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Tilting his head, Colt raised his eyebrow at me. “Yes it would, Lauren.”

Slowly nodding my head, I attempted to control my breathing. For some reason, Colt walking up on me in the library . . . surrounding by books talking about digging in the dirt . . . had me all worked up.

“Take a few steps back, Lauren.”

Doing as he said, I found myself at the end of the aisle. Colt took my arm and led me around a corner. We were tucked back into a corner and the only way anyone would see us is if they came looking for a book back here.

“W-what . . . are you doing here? I thought you had a class?”

Lifting his hand, Colt brushed my hair back and away from my face. Sliding his hand behind my neck he pulled me to him. Fire ignited my body the moment our lips touched. My arms immediately went around his neck. I needed more. The feelings that Colt pulled out of me were unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. It was as if I needed him near me to breathe.

Colt’s tongue danced with mine as we moaned softly into each other’s mouths. Colt whispered against my lips, “Lauren, I want to touch you so damn bad.”

“Yes! Please, Colt. Please!” I begged as his hand moved to my jeans. Unbuttoning my jeans he slipped his hand into my panties as I let out a gasp when his fingers plunged between my lips and into my body.

“Jesus, Lauren. You’re so wet, sweetheart. Do you want me, Lauren?”

My breathing was erratic. This had to be the hottest moment of my life. Knowing that any moment someone might walk around the corner and see us had my libido in overdrive. “I want you, Colt. I want you so much.”

Colt’s lips moved to my ear. “I’m going to make you come, Lauren.”

My eyes widened as his words rushed through my brain at the same time my orgasm rushed through my body.

Biting down on my lip, I attempted to hold back my whimpers. “Lauren, I feel you pulsing around my fingers.”

Burying my face into his chest, I rode out my orgasm.

Barely coming back to my senses, Colt had my jeans buttoned back up and was staring into my eyes. “I love watching you fall apart because of me, Lauren.”

Not moving my eyes from his, I couldn’t help but notice how blue they were. Was it his T-shirt or was it because they seemed to be lit up with passion? Or love.

Closing my eyes, I took in a few deeps breaths before opening them again and capturing his eyes once more. “I love you, Colt. I’ve loved you for so long.”

Yes. Oh, yes indeed. That was love I was seeing in his eyes. The way he stared into my eyes was like he was trying to stare into my soul. “I want you, Lauren. Now.”

Nodding my head, I said, “Okay. Where?”

Colt took a step away from me and looked around. “Where is your stuff?”

“Um . . . it’s back at the table.”

“Do you need to study, baby?”

Shaking my head frantically, I said, “No! No, I’m ready for the test. I don’t need to study.”

Oh my glitter. Calm down, Lauren. Take a deep breath. Focus. At this rate I was gonna jump on him and screw him right here in the library. Hmm . . . that actually isn’t a bad idea. No no . . . focus Lauren. There was no way I was passing up a chance to be with Colt to study for a damn chemistry test. The hell with that.

Attempting to not sound like a crazy, horny person, I calmly said, “Let me grab my stuff.”

Colt winked and stepped to the side, allowing me to go first. Glancing down, I held in my moan as Colt adjusted his hard-on.

I wanted to skip all the way back to the table knowing that I had Colt turned on like this. Walking up to the table, Jimmy looked at me and smiled. I felt Colt come up beside me and slip his hand around my waist. I loved how he made sure everyone knew I was his.

His. I was Colt’s. The thought of it still amazed me and caused my stomach to drop. No one ever made me feel so amazing. Colt was for sure the stuffing to my Oreo.

Jimmy’s smile faded as he looked down at Colt’s arm. Thinking nothing about it, I looked around the table. “Hey, I hate to do this to y’all but something has come . . . up . . . and I need to take care of it.”

Colt squeezed tighter on my waist and my insides exploded with the need to feel him inside me.
