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She followed his lead, lifting and rising, grinding against him and crying out his name as the pleasure began to build again, the heat surging through her.

It was pleasure and pain. It was agony and ecstasy. It was like belonging. Like finally discovering the one place in the world where she knew she could find that elusive happiness that had never seemed quite real.

Until Alex. Until he touched her, held her. Until he let her own him.

She would teach him to love her. Eventually.

For now there was this. Taking him as he took her, loving it. Riding him, rising and falling on the stiff length of cock, until they were both crying out with the release rushing through them.

She tightened on him until her muscles seemed to lock. Inside her, his cock swelled thicker, throbbed

harder, and the heated, harsh spurts of his release pushed her own climax higher.

Sweat covered them, slickened their bodies as she relaxed against him. It was a damned good thing breathing was natural, because Janey wasn’t certain she could have found the strength to draw a breath if it wasn’t.

“Oh man, that was so fucking hot. ” He breathed out roughly. “I want to do it again. ”

Her muscles were shaking. He was practically draped on the bed beneath her. She could barely manage a laugh.

“Right now?”

He grunted. “A few minutes, maybe. ”

“Minutes?” She couldn’t move yet. She was so limp, so weak, she just lay against him. He was still buried inside her, still hard, though without the steely strength of moments before.

“Okay, tens of minutes, maybe. ” He tried for a laugh as she groaned and lifted herself from him, collapsing on the bed beside him.

“Maybe I’ll let you nap first. ” He turned to his side and wrapped his arms around her. “For a little while. ”

She smiled and kissed his chest, feeling him relax against her. He hadn’t slept well while the Mackays had invaded his home.

She cuddled closer and let her eyes drift closed. Just for a little while, she told herself. A nap. But the nap became deeper, stronger. In his arms, safe, she let herself relax, and it was hours before she awakened.

The day was surrendering to night and she couldn’t seem to get comfortable again.

Pushing away from a still-sleeping Alex, she forced herself from the bed, stretching, trying to ease the aching tightness that perhaps the position they had used had put in her hips.

Smiling at the thought, she went to the bathroom. She needed to shower, then maybe she would fix dinner. She was getting hungry. She hadn’t really been hungry in days.

She dampened a washrag, cleaned between her thighs, and when she pulled it back, she froze at the slightest blemish of a stain on the rag.

Agony rushed through her. It clenched her chest, her stomach. It burned through her with a blaze of pain so sharp, so fierce, she wondered if she would survive. She dropped the washrag and slid slowly to the floor, her head on her knees as she fought not to howl with the ferocity of the anger and the hurt that tore through her.

Between one second and the next, fate had destroyed her, and she didn’t know if she could survive it.

Alex wasn’t certain at first what brought him awake. But his eyes jerked open, and his hand went automatically to where he knew Janey should be.

She wasn’t in the bed beside him, but he could hear her. Something he had never heard from her—muffled, soul-shattering sobs.

His heart went to his throat as he jumped from the bed. He didn’t bother with his pants but moved quickly to the bathroom, where he found her, crouched in the corner where the sink and the wall met, her head buried in her arms, her knees pulled up to her breasts.

Beside her lay a damp washrag, the faintest hint of her feminine cycle staining it.

He’d known she would start. The tempting sweet taste of her earlier had been earthier, the sweet syrup a little sweeter. He’d known by the changes in her nipples, the tighter grip of her body.

“Janey. ” He knelt be

side her, running his hands over, making certain she wasn’t hurt. “Sweetheart. Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong. Are you hurt?”
