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Maybe Luke couldn’t move on from me sleeping with Zach? Was that the reason he was holding back? A tear slowly made its way down my cheek. I reached up and wiped it away. Would he ever be able to tell me how he felt about me? Or was there too much between us now?

Closing my eyes I slowly stood. I looked at Luke again before turning and heading back into the house. Quietly shutting the door, I walked to my bed. My phone had been charging on the side table. Picking it up I found Zach’s name displayed on my screen.

Zach: I’ve missed you Libby. Please call me.

I inhaled a shaky breath. I’d given Luke so many opportunities to tell me how he felt about me. I wasn’t sure what to do anymore.

Me: Can I call you tomorrow?

Zach: I have a family function with my father but I’ll text you when I can talk.

Me: Okay.

Zach: Night, Libby. I miss you.

I closed my text messages and sighed. Dropping back onto the bed, I thought about Zach. Did I do the right thing by responding to him? Did I even miss Zach or was he a means to try and forget Luke?

I pulled the covers back and crawled under them.

Tomorrow. I’ll decide what to do tomorrow.

THE DAY WAS spent just hanging around the house. Grace and I went for a run on the beach early this morning. If only I could keep running until I knew what to do.

I sat at the kitchen table and listened to Maegan, Taylor, and Lauren all talk about plans for next school year. I glanced up when I heard Colt’s voice moving closer.

“I’m telling you, the system I designed will track all the vaccinations and send you monthly reminders. I just need to convince Scott to get on board with it.”

Lauren sat up, her interest obviously piqued. “What about my dad?”

Colt had a bottle of water pressed against his lips. He slowly dropped it to his side. I guess he was shocked Lauren was talking to him after the knock-down fight they had last night. “Um—I thought you were never talking to me again?”

I rolled my eyes. Oh gosh. Here we go again.

“You mentioned my father, I was just curious about what y’all were talking about,” Lauren said as she squared her shoulders. Lauren had every intention of taking over her father’s breeding business someday. She had mentioned to Grace and me how her father felt she couldn’t handle the business alone. Scott had felt that Colt had showed a great deal of interest in the horses and would make a great partner to take on the business with Lauren someday. Lauren had been livid the day she told us. In her eyes, she didn’t need anyone to help her run her family’s ranch.

Colt lifted the corner of his mouth. “What’s the matter, Lauren? You afraid your dad is going to like one of my ideas?”

Lauren stood and walked to Colt. She pointed her finger at him and began poking him in the chest as she spoke. “If you think for one second I’m going to take a step back while you wiggle your way into my family’s breeding business, you’ve got another thing coming, Colt Mathews. Stick with cattle, and leave the horses to me.”

Colt’s mouth dropped open and then he started laughing. “You’re threatened by me? Why Lauren? What did your daddy say? Maybe that you couldn’t handle it all on your own?” His eyebrow rose as if he knew something Lauren didn’t, which caused her to ball up her fists.

Luke cleared his throat. “Who wants to go grab an early dinner?”

Maegan, Taylor, and I all shouted out, “Me!” Everyone could see the fight that was brewing between Colt and Lauren.

“You won’t win, Colt,” Lauren hissed through her teeth.

Colt smirked. “I didn’t realize we had a contest going on, Lauren.”

Lauren placed her hands on Colt’s chest and pushed him. “Fuck you, Colt Mathews.”

Colt grabbed her wrists, “You wish you could, Lauren.”

Luke placed his hand on Colt’s shoulder, “Alright, that’s enough. Both of y’all just back the hell off each other. You’re both in college and there is plenty of time to sort all this out. Let’s get some dinner y’all.” Luke pulled Colt back some and began to lead him out the door. He glanced at me and our eyes met. We both smiled weakly.

Luke mouthed, After dinner? I nodded my head. Luke had asked to talk to me earlier today, but I had been avoiding him all day. I was scared to talk to him. Not knowing what he was planning on saying to me. I walked up to Lauren and laced my arm with her arm.

“Come on, let’s go get something to eat.” Taylor walked on the other side of Lauren and took her arm in hers.

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