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She rotated in place, feeling the heat of his gaze streak across her, burning with intent. When she faced him again, he hadn’t moved from his position and her nervousness increased. Why wasn’t he reacting? Why hadn’t he taken her into his arms and carried her back to the bed?

“Rafe?” Anxiety rippled through the word.

“Take them off. No more barriers between us.”

This was not what she’d planned. “I thought you—”

He cut her off with a shake of his head. “I want you to be very certain about this. I don’t want there to be any lingering questions in your mind, now or later. If you want to make love with me, if you’re absolutely certain this is right for you, then take off the rest of your clothes.”

The light continued to blaze across her, ruthless in slicing through the protective barrier of darkness. She understood his point. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to touch her. She could see the desire blazing in his expression, could feel the palpable waves of control stretched to the breaking point. Every instinct urged him to take her. To lay claim.

But he wouldn’t. Not until she convinced him that she’d made this decision of her own free will, without his influencing her with one of his world-shattering kisses or beyond-delicious caresses.

She smiled.

There wasn’t any hesitation this time. She reached behind her and unhooked the bra. The straps slid down her arms and clung for a brief instant, as did the cups. Then it drifted from her body to disappear into the pool of shadows at her feet.

A low moan escaped Rafe, and the tips of her breasts pebbled in response. “Finish it,” he demanded.

She lifted an eyebrow, daring to tease. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to take care of this last part yourself?”

He took a swift step forward before catching himself. “Larkin—”

She put him out of his misery. Tiny bows held the thong in place and she tugged at them, allowing the scrap of silk to follow the same path as her bra.

“Is this enough to convince you?” She held out her hand, the one where The Inferno throbbed with such persuasive insistence. “Please, Rafe. Make love to me.”

Rafe didn’t need any further encouragement. In two rapid strides he reached her side and wrapped her in an unbreakable hold. Together they fell backward onto the bed. His mouth closed over Larkin’s, hot with demand. She slid her fingers deep into his hair, anchoring him in place, as though afraid he’d leave her again if she didn’t. Foolish of her. Now that he had her naked in his arms, he intended to keep her that way for as long as humanly possible, and hang the consequences. All that mattered right now was making it the best possible experience for her.

“I’m feeling a bit overdressed,” he murmured against her mouth.

Her laugh was sweet and gentle and, for some reason, drove him utterly insane. “I think I can help you with that.”

She made short work of the buttons of his shirt, yanking the edges open and sliding it from his shoulders. He shrugged it the rest of the way off and sucked in his breath when her hands collided with his chest. She had a way of touching him, of stroking her fingers across him. Just. So. This time the strokes took her farther afield, tracing the center line of his abdomen downward until she collided with his belt.

“I can take care of that,” he offered. It might kill him to let go of her even for that brief a time. But considering the rewards of stripping off his trousers, he’d manage it.

“I’d like to do it.” She laughed. “At the risk of totally freaking you, I’ve never stripped a man before.”

It didn’t freak him. In fact, it had the opposite effect. He wanted her to experience it all, anything and everything she wanted. Whatever would please her. He only hoped it didn’t kill him in the process.

“Tell me if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable and I’ll stop.”

“I don’t think that’ll be an issue.”

He captured her hands in his before she could finish removing his clothes. “I’m serious, Larkin. It could happen. I want this to be as perfect as possible for you.”

She paused in her efforts long enough to cup his face. “See, here’s how I figure it. It isn’t the making-love part that needs to be perfect.”

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