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Breathing harshly, he bent his head and teased her nipple, flicking gently with his tongue and then drawing her into the heat of his mouth. Tortured by an almost intolerable excitement, she gasped and stretched her arms above her head, writhing frantically in an attempt to free her body of the sexual need that threatened to consume her.

Refusing to give her the release she craved, he continued to torment her, his strong hand stroking her stomach lightly as he used his mouth on her breasts.

She shifted her hips, aware of his hand resting on her stomach and wanting it lower…

Finally, finally when she thought she was going to explode with frustration he moved his hand and found the moist, warm centre of her longing.

Feeling him touching her so intimately, she lowered her arms and slid them down his smooth, muscled back, pushing impatiently at his shorts, wanting him naked.

With a smooth movement he dispensed with the rest of his clothes and she gasped in anticipation as he moved above her.

‘Look at me, Libby.’ His hoarse command penetrated her dazed brain and her eyes locked onto his, registering the raw need she saw there.

The eye contact just increased the closeness and intimacy of what they were sharing and when she felt him, hard and strong against the damp heat of her femininity, she wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling him with every centimetre of her quivering body.

He entered her with a smooth, demanding thrust that left her in no doubt of just how much he wanted her and she lifted her hips, encouraging him to thrust deeper still, until there was no knowing where he ended and she began.

He possessed her fully, mind and body, his eyes burning into hers as he thrust in a pagan rhythm that had her gasping and digging her nails into the powerful muscles of his shoulders.

It was the ultimate in sexual excitement, a connection so strong that she felt as though they’d be joined for ever, and she wrapped her legs around him, rocking, giving as much as he took.

Neither of them spoke, but the air was filled with the sensual sounds of their love-making. A soft gasp, a harsh groan and ragged, uneven breathing as his body increased the rhythm, creating an agony of excitement that propelled her towards completion.

She couldn’t look away from him. Even when her body exploded in a shattering climax that seemed endless, her eyes were locked on his, drawing him in, feeling him deep inside her both physically and mentally.

And even then he didn’t release her. He just slowed the pace, thrusting deeply, building the heat again until she was writhing against him, desperate for the faster, pounding rhythm that would propel her upwards again, towards the mindless ecstasy that she craved.

Finally, when she thought she couldn’t stand the sexual torment any longer, he shifted his weight, still staring deep into her eyes as he gave them both the exquisite satisfaction that their bodies demanded.

This time when she peaked she felt his body shudder within hers and felt the pulsing strength of him deep inside her. Her fingers tightened on his arms and she cried out his name, clinging to him in desperation as she tumbled headlong into paradise.

Gradually their breathing slowed and he rolled onto his back, holding her firmly against him, giving her no opportunity to distance herself.

She lay still in his arms, shocked by the explosion of pleasure that had rocked her entire body. Then she turned and gave him a weak smile. ‘I thought you said that you shouldn’t exercise when you’ve just eaten?’

He bent his head and kissed her. ‘That,’ he said slowly, ‘depends on the exercise.’

Libby stayed with her head on his chest, feeling the roughness of his body hair against her cheek and the steady thud of his heart. His wonderfully male smell teased her nostrils and she closed her eyes, not wanting the moment to end.

It just felt so perfect.

But it wasn’t. Nothing could be that perfect.

‘I better get some clothes on—’

‘No. This time you’re not going anywhere.’ He rolled her underneath him and stroked her damp hair away from her face. ‘Having communicated honestly through body language, this is the part where you speak and admit that you have feelings for me.’

Achingly aware of the weight of his body touching every part of her, she caught her breath. ‘Feelings?’

‘That’s right.’ He gave a lazy smile and shifted slightly.

‘What makes you think I have feelings?’ She gasped as she felt him against her. ‘It was just sex, Andreas.’

He chuckled and bent his head to kiss her again. ‘Ah. Back to ‘‘just sex’’ again. Tell me, Lib, how many times have you had sex like that before?’

‘Oh, you know—once or twice…’ She licked dry lips and tried to look casual but it was pretty hard because he was still lying on top of her and she could feel the hard muscle of his thigh wedged against hers.

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