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Licking my lips, I reached up and pushed his jacket off his shoulders, letting it drop to the ground. With shaking hands, I removed his shirt as Colt closed his eyes. I gently kissed his chest as Colt let out a low growl from the back of his throat, instantly causing a rush of wetness between my legs. Slowly dropping to my knees, I removed Colt’s belt and then unbuttoned his pants. My heart was racing as I watched his hard dick spring from his pants.

I took him in my mouth and began to move. Colt moaned and quickly reached down and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me up to him. “Stop. I won’t last one minute with you doing that.”

Giggling, I took a step back. “Undress me, Colt.”

Stepping up to me, Colt lifted his hands and I couldn’t help but notice his hands shaking as well. Closing my eyes, I felt his hot breath against my neck as he slowly unzipped the back of my lace dress. Dropping it, the dress pooled at my feet as I heard Colt moan.

“Jesus, you look beautiful.”

Opening my eyes, I watched as he gazed upon my body and licked his lips. Everything I had on was white. White push-up bra, white garter belt, and white lace panties. Dropping to his knees, he pulled me to him and kissed me, breathing his hot air through the lace panties that I was now wishing he would just rip off my body.

Unclasping the garter belt, Colt slowly rolled each stocking down. Carefully lifting each foot as he pulled them off. His hands moved lightly back up my legs as he removed the garter and tossed it to the side of him. When his fingers moved along the edge of my panties, my entire body was covered with goose bumps. Dropping my head back, I moaned in delight. My body felt light as it shook with desire.

Colt slowly pushed my panties down as I bit down on my lower lip and willed him to kiss me. Lifting my leg, he blew warm air on my clit as I let out a gasp. “Colt,” I whispered. The desperation was so evident in my voice.

One quick movement and he was giving me what I desired. My hands rested on his head as I felt his stubble brushing across my sensitive skin. Holy mother of all things. Shit! Shit! Shit! Oh, this is gonna be big. God, I hope my parents don’t have a room on this floor.

“Colt!” I cried out as my orgasm quickly hit me. My body was overloaded with all the sensations it was feeling. His tongue, his lips, the stubble. His finger gently pressed against my backside. It was all too much for me to take. My legs started giving out as Colt quickly stood up and pressed his lips to mine. Moaning when I tasted myself against his tongue, Colt unsnapped my bra and picked me up.

Setting me gently on the bed, I smiled as I stretched my arms above my head. “You’re amazing, do you know that?” I asked as Colt kissed my stomach, then chest, until he finally captured my lips again with his.

“Please don’t ever stop,” I whispered against his lips.

“Never,” Colt said as he moved his lips along my jaw and down to my neck. “Spread your legs for me, Lauren. I want to make love to my wife.”

Oh. My. Glitter. How can one man be so sexy and so romantic at the same time?

Doing as he asked, I felt him push the head of his dick at my entrance. Arching my back, I prepared myself for him. It had been entirely too long to live without the feeling of Colt inside me. I needed this every day.

Slowly pushing in, we both let out a moan as Colt went perfectly still. I could feel him twitching inside my body. Wrapping my arms and legs around him, I felt my tears begin to fall.

I wasn’t sure how long we stayed this way, just Colt inside me as we held each other tightly. As he slowly moved within me, my body quickly began that familiar build up.

Lost. I was completely and utterly lost in the way Colt made love to me. It was slow, passionate, and the most moving moment of my life.

Moving his lips to my ear, Colt whispered, “Lauren . . . I’m yours,” as he pulled out and pushed back into me hard as he came.

Placing his hands on the sides of my face, Colt kissed me. Not just any kiss. A kiss that was filled with so much love I found myself sobbing as I kissed him back. My body shuddered with the feeling of love pulsing through my veins as I fell more in love with Colt.

Pulling out of my body, Colt rolled over and pulled me to his side as he held me. His heart was beating against my back as he wrapped his arms around me. A sense of peace filled my body and I couldn’t help but smile.

Running my finger lazily over his hand, I stared out the window at all the twinkling lights.



“I’ve never felt so happy in my entire life. I’ll never forget this moment for as long as I live.”

Pulling me tighter to him, he kissed my shoulder. “I’ll never forget it either, Lauren. You’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

A tear rolled down my face as I smiled and said, “Tell me something.”

“Anything, Lauren. I’ll tell you anything you want to hear.”

“Where is your favorite place to be?”

Feeling his warm body, he pulled me around to face him. Colt’s eyes held mine as we looked into each other’s souls. My heart had always and will always belong to this amazing man. Smiling that smile of his that made my stomach drop still, Colt kissed me gently on the lips as he spoke against them.
