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Jimmy looked away and didn’t utter a word. Mindy Jackson, who had a crush on Jimmy and why he couldn’t see that I had no idea, was the first to bid me good-bye. “No worries, Lauren. If you need any study help, give me a call and we can meet up.”

Giving her a polite smile, I nodded my head. “Thanks, Mindy! I appreciate that. Later, y’all!”

Colt moved his arm out from around my waist and grabbed my bag and books. It wasn’t until we walked away that I realized I didn’t even introduce Colt to anyone. Shit.

“Hey, I wasn’t even thinking back there. I didn’t introduce you,” I said as we walked toward the exit.

Colt smiled at me. “I didn’t even notice. All I can think about is one thing.”

Widening my eyes, I quickly looked around. A naughty thought occurred to me and I grabbed Colt’s arm and began leading him in the opposite direction of the parking lot exit.

“Lauren, where are we going?”

Glancing back over my shoulder, I gave him a naughty smile and whispered, “You’ll see.”

Walking up to the main desk, I glanced down at the young girl’s name on her name tag.


g in close so I didn’t speak too loud, I asked, “Hi, Candace. Is it possible to reserve a study room for right now?”

Candace looked up from her reading and gave me a weak, but polite smile. Then she glanced over to the god standing next to me and she perked up. Sitting up a bit taller, she flashed a beautiful smile toward Colt. “Yes, of course we have a few available.”

“Perfect, my boyfriend and I have a huge chemistry test to study for.”

Her smile faded a bit, but she quickly took down my student information and booked us a room. “I’ve got you booked for two hours in room two seventeen.”

Flashing her a smile, I turned to Colt and winked. “Shall we?”

His smile made my knees wobble. Glancing over my shoulder back to Candace, Colt said, “Thank you, Candace. Have a wonderful day.”

“Oh . . . um . . . yeah . . . you, too.”

Poor girl. I knew exactly how she felt . . . Colt Mathew’s smile had rendered me nearly speechless many times.

Making our way to the study room, I felt my heartbeat increasing. Oh. My. Glitter. Was I really going to have sex with Colt in a study room . . . at school . . . with other people so close by? Yes. Yes I sure as hell was.

Smiling a smile so big my cheeks started to hurt, I prepared to get my sexy on.

OPENING THE DOOR to the study room, Lauren walked in first as I followed. I was so turned on, it felt like my dick was going to explode. Giving Lauren an orgasm in the library was the hottest damn thing I’d ever done and I knew it turned her on just as much.

Shutting the door behind me, I watched as Lauren closed the blinds. The slight blush across her cheeks told me she was nervous. Lauren took a few steps back and leaned against the large table that sat in the middle of the study room.

“Please tell me you have a condom, Colt.”

My body shuddered at the idea of taking Lauren in this room. I knew how thin the walls were and if anyone was on either side of us, they would hear us. The idea of it thrilled me. My dick was throbbing in my pants as I dropped her books to the ground and quickly made my way over to her. Before I even touched her, Lauren moaned.

Pulling her body to mine, I slammed my lips against hers. Our kiss was crazed. It was as if we couldn’t get enough of each other. I wondered if it was all those years we had both desired each other but never acted on it that had us desiring each other so much now.

Pulling back, I quickly tugged my T-shirt over my head as I watched Lauren do the same. Kicking her shoes off, she slipped her jeans and panties down in one fast move. “Oh fucking hell. You’re so damn beautiful.”

Lauren’s eyes drifted down and I watched as her chest began to heave up and down. “Colt, oh my. That is so hot.”

Glancing down to see what she was talking about, I saw I had my cock in my hand and was stroking myself. Looking back at Lauren, I studied her face as she watched me stroke myself. Her mouth was parted open and her eyes were wide with desire.

“Touch yourself, Lauren.”

Her eyes snapped up as she quickly wet her lips. “W-what?”
