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I know she is the forbidden fruit, and that maybe this is my mid-life crisis starting to hit me, but I want her. “I need her,” I tell my reflection. “I have to have—”

“Mr. Huntsworth, your new office assistant has finished with human resources.” My chief of security sounds amused as his voice plays from the speaker on my desk.

She’s on her way up. The thought repeats itself in time with the aching in my cock.

“You wanted me to call you when she was being shown her way to the executive office floor.” The line goes silent. My fingernail catches on the red disc of a call button beside the vanity in my bathroom. I press it, wait for Brian to answer, and then thank him for the notice. There’s no time for me to get my libido in check, so the best I can do is sit down at my desk to hide the reaction Lia evokes from me.

I wait at my desk—one minute becomes two, and then it’s soon five minutes before I hear muffled voices outside of the security clearance down the hall. I try to focus on the paperwork in front of me. The chirp of a badge being swiped lights up a blue LED on the panel beside my phone, giving me a warning that someone will be entering. Only a handful of people have clearance to get in here, and most of those require the security guard in the hall or someone inside to buzz them in. I like having my privacy to work without interruption.

Not that I couldn’t tell Lia was near without the warning. My cock is like a divining rod, pointing straight toward her. It feels as if all the blood in my body is rushing down to make my pants smaller. My fingers wrap around the bulge and tug, pulling my dick upright so that it isn’t trapped in a painful position. Glad there aren’t cameras in my office to catch the motion, I make a mental note to have my tailor add more room to the crotch in my slacks after I return from this business trip. I won’t have time for those alterations to be done before I go. I’ll have to always wear jackets buttoned or my shirt untucked if I’m going to be around Lia. I don’t see this effect she has on me going away anytime soon.

“One. Two. Three.” I breathe out between each number in an attempt to calm my racing pulse. Reaching forward, my fingers hover over the switch that will call out to the desk in the lobby beyond my office door. Lia will be working just thirty feet from me all day, five days a week. I flip it, feeling the vibration in the air as it makes her phone light up with the silent summons. Beneath it is the intercom button, and I murmur her name as I press it down, inviting her to come into my office.

She bids farewell to whichever intern was sent from Human Resources to guide her up to our space, and I’m glad that the CFO’s office is on the opposite wing of our floor. We have full privacy for the conversation that might come. I need to know how she feels about our kiss. I need to know if she wants more as badly as I do.

Lia enters, timid and nervous with hands playing with the hem of her blouse. A skirt dusts the top of her knees, and it just skims the hips I was clinging to yesterday as if they were my lifeline. Her breasts are hidden by the demure shirt, buttoned all the way up to her neck with a string of simple pearls over it, but I can imagine the generous curves I had the slightest glimpse of before. If anything, her outfit is plain and should be boring, but it incites something in me. It makes me every hungrier. I want so much to undo her hair from its careful confines and fist my hand in it as I lick my way down her throat.

She shifts her weight from one foot to the other. “Hi.” Her voice trembles before she steels herself and repeats it more surely. “Do I call you Mr. Huntsworth?” Lia has her head tilted down, and she looks up at me through the sweeping edge of her bangs. Her lips part, and the tip of her tongue glosses over them.

She’s nervous, and I selfishly hope it’s because of me. “Beck is fine unless I happen to be in a meeting. ‘Sir’ works too,” I tease.

Lia blushes before rolling her eyes. She even does that artfully. “Thank you for the job, Beck.”

The way she says my name makes my cock throb. “I should be thanking you for accepting it, Lia.” I stand and offer her my hand. Her fingers are cool as they slip into my palm, and the shake we share is anything but innocent despite the chaste touch. I want her grip to be lower and firmer, and with the quick dropping of her eyes, I sense that her thoughts are moving in the same direction.

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