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‘A hotel?’ Trying to lighten the tense atmosphere, she managed a smile as she glanced in his direction. ‘I’ve always wanted to order room service. Is it a smart hotel?’

His eyes gleamed with amusement. ‘Very,’ he replied in his dark drawl. ‘It will be another new experience for you. And a new experience for their room service, I suspect. They’ve probably never come across anyone with an appetite the size of yours.’

‘It’s just so nice not to have to economize on food. But I’m actually not that hungry at the moment.’ Alesia wondered how anyone could feel sick and starving hungry at the same time.

His sharp gaze was suddenly searching. ‘You are still feeling ill? You do look very pale—’

She gave a self-conscious smile. ‘It’s been a tough day—seeing her lying there in that bed and then you turning up—’

He inhaled deeply. ‘I can’t believe the sacrifices you made for your mother—’

‘She’s my only family,’ Alesia said simply, turning back to look out of the window again, ‘and she made huge sacrifices for me too. She would have preferred me to stay with her but she sent me to boarding school because she thought that would give me my best chance.’

‘Your grandfather has a great deal to answer for,’ Sebastien said in driven tones and she shrugged helplessly.

‘It’s just the man he is. He’ll never change.’

Sebastien’s hard mouth tightened. ‘We’ll see.’

Their car stopped outside a back entrance to the hotel and within minutes they were inside Sebastien’s suite.

Alesia flopped on to one of the beautiful cream sofas in the living area and glanced around her in awe. ‘It’s amazing—’

‘Up until now I’ve just considered it somewhere to stay when I’m in London,’ Sebastien confessed, gesturing towards a phone with a sardonic gleam in his dark eyes. ‘Feel free to contact room service. I’m sure they’ll appreciate the challenge.’

Her sense of fun flickering to life, Alesia gave a giggle. ‘Can I order anything I like?’

‘Of course.’ He shrugged off his jacket and removed his tie and their eyes locked, the tension that had been simmering between them suddenly flaring to life.

She could see the hint of dark body hair visible at his throat and the breath jammed in her lungs. ‘Sebastien—’

‘I promised myself I was going to stay away from you,’ he groaned thickly, dragging her to her feet and framing her face with strong hands.

‘I don’t want you to stay away—’ Her heart was thudding against her chest and she gazed into his eyes with something approaching awe. ‘I still can’t believe it was you. You saved my life.’

‘A good move on my part,’ he murmured, delivering her a sexy smile as he lowered his dark head.

Without lifting his mouth from hers, he stripped her in a few economical movements and lifted her in his arms.

‘I can walk—’

‘I like to carry you,’ he said huskily, his dark head buried in her soft throat as he strode through to the bedroom.

‘You mean you like to dominate me,’ she teased, gasping as he dropped her on to the bed and came down over her with the arrogant assurance of a man who knew he was irresistible.

‘I love the fact that I am the only man who has ever done this to you—’ He kissed his way down her helplessly writhing body and proceeded to control her so completely that she lost her ability to think straight.

‘Sebastien, please, now—’

He slid a searching, clever finger deep inside her and she arched in shock at his erotic touch.

‘You are so hot,’ he groaned and she whimpered and shifted on the bed in mute desperation.

He continued to drive her wild, to ignore her tiny sobs and moans, subjecting her to almost impossible intimacies until she was totally at the whim of her body.

And when she thought she couldn’t stand it any longer he lifted her and sheathed himself deep inside her with an earthy groan.

Her eyes flew wide and her breathing stopped but then he flashed her a dangerously sexual smile and started to move. With each forceful thrust he drove her higher, capturing her soft gasps with his mouth, urging her forward until she wasn’t aware of anything except the explosive excitement building within her own body and his. When her climax hit it was so shockingly good that she clung to him, riding a tidal wave of delicious sensation so powerful that it threatened to engulf her.

He rolled on to his back and took her with him, smoothing her blonde hair away from her face with a gentle hand.

‘That was amazing—’ he muttered hoarsely. ‘The best sex ever.’

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