer.”

The male, I would never consider him a man, reached behind him into his back pocket, but he turned his body at an angle that Mike couldn’t really know for sure what he was doing and what he was about to pull out.

It was the last mistake that scumbag ever made. Mike was cleared of all wrongdoing and the man was in fact, carrying his license in his back pocket.

Mike told me he could never be sure what he had, but he knew he didn’t have a pistol in his pocket…there was just no way. A knife? Unlikely, but regardless Mike knew the dirtbag had nothing that could level up to a gun.

He smoked him anyways, and he had that brief moment of clarity before he pulled the trigger that he knew what he was doing. He knew he was finishing off that trash that city hall and the judicial system should have finished off years ago.

But the law is the law and he knew he was guilty of murder.

I told him what he did was right, and that we have over seven billion people on the planet anyway…the world can certainly do without one less piece of trash. What he did…well, I don’t hold it against him one bit.

Although I do believe in following the law to a T 99.9% of the time, there is always that .1% where you may just have to deliver your own justice, especially when it comes to someone who didn’t learn their lesson the first two times they basically won the lottery.

“Wait,” Mike says, taking a swig of his own beer. He pulls the glass bottle away and I see his expression has gone from concern to a big smirk.

“You little rascal. It’s a woman, isn’t it?”

“Nah, you know me. I’m married to the badge.”

“Bullshit!” He playfully punches me. “You were married to the badge but not anymore. Michelle was right.”


“Yeah, she told me five minutes after you arrived that you’d met someone very special.”

I just about swallowed my tongue, my mouth dryer than the Sahara. Did Marilyn say something?


“Yeah. She said she could see it in your face. You know how women know that kind of stuff. Hell, I can’t even find my granola bars in the pantry when they’re right in front of my face, but my woman can tell me where every single thing I own is located at all times. Women…they just know stuff, man. It’s crazy.” He takes another swig. “Okay, then. You don’t have to tell me, but don’t be surprised if I do a little personal police work of my own…play detective and try and get to the bottom of this case. If someone out there was special enough to take down the might Captain Doyle? Well, I’ve got to meet her. That’s for damn sure.”

I don’t say anything, just take another swig but my nervous actions are only giving me away that much more.

“I’m just teasing you, man, but if you really did find someone you care about that much, and it sure looks like you did, then I’d go for them with everything I had, regardless of what anyone else might think. Heck, Michelle even says she can see that this is more than just an important woman. She said this is most definitely love.”

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