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“Why are you working with the triplets?” I demand as I throw my phone back into my purse. “Tell me.”

He sneers at me. “The triplets are working for me. Not the other way around. As soon as you accept the Morellis run the show around here, the better. I’d love nothing more than to drag you into my world and show you what darkness and power really look like. Don’t fucking tempt me.”

I shudder at his words. The filthy, devious intent is written all over his face. I’ve only got eyes for one villainous bastard. The rest can go to hell.

“Why?” Despite my trembling in fear, I don’t back down from my need for answers.

“Why not?” he throws back. “They want you, and I want Constantine. It seems the two of you are a package deal right now.”

I sense there’s more to it, but he’s not offering anything up.

“Are we done?” I seethe, glowering at him.

“Find out why he wants my building, and answer my call when it comes.”

“Heard you loud and clear the first time.”

He studies me long enough to have me withering under his hard stare, and then he nods. “Talk soon, pretty girl.”

I scramble out of the stall and the bathroom so quickly I nearly stumble over my feet. Rushing over to the elevator bank, I press on the button, hoping the doors will open soon.


I whip my head to the right, surprised to see Nate striding down the hall toward me. His expression is one of suspicion.

“What are you doing on my floor?” he demands.

I can’t control the shiver that rattles its way down my spine. “I, uh, accidentally got off on the wrong stop.”

He narrows his eyes, glancing past me down the hallway. “Since when do you not know the floor you work on?”

“Since today,” I snap back. “Jesus, Nate, I wasn’t paying attention. Get off my back already.”

He clenches his jaw. “Does Winston know you’re servicing more than just him?”

“What the hell does that mean?”

I can handle Nate wrongly thinking I’m fucking someone else because Winston knows that’s not true. What worries me is Nate finding out about Leo Morelli. Until I can figure out a way to get Leo off my back, I don’t need Nate meddling. He already hates me. If Nate found out Leo was manipulating me into getting information on Winston, there’s no telling what he’d say or do to put a wedge between us.

“We all know you’re nothing more than a gold-digging plaything who happens to have grabbed my best friend’s attention for a hot minute. Nothing more, Ash. Just a paid-for service.”

I smack his smug face as the elevator doors open. Storming inside, I try to ignore him as I stab the button to the correct floor. He follows me inside, rubbing at his cheek.

“He may not see things clearly at the moment,” Nate says, his voice low, “but I assure you, I’ll make sure he does before it’s all said and done. I won’t let you waltz in and fuck everything up because Winston is enamored by young pussy. I’ll expose you for everything you are and send your leech ass packing.”

I’m sick and tired of all these assholes threatening me.

“Does Winston know you try and chase away his young pussy every time he turns his back?” I grin when he flinches, since I clearly hit a nerve. “Stay the fuck away from me, and don’t ever threaten me again.”

“Or what?” he demands. “You’ll tell your sugar daddy on me?”

“That’s exactly what I’ll do.”

He grabs my bicep. “You’re the flavor of the month. I’m his friend since prep school.”

“You don’t warm his bed at night like I do,” I hiss, yanking my arm out of his grip, “which means this young pussy has the upper hand and pulls rank.”

Fury burns in his eyes. I’m saved by the opening of the elevator doors to our floor. I leave Nate behind, and stride through the lobby of the office, making a beeline straight for Winston’s door. I could tattle like Nate suspected I would, but I’m not about to make Winston choose between a lifelong friend and me. Besides, I’m not sure I could face it if he didn’t choose me like I so smugly insinuated he would if forced to. Contrary to what Nate thinks, I’m not trying to pull a fast one on Winston or get to his fortune. Sure, the money is nice, but I’m in too deep with Winston. Based on his fierce need to protect me and his damn near obsession when it comes to me, I’d like to say he feels the same. Even without the money to tether us together, we’d still be bound by an undeniable connection between us.

I have to believe that.

One thing’s for sure, though.

I’ve had enough of bossy assholes for one day.

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