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Pushing my hands through Karen’s long brown hair, I grabbed it and pulled her head back. Letting out a moan, Karen hissed, “Yes.”

Brushing my lips against her lips, I whispered, “Meet me downstairs at six.”

Running my tongue along her lower lip, I bit down on it and sucked it into my mouth as Karen moaned. Letting go of her hair, I turned and headed out of the break room and to my office. Smiling, I could taste the mint from Karen’s gum. Yes, she would serve as a very nice distraction indeed.

STANDING IN FRONT OF THE tall office building, I dragged in deep breath after deep breath. Glancing down to my hands, I attempted to stop them from shaking.

Shit! The last thing I wanted was for Dodge to see how he affected me.

The valet pulled up and parked my Audio Q7 right in front of me as I stared off in the distance.

Dodge thinks I’m with Chris. Holy shit. Dodge thinks I’m dating Chris. Closing my eyes, I tried to figure out what that look on his face was when I mentioned heading to South Texas. For a moment he seemed jealous.

Nah . . . you’re dreaming, Sierra. No way Dodge is interested in you. Is he? Shit!

“Um . . . ma’am? Excuse me, ma’am?”

Snapping out of my thoughts, I turned to the young valet and handed him a twenty. “Thank you,” I mumbled.

Smiling, he nodded his head and said, “Thank you!”

Getting into my car, I closed my eyes and was taken back in time to the moment I first realized I was falling for Dodge Walker.

“Hey, Ryn, Sierra, how are you both doing?”

My heart began pounding the moment I looked up and saw Dodge standing in the Starbucks Ryn and I both practically lived in. Moving my eyes over his body, I slowly licked my lips. Damn he is good looking.

“Oh, hey there, Dodge. Have you always come to this Starbucks?” I asked as Dodge smiled at me and caused my stomach to drop.

Nodding his head, Dodge said, “Yes ma’am.”

Good lord, help me for this man was sex on two legs.

Leaning back in my chair, I raised my eyebrows and said, “Huh. I can’t believe I’ve never seen you here before.”

Dodge’s eyes lit up for a brief moment as he said, “Yeah, same here.”

Dodge glanced between Ryn and me before saying, “It’s good seeing you both. I’ve got a meeting I need to get to, see y’all later.”

Watching him walk away, I took everything in. Holy hell I’d love to wrap my legs around that man and have him take me to heaven and back. Reaching up, I wiped the corner of my lips. Wait. Was I drooling?

Glancing back to Ryn, she smiled and shook her head. “Oh my gosh, you have the hots for Dodge?”

Pulling my head back, I gave her a nervous laugh. “What?”

Pointing to me, Ryn laughed. “You practically undressed him as he walked out the door.”

Brushing Ryn off with my hand, I rolled my eyes and looked away as I attempted to control my beating heart. The last thing I needed was another man who loved to screw the women in my life.

Letting out a sigh, I dropped my head back against my headrest. Ugh. I hate men. I searched for Ryn’s number and hit dial as I pulled out onto Congress Avenue.

“Hey! How did you meeting with the lawyer go? Did you chew their asses out and tell them you wanted a new lawyer on the case?”

Swallowing hard, I chuckled. What are the fucking odds Dodge damn Walker would be my new lawyer? God hates me.

“I think it went well. The new lawyer seems to think we have a good chance. I’m worried he may let his dislike of me affect the case, though.”

Silence. “Huh? What do you mean? How do you know he doesn’t like you?”

Laughing, I said, “He’s told me a time or two.”

“Okay, Sierra, what in the hell are you talking about? What did you do to the poor guy?”

“Dodge, Ryn. Dodge is my new lawyer. Dodge for Christ’s sake!”

“Umm . . . Dodge?”

Rolling my eyes, I let out a frustrated moan. “Yes! Dodge. Well, wait, he goes by Aaron now.”

“Wow. I’m at a loss for words right now.”

Letting out a sarcastic chuckle, I said, “You? Imagine my surprise. I’m so fucked.”

“Oh, Sierra honey, Dodge will be an amazing lawyer for you. Y’all just have to put your personal feelings aside and focus on bringing your ex down.”

Gripping the steering wheel to settle my rattled nerves, I headed home to my small little house in Hyde Park. I loved that house. The moment I found out Robert was cheating, I moved out of our house and bought a three-bedroom, cottage-style house in my favorite neighborhood of Austin. Now the fucker was saying I used part of his money to buy it.

I hate him.

“Sierra? Are you even listening to me?”

“Yeah, sorry, Ryn. Hey, did you mention anything to Dodge about Chris and me?”

“What do you mean? Is there a you and Chris? Why didn’t I know about this! I mean, I know y’all got touchy feely there for a bit, but when did it become you and Chris? Oh. My. God. How could you not tell me?”

Sighing, I shook my head. Clearly Ryn hadn’t said anything. “There is no me and Chris. Holy hell, settle your ass down. My gosh, Ryn! Can we say freak out?”

“Oh. Okay, well so what do you mean then? What’s going on?”

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I said, “I don’t know. I told him I was heading to south Texas, and he immediately assumed I was heading down to see Chris.”

“Well . . . I mean . . . the last time Dodge saw you and Chris together, y’all were all over each other. You blatantly ignored Dodge and gave Chris all your attention.”

Sucking in a breath, I said, “I did not!”

“Um . . . yeah you did, Sierra.”

Knowing Ryn was right, I didn’t utter a

word. I’d seen the way Dodge had been looking at me on more than one occasion. I wasn’t sure how to react so I focused on Chris. Chewing on my lip, I tried to figure out what to do. “Hey, speaking of coming down there, I think I’m going to have to pass.”

“What? Why? I wanted you to help shop for the house, Sierra. I was so hoping to have some girl time.”

Sighing, I pulled down the oak-lined street that led to my perfect little hideaway. “I know, but I think it’s best if I stay in town. I mean, Dodge is talking about bringing in an old friend who Robert is accusing me of having an affair with. Now is not the time to be leaving town.”

Hearing Ryn moan, my heart broke just a little. With Dodge being the new lawyer on my case, and the chance of me getting to see him more often now, I couldn’t think of a better reason to stay in Austin.

Oh Jesus. I’m pathetic.

“Fine, I understand. Maybe I can talk Lark and Azurdee into coming down.”

Smiling, I pulled into my driveway. I already was feeling better as I looked at the new geraniums I had planted along the sidewalk, in full bloom. “I bet she would love to get away and have a couple days relaxing and shopping with you.”

“Yeah, maybe. Hey, I’ve got to run, a client is calling. Talk to you soon, Sierra.”

“Okay. Tell Tristan hi and I’ll chat with ya soon.”

Stepping out of the car, I inhaled a deep breath. Even though I was in the middle of Austin, it still felt like I was far away from everything and everyone. Walking up to the door, I smiled as I thought about the nice hot bath I was fixin’ to soak in.

Finally getting my heart to calm down after my meeting with Dodge, I headed to the master bedroom after tossing my purse and keys on the coffee table.

“What I need is a nice long hot bath and to push Dodge, or Aaron, or whoever he is now, far from my mind.”

After pouring lavender into the hot running water, I headed back into the bedroom as I stripped out of my clothes. Grabbing my iPod, I walked back into the bathroom. Slowly slipping into the hot water, I slid down and sighed. My body instantly relaxed as I put my ear buds in and set my iPod down on the old stool I kept next to the tub.
