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‘United against a common enemy,’ she said quietly. ‘My father.’

‘We are not going to talk about that now.’

He cupped her face in his hands and the touch of those strong fingers on her skin made her go hot inside.

Was that really all it took? One touch. One touch and she was hopelessly lost. Suddenly all she wanted was more. Just how badly she wanted more was embarrassing to contemplate.

‘I moved Zahra into the room next to ours so that if she wakes we will hear,’ she said.

His finger traced her jaw. ‘That was thoughtful of you.’

‘And I met your cousin,’ Layla said desperately. ‘The one who manages this place. She is very impressive. And she was welcoming. I didn’t know you had business interests. Hassan has no idea you own this. No one does. No one knows you have a home here.’

‘Have you finished?’


Those dangerous dark eyes burned into hers. ‘You are chattering and I’ve never known you chatter before. You’re nervous.’

‘I’m not nervous.’

‘You can be honest with me. I want you to be honest.’

How honest? Was he waiting for her to admit she thought about him every moment of every day? Did he want her to say she just wanted to tear off his suit, his tie, his perfect white shirt and everything else he was wearing until the only thing between them was bare skin? What would he say if she confessed that night had become her favourite time? That she wished away every hour of daylight in the hope he might come to her?

‘I’m not nervous.’

He stared down at her—held her eyes with his as if he were drawing all her thoughts inside him so that he could read them and know every detail.

Terrified of what he’d find inside her head, Layla tried to pull away. But his free hand slid behind her back and he locked her against him with a strong arm.

She felt the hardness of his powerful body against hers and goosebumps raced down her spine.


‘My daughter is asleep,’ he said softly. ‘We should probably move this conversation to the bedroom so that we can hear her if she wakes.’

The bedroom.


Except that it felt so good being this close to him she didn’t want to move. Didn’t want him to let her go.

Fortunately when he did it was only briefly, and then he took her hand and drew her close to him as he led her from library to bedroom. She was aware of every movement he made. Aware that he shortened his stride to match hers, aware of the brush of his arm against hers as he stepped back to allow her through the door first, aware that he drew her closer as they passed the door of Zahra’s bedroom and the sleeping forms of the ever devoted Isis and Horus.

‘They are very protective of her.’ She followed him into his luxurious bedroom and he closed the door behind them.

‘It has been that way since she was a baby. I believe they would give their lives for her, but I am conscious that you are uncomfortable around them so I have given orders that they should not be allowed to roam freely.’

‘Zahra’s safety is more important than the fact I’m a little nervous with dogs. They must be allowed to do as they have always done.’

‘A little nervous?’

His eyes were gently mocking and she gave a half smile.

‘Terrified—there, I admit to being that pathetic.’

‘Not pathetic. Nothing about you is pathetic.’ His expression serious, he pulled her towards him. Tension shimmered between them. ‘You accused me of turning out the lights so that I didn’t know I was with you, but the lights are still on and if you want them turned off you’re going to have to say so.’ His eyes were dark on hers and the hunger she saw in him shocked and thrilled her.

‘I don’t want you to turn them off.’ She wanted to see him. All of him.

‘You’re sure?’

‘Yes.’ Just as she was sure if he didn’t kiss her soon she’d be the one to do the kissing. In fact she was close to doing just that when he cupped her face and lowered his head to hers.

His mouth was hot on hers, his kiss sure and clever, and just like every other time the explosion of sensation was instantaneous and all-consuming. Just like every other time her mind blanked. She felt dizzy with it, and the fact that this time there was no doubt he knew who he was kissing somehow intensified all those feelings.

As his mouth seduced hers she felt his palms on her shoulders, easing off the simple, modest dress she’d selected earlier that day, felt the skilled glide of his fingers down her spine. And this time, whatever happened to her, whatever she felt, she was determined not to close her eyes.

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