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His deep voice was right next to her ear and her body heated. He sounded so sexy. Oh, for goodness’ sake. So the guy had a sexy voice. So what? She was being utterly pathetic.

She tried to shift further away from him but there was nowhere to go. ‘I’m tired because I’ve been working hard,’ she said sweetly, and he gave a knowing smile that infuriated her.

‘Of course you are. So, sleep, Libby.’

Libby closed her eyes tightly. She had absolutely no hope of sleeping, but at least if she closed her eyes she couldn’t see those dark eyes and that sexy mouth. She needed some rest if she was going to resist him.

And she was going to resist him.

No problem.

Andreas shook his head as the stewardess offered him more coffee. They’d been flying for three and a half hours and Libby had been asleep the whole time. At some point her head had flopped onto his shoulder and he’d turned slightly so that he could cuddle her closer and make her comfortable.

He was worried about how tired she looked.

Her cheeks were pale and there were shadows visible beneath her closed lashes. He vowed to make sure that she had plenty of rest when they reached their destination.

He still couldn’t quite believe that he’d managed to pull it off. He’d hoped that by picking her up straight from work with no warning she wouldn’t have time to think up excuses. And it had worked. With a great deal of help from Katy and Bev.

So now he had a week alone with her. One week to try and persuade her how right they were for each other.

Libby woke feeling warm and safe and then she realised that the person she was cuddling was Andreas and she sat bolt upright, pink with embarrassment.


Andreas made no comment. Instead, he shifted his shoulder slightly and reached across to look out of the window.

‘Look at that,’ he said softly. ‘Isn’t it fantastic?’

Still foggy-headed from sleep, Libby turned her head to look out of the tiny window and gave a gasp of delight.

Beneath them stretched perfect blue sea, twinkling in the sunlight as though someone had casually tossed a handful of diamonds into the waves. Tiny boats were just visible and she could see several pretty islands with sandy coves

‘It’s beautiful.’

‘It’s Greece.’ Andreas smiled with satisfaction as he settled back in his seat. ‘Still angry that I kidnapped you?’

Libby couldn’t take her eyes off the sea. She wanted to dive straight in and feel the cool water on her exhausted body. ‘I can think of worse places to be held hostage.’

‘The only thing holding you hostage is your inability to trust anyone,’ Andreas replied calmly. ‘I’m glad you slept. Our journey isn’t finished yet.’

Despite her qualms about spending the week with him, she felt suddenly excited.

Why shouldn’t she enjoy a holiday?

She could keep Andreas at a distance here as easily as she could on the ward.

‘Where exactly are we going?’

‘Crete. My home.’

A car was waiting for them when they landed and Libby stared in awe at the scenery that flashed passed.

‘It’s beautiful. How can you bear to leave it?’

He smiled. ‘The lure of British and American healthcare.’

‘Well, I think you’re mad. If this was my home I’d never leave it.’ Libby gave an enormous yawn and settled back in her seat. ‘Are we staying in your house?’

Andreas grabbed the bags and shook his head. ‘Yes. Although none of the rest of the family will be there. My mother is visiting my cousin who’s just had a baby and my uncles spend most of their time in Athens now.’

Libby shot him a wary glance. Would it be just the two of them?

Her heart lurched slightly but before she had a chance to question him further the driver had turned off the road and was driving down what was little more than a dusty track that led towards the beach.

Libby craned her neck curiously, wondering where they were going. Surely there couldn’t be a house here? Nothing was visible from the road.

And then the car turned a corner and she gasped.

A beautiful whitewashed villa nestled at one end of a beautiful bay, the sand stretching away from it to form a perfect crescent.

It was the most idyllic spot she’d ever seen and she turned to Andreas in amazement.

‘This is your home?’

‘I was brought up here,’ he told her, nodding to the driver as he retrieved the bags from the boot of the car. ‘But we spent a great deal of time in Athens, too. My father had business interests there. He hated leaving his family behind so we had a home there as well.’

‘You’re lucky,’ Libby said wistfully, and he looked at her keenly.

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