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‘What do you know about her life?’

‘Quite a lot. She’s very chatty in the stables. Really down-to-earth and normal.’

And clever, Zafiq thought grimly. ‘You’re infatuated with her blonde hair and her blue eyes, Rachid. Don’t let that blind you to who she really is.’

‘Perhaps you are the one who is blind to who she really is.’ Rachid spoke quietly. ‘She’s a really sweet, kind girl.’

Zafiq looked at him closely, suddenly questioning why Rachid appeared instantly more grown-up and mature. He’d gone from boy to man in the space of a few weeks. Reflecting on the possible explanation for a change within that time frame, Zafiq felt a chill spread through his body.


‘Just how far has your relationship with her gone?’

Rachid straightened his shoulders. ‘That’s none of your business.’

‘Answer my question.’

‘She isn’t interested in me, but if she were—’ Rachid broke off, and Zafiq made an impatient sound, engulfed by a tornado of emotions, none of which he cared to examine too closely.

‘You could not find a less suitable woman than Bella Balfour if you searched the planet. She is bold, out spoken, fearless.’ Catching Rachid’s stunned expression Zafiq realised that he’d done nothing but list her qualities. ‘And she’s emotional,’ he added swiftly. ‘Dealing with Bella is like dealing with a child. She shows no restraint. She has no idea how to behave.’

‘That’s what I find so refreshing,’ Rachid said earnestly. ‘One of the draw backs of our position is that people are afraid to be them selves around us. Don’t you find that, Zafiq? Bella is always herself. She says what she thinks. She isn’t afraid to challenge authority if she disagrees with something.’

Remembering all the ways she’d challenged his authority, Zafiq gave a low growl.

‘Enough talk about Bella Balfour!’

It was time he paid a visit to the stables.

Her limbs aching from another long day, Bella collapsed in the straw that lined Amira’s box.

The mare lowered her head and blew on her gently and Bella gave a groan and closed her eyes. ‘I’m so tired I could die. It’s riding that great brute Batal that finishes me off. He’s all muscle and I’m so worried that someone is going to recognise me that I can’t relax. Every time I ride him out, Hassan has to go and hide. It’s completely ridiculous that I can’t just ride as myself. I shall be glad when this stupid race is over. I’m only doing it for you, you know that, don’t you?’

Clearly oblivious to the enormous sacrifice being made for her, Amira started to munch hay and Bella smiled sleepily.

‘Ungrateful beast.’

She was drifting off when she heard the unmistakable crunch of a footstep in the yard outside.

Her senses on full alert, Bella sat up. Heart pounding, palms sweaty, she reached through the straw and closed her fingers around the heavy stick she’d buried there just in case.

They’d come for Amira.

Where were the guards that Zafiq had posted in the yard?

And then she remembered that the guards at the stables near the Retreat had been paid to be absent at the crucial moment.

Amira continued to eat and Bella stood slowly, holding her breath, careful to make no sound. She looked at the beautiful mare—the horse that meant so much to the people of Al-Rafid—and felt the full force of responsibility.

Once again she was all that stood between Amira and them.

Last time she hadn’t known the risk she was taking. Now she knew, and she was horribly conscious that she was no match for a group of organised criminals.

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