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Alex does it. Why couldn’t I?

No. No stop this Grace.

There will be no babies. No baby making with Noah. Who was really good at what we would need to do to make babies.

Really good. Really . . . really good.

I wonder if she’d have green eyes or brown? She’d have brown hair for sure. And my chin and nose. Oh lord, I hope she got Noah’s eyebrows and eyelashes because I’d kill to have both. They are perfect.

Smiling, I glanced back at Bayli. What if I had a boy? He for sure would have his father’s handsome as hell good looks. I bet he’d be just like his daddy.

“Whatcha thinking about, Grace?” Alex asked as she sat next to me, pulling me out of my wonderful daydream.


“Uh-huh. Cause that goofy, happy look on your face as you gazed at my daughter was a look of nothing.”

Handing Bayli back to Alex, I stood up and laughed. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Listen, I need to go in and start thinking about flower designs for the wedding.”

Alex pinched her eyebrows together and said, “Whose wedding?”

“Mine of course! You know, the wedding I’m planning that’s in two weeks.”

Alex stood up and winked at me. “We already planned them out, remember?”

Oh yeah. We did already plan them out.

“We did?” I asked even though I remembered we had done it yesterday.

“Yep. Yesterday to be exact.”

Rubbing my hands together, I said, “Well, I need to call the caterer and make sure she is on track.”

“It’s Jessie. She’s on track and I know for a fact because Colt told me his mother-in-law was the most organized person on the planet.”

“Hmm . . . well . . . Oh I know! I need to call about Noah’s tux.”

Alex walked ahead of me as she said, “Done.”

“The rest of the guys’ tuxes?”

Glancing back over her shoulder, Alex smirked. “Done. Your dress is hanging up in your mother’s closet ready for the big day. Your dad has been warned not to threaten Noah’s life, and Luke has been told if he tries one prank, Libby will withhold sex for two months. The chairs for the wedding are ordered and set to arrive the day before. I’ve got all the guys on chair and table duty.” My mouth dropped open and before I could even say anything, Alex opened the front door of our store and headed toward the back offices and to Bayli’s room.

“Meagan flies in two days before the wedding after she made it clear she was not to be on the same flight as Noah’s cousin Grayson, who I still can’t believe was the stripper that Lauren snagged his number from.” Setting Bayli gently in her crib, Alex turned and walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly. “Oh, speaking of, Grayson will be flying home two days before the wedding, on the same flight as Meg but we’ve kept that little bit information from her.”

Alex grabbed a birdfeeder and turned and put it on one of the displays as she continued talking. “The cakes have been triple-confirmed and will be delivered four hours befor

e the wedding.”

Stopping in front of me, Alex grinned from ear to ear. “You see. Everything is taken care of and on schedule. So, now will you tell me what you were really thinking about outside.”

Feeling my stomach drop, I was about to tell Alex when the bell rang on the front door and Noah and Will walked in. Both of them were covered in sweat with their T-shirts plastered to their chest. My eyes landed on Noah’s perfectly chiseled chest as my libido kicked into overdrive.

“Holy hell,” I whispered.

“Lord, please let Bayli nap extra long today,” Alex said next to me.

Turning my head to look at Alex, I gave her a shocked expression. Alex waved me off. “Please, don’t even look at me like that. I’ve been dying to break in my office furniture.”

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