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Philip flinched. ‘I can tell that you’re angry and I can understand that you’d rather not go to the ball in the circumstances,’ he said stiffly. ‘It’s going to take you a while to get over this.’

Libby’s mouth fell open. ‘Believe me, I’m over it,’ she said acidly. ‘And as for the ball, I never said I wasn’t going. I’m definitely going. I’m just not going with you.’

Philip looked first taken aback and then horrified, obviously envisaging embarrassing scenes. ‘You’re never going to find anyone else to go with you at this late stage.’

Making an instantaneous decision, Libby flashed a dazzling smile at Andreas. ‘I’m going with Andreas.’

She stepped closer to him and gazed into his eyes with all the adoration of someone who’d met the love of her life. ‘You did manage to get the evening off, didn’t you, darling?’

Andreas didn’t hesitate. ‘Of course,’ he drawled, lowering his head and kissing her lingeringly on the lips.

Libby’s brain ceased to function and she melted against him. She forgot Philip and she forgot the ball. She forgot that she was determined to resist Andreas. She was aware only of sensation. Delicious, tantalising, brain-swamping sensation.

And then Andreas lifted his head.

He brushed her cheek with his knuckles and gave a lopsided smile. ‘Libby and I are hoping that there’ll be fireworks,’ he purred, laughter in his eyes as he looked down at her.

Stunned by the overwhelming chemistry between them, Libby flushed scarlet and Philip glowered at them both.

‘Well, if that’s the way you want to play it.’ He turned on his heel and strode briskly out of the ward without looking back.

‘You didn’t have to kiss me,’ Libby muttered, peering out of the room to make sure that Philip had left.

Andreas narrowed his eyes and surveyed her with all the lazy confidence of a man who knew he had the upper hand.

‘I was trying to make it convincing,’ he said helpfully, and she managed a scowl, even though her heart rate was still behaving strangely.

‘Don’t get any funny ideas, Dr Christakos. It’s no big deal. I just needed someone to go with and you happened to be standing there.’

A lazy smile settled on his handsome face. ‘Of course.’

‘If I don’t turn up, it will look as though I’m at home, pining for him, and I can’t have him thinking that.’

‘Of course you can’t.’

She glared at him. ‘This is not a date.’

‘Of course it isn’t.’

‘It’s just two colleagues on an evening out. Very platonic.’ She bit her lip. ‘No kissing or anything.’

His dark eyes gleamed with humour. ‘No kissing?’

‘Definitely no kissing,’ she muttered, dragging her eyes away from his and concentrating on finding the dressing packs she needed. ‘So, do you want to come?’ She bit her lip, wondering why on earth she’d invited him. Talk about torturing herself. ‘It’s in three weeks’ time. If you’re busy it doesn’t matter. I can ask someone else.’

Someone who didn’t kiss like him.

Someone who didn’t turn her brain to porridge.

He stepped closer and touched her flushed cheek with a lean finger. ‘I’ll take you to the ball, Cinderella, but I’m not promising to keep it platonic.’

Her stomach flipped over. ‘Andreas—’

‘Every time you see Philip, we seem to kiss,’ he pointed out with impeccable logic, ‘so we may as well both accept the way it’s going to be. If we’re spending a whole evening together and you’re intending to convince Philip that you’re over him, then I predict a significant amount of kissing.’

Libby closed her eyes.

What was she doing?

For a girl who was trying to avoid men, she was doing a pretty lousy job!

She suddenly decided that she needed an urgent talk with her sister.

Chapter 5

They were both on a late shift the following morning and met for a late breakfast in a café next to the river.

‘Hi.’ Libby dropped her bag onto the padded chair and stooped to kiss her sister. ‘You look knackered.’

Katy gave a wry smile. ‘Thanks for the compliment.’

Libby looked at her closely. ‘Are you ill?’

‘No.’ Katy dropped her eyes and rummaged in her handbag for her sunglasses. ‘Just tired.’

‘Hmm.’ Libby frowned and looked thoughtfully at her sister but before she could question her further, the waiter arrived to take their order. ‘Two regular cappuccinos, please. And a chocolate brownie. I’m starving.’

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