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> Dropping my mouth open, I sucked in a breath of air as Colt cupped my ass as he whispered into my ear, “A thong . . . I like it, Lauren.”

Swallowing hard, I pressed my lips together to keep the moans suppressed. Slowly sliding his hand around to the front, he adjusted my dress and the position I was standing in so no one could see what he was doing.

Shaking my head, I couldn’t speak. He can’t do this with all these people in here. There’s a little . . . oh my glitter! His hand . . . is in . . . my panties.

My breathing picked up and I could feel my face flush as the elevator kept stopping at each floor and the door would open, and then close.

Colt’s fingertips left a path of hot tingles as he moved them further into my panties. Pressing my bottom into his hard dick, Colt hissed. “I want to fuck you right now, right here, Lauren.”

My knees wobbled as Colt wrapped his other arm around my waist. “Colt,” I whispered as I attempted to act normal.

His fingers massaged my clit as I struggled to gain some control of my body. It’s been too long. Oh dear God, it’s been too long. I’m going to come in this elevator with four adults and one young child standing within inches of me.

Squeezing my legs together, I attempted to get Colt to stop. Resting his chin on my shoulder, he was about to say something when the father of the little boy looked at us and smiled. “Did you just get married?”

Colt kept up the rubbing as I began to get dizzy with my approaching orgasm trying to build. “We sure did,” Colt said enthusiastically.

Everyone turned and looked at us. Are you freaking kidding me? “Congratulations,” was spoken by everyone at once.

Clearing my throat, I tried with all my might to sound normal. “Thank you . . . um . . . it’s been . . . amazing . . . intense . . . really intense.”

The mom started laughing. “Oh, yes. I remember those days.”

I willed everyone to turn back and look forward, and somehow it worked. Looking over my shoulder at Colt, I widened my eyes at him as he smiled and winked at me.

That bastard. He’s doing this on purpose . . . oh God. Spreading my legs apart some, my body was beginning to betray me. More. I need so much more of him.

Slipping his finger inside me, I felt my body beginning to shake. The two couples were back to talking. What fucking floor are they all on? Shit. Shit. Shit.

The doors opened on the tenth floor and everyone exited the elevator, but not before the father turned and winked at us. “Have fun.”

The doors shut and Colt’s fingers moved faster as my orgasm hit me fast and hard. Clenching my teeth together, I began pumping my hips as my body was overtaken by the glorious orgasm as it raced through my body.

Slumping into Colt’s body, my breathing was erratic as Colt kissed my neck. “Do you feel better, sweetheart?”

Slowly nodding my head, I panted, “Yes.”

Pulling his hand away, he reached down and picked me up. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I smiled at him. “I can’t wait to tell Grace and Maegan what we just did.”

Throwing his head back and laughing, he quickly kissed me. “I love you, Mrs. Mathews.”

Heat radiated throughout my body at those words. Mrs. Mathews. I wanted to hear it again.

“Say it again,” I whispered.

The elevator door opened to our floor and Colt stepped out as he carried me to our room. “Mrs. Mathews, I love you. I’ll always love you.”

Slowly sliding me down his body, Colt cupped the sides of my face as he lightly brushed his lips across mine. “I’m going to make sweet, passionate love to you now, Lauren.”

The palms of my hands began to sweat as butterflies took off in my stomach at the thought of Colt’s hands on my body, his lips kissing every single inch of bare skin. His face buried between my legs. His five o’clock shadow rubbing softly against my skin.

“Oh, God. Colt, I want you so much.”

Colt gently rubbed his thumb across my sensitive skin. “I want you too, Lauren.”

Nodding my head, I whispered, “Will you open the door then so we can go in? Or I swear I’m going to strip down in this hallway and beg you take me against the door.”

Colt’s eyes lit up with raw passion as he quickly took the key out and opened the door. Swooping me back up into his arms, he carried me inside the room and straight to the bedroom. Gently setting me down, he took off his tie. Then he slowly unbuttoned his shirt as he gazed into my eyes.
