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She opened her mouth to speak but he was already out of the car, handing his keys to a man in a uniform and removing two bags from the boot.

Libby recognised one of the bags as hers.

She leapt out of the car, waiting while he paid the man and signalled for a porter.

‘You packed a bag for me?’ She stared at him incredulously and he shrugged.

‘Not exactly. I had some help. Katy told me she owed you a suitcase full of clothes.’


Libby groaned. ‘I switched the contents of her suitcase when she went abroad with Jago. Katy always insisted on dressing really conservatively to hide her looks so Alex and I gave her a completely new wardrobe. She didn’t know until she arrived in Spain and unpacked.’

Andreas laughed. ‘Well, it seems as though you’re not the only sister capable of being devious. And now we need to hurry or we’ll miss our flight.’

Libby ran her tongue over dry lips. ‘Andreas, I can’t just go away with you.’

‘Why not?’

Because she didn’t trust him.

Because she was trying to put some distance between them and she couldn’t possibly do that if they were together all week.

She opened her mouth to voice another protest but he was already striding towards the terminal building and she was forced to run to catch up with him.

‘All right, if you want a date, I’ll go on a date with you, but this is ridiculous.’ She was half running, half walking, but he didn’t slow his pace.

‘Why is it ridiculous?’ He shot her a smile and walked up to the check-in desk. ‘I always told you that my idea of a date wasn’t pizza. You just never asked what my idea of a date was. Well, this is it. We’re going to spend some time together, Libby. No more avoiding me. No more avoiding what we have together.’

She stared at him as he handed over the passports and checked in, infuriated that he wasn’t even giving her a chance to speak.

‘We don’t have anything together,’ she said in a low voice, blushing slightly as the girl behind the desk glanced curiously between the two of them. ‘It was just—’

‘If you’re about to tell me that it was ‘‘just sex’’,’ Andreas interrupted, ‘then I’d better warn you that the next time you say that I’m going to drag you behind the nearest pillar and prove you wrong. We both know that it wasn’t ‘‘just sex’’, Libby, so stop saying things you don’t mean.’

He tucked the passports into his jacket and walked towards the international departures area.

Her breathing was rapid and she felt totally out of control.

‘At least tell me where we’re going,’ she asked a little later.

He turned with a smile. ‘We’re going to Greece, agape mou. I’m taking you to my home.’


‘But where will we stay? What will we—?’

‘Stop worrying.’ He stepped up to her and covered her lips with his fingers to stop her talking. ‘You’re not in control any more. I am. This is my date, Libby.’

With that Andreas bent his head and kissed her gently, smiling when she gave a start and backed away.

She glared at him. ‘This isn’t a date. It’s kidnap. I could scream.’

His smiled widened. ‘If you scream, I’m going to kiss you senseless in front of an audience. Knowing what usually happens when we touch each other, are you willing to risk that, Libby?’

Her heart thudded against her chest. There was no way she wanted him to kiss her again. It was much too disturbing. Strange things happened when he kissed her. Her body burned and her brain ceased to be capable of logical thought.

So instead of screaming she just sighed and pretended to look bored. ‘A week is a long time with someone you don’t really know, Andreas. What happens when you find that you don’t enjoy my company?’

He laughed. ‘Libby, we both know that we’re crazy about each other. It’s just that you’re afraid to admit it.’

Crazy about each other…

Libby swallowed hard. ‘And you think I’ll admit it if I’m with you all week? Are all Greek men as arrogant as you?’

Was he really saying he was crazy about her?

He nodded, giving her a gentle push as they boarded the aircraft. ‘We’re an arrogant, chauvinistic race who know how to keep a woman in her place,’ he teased. ‘Now sit down and shut up. And preferably get some sleep. You’re exhausted.’

‘And whose fault is that?’ Libby muttered darkly, fastening her seat belt and wriggling further into her seat.

‘You’re saying that I’m the reason you’re tired?’

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