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Libby bit down on her lip and nodded. I knew Heather wanted Libby to have a college degree and so did I. I would do whatever it took to make that happen.

Gunner walked up and grinning like a fool. “I gotta tell ya, you handled that a hell of a lot better than I would have. Had that been your son,” Gunner slapped Josh on the back, “I’d have killed the little bastard.” Josh turned and looked at me.

“Believe me, that urge is there. I’m thinking a walk down to the barn may be in order.”

I took a step back and everyone laughed as Ellie hugged Libby. “Does your brother know?”

Libby shook her head. “No, we wanted to tell y’all first.”

My father slapped his hands. “Well hell, this just turned into a party!”

“Wait!” Heather called out. Looking at Libby she smiled. “How far along are you?”

My mother jumped up and down. “Oh yeah!”

Libby’s face blushed. “Twelve weeks.”

My mother looked like she was counting back. “Before the accident? Did you know you were pregnant then?”

Nodding her head, Libby smiled.

Heather’s shoulders dropped. “Oh, Libby. I wish you would have told us, honey. You went through all of that alone.”

Peeking over to me, Libby smiled. “We weren’t alone, Mom. We had each other, and a very magical older couple.”

Grinning I winked at Libby. Turning back to her mother, Libby asked, “Mom, can we talk later about Grandma and Grandpa Lambert?”

Pulling her head back in surprise Heather said, “Sure we can.”

Alex came walking into the kitchen and looked around. “What’s going on?”

We all looked at each other. My mother tilted her head and gestured for me to tell Alex. “Well, um, we were just telling our parents how November sixth is going to have to be a clear schedule for everyone.”

Colt came walking into the kitchen. “Why the heck are y’all blocking the kitchen?” Colt stopped talking.

Colt looked around. “What’s going on?” Shifting his head he looked down at my T-shirt, eyes widened in surprise. Spinning around he read Libby’s T-shirt. “Holy shit.”

“Hey, watch your mouth young man,” Ellie said as she slapped Colt across the back of the head.

Grinning like a fool, just like his daddy had been earlier. “Awe man.” Reaching his hand out to shake mine, I pulled Colt into a hug. “Congratulations, dude.”

“Wait. What is going on?” Alex said as she threw up her hands.

“Libby and I are expecting a baby, Alex. November sixth.”

Alex’s mouth dropped open and tears quickly formed in her eyes. Alex walked over and pulled Libby into her arms. “I’m so happy for y’all!” Pushing Libby back to look at her, Alex smiled bigger. “We’re totally going shopping for maternity clothes!”

Libby giggled and nodded her head.

“Does Will know yet?” Alex asked.

I walked up and took Libby into my arms. “Not yet. We wanted to tell our parents first.”

Colt laughed. “Dude, please let me be there when you tell him. I want to see him kick your ass.”

I glared at Colt. Josh started laughing as Colt laughed harder.

It wasn’t long before everyone started making their way over for the barbecue. The rest of the day was spent talking, planning, talking some more, and then eating. Grams and Gramps invited Libby and me over for lunch the next day. Josh took me outside and threatened my life if I didn’t make Libby and the baby happy every day for the rest of their lives. My father insisted he wasn’t to be called Pappy. My mother made plans to go to Paris to buy clothes for the baby, and Heather watched Libby’s every move. I wasn’t sure how to read Heather. I couldn’t tell if she was happy or not. She said she was happy for us and even talked about Josh building the baby’s furniture.

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