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While I crossed the room, he started undressing her. I had to numb myself from the urge to run over and stop him. I was already half naked and Ruby was fully naked, so why did I want to shield her from everyone’s gaze as he pulled her dress up over her head?

He took off her bra next, pausing to kiss and caress her breasts before folding the bra and placing it on top of her dress. I studied her, looking for signs of ambivalence or anxiety, but she seemed okay with what he was doing. After all, they’d become very close “friends.” When he reached for her skimpy black panties, I walked over and stopped him. “That’s enough for now. This is her first time playing in public.”

Ruby frowned like he might argue but then he shrugged and looked down at my hands. All I’d collected in my distraction was a couple of leather cuffs. “You bind her up,” he said, rolling his eyes. “I’ll get the gear.”

He left Ashleigh and me alone together. She cracked a nervous smile and crossed her arms over her breasts. “You’re okay with this?” I asked. “You’re sure?”

She shrugged. “It’s just play, right?”

“You can put your bra back on if you want. A lot of people play in clothes.” I turned and gestured around the room, where absolutely no one was playing in clothes. “Maybe not tonight, but…”

By the time I turned back her arms were at her side. “I’m being brave,” she said. “I want to do this.”

Fuck me. I’d only exhorted her to be brave a hundred times or more over the course of our sessions. “Let me have your hands,” I said gruffly. I buckled on the cuffs, leaving her wrists very little room for movement.

“Are you okay with this?” she asked, watching me as I worked the clasps. “If you’re not comfortable—”

“Honestly, I never expected you to come here. So I don’t know how I feel about it. But since you’re here and you made a promise to Ruby about the pink crop…”

“That was kind of a joke.”

“Was it?” I said with an edge to my voice. “It’s not going to seem so funny in a minute or two.”

Ruby was back with a strap and a flogger, and yes, a whippy pink riding crop from God knew where. “Arms up,” I said to Ashleigh. I clipped the cuffs to the chains on either side of the bondage frame, then stood behind her to test the slack. She’d need a bit of room for writhing around, but not too much. She looked back at me and through all my numbness, my confusion, I felt a powerful surge of desire. I pressed the outline of my rigid cock against her ass. “The safeword is twinkletoes,” I said in her ear. “Use it if you need it, because”—I rattled her cuffs—“in this case, you can’t walk out the door.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said in a quavery voice.

Was she scared? She deserved to be scared, but I still reassured her out of habit. “I won’t leave you until the end of this scene, I promise. Not until you’re unbound.”

She took in a deep breath. “Thank you.”

I spoke over my shoulder to Ruby. “I’ll get her warmed up for you.” I caressed down past her waist, her delicate hips and firm bottom and landed a slap to her right ass cheek. Another followed to her left. She clenched her hands in the cuffs but there was no other reaction. I wished now I’d let Rubio strip off her panties because I would have loved to feel her skin against my palm. Instead I stopped between every few smacks and slid my hand beneath the sheer black material.

“I’m waiting,” said Ruby in a sing-song sneer. “If you can stop feeling her up for a minute.”

“Give me the flogger.” He handed it over and I stroked fingers down her back. “Okay, baby?”

“Yes… Yes, Sir.”

“All right then. Here we go.”

*** *** ***

I grasped the chains and stood as still as I could. The first blow fell, a jolting, stinging impact. Liam didn’t start out too hard with the flogger, just warmed up my back and shoulders with thuddy strikes. I couldn’t tell if I liked it. I felt overstimulated by the noise and activity around me. The music beat in the background as the flogger landed on me in spreading stings, four, five, ten times or more.

In some way the sensation relaxed and loosened me. Then Liam stopped and Rubio stepped closer, caressing his hands over my waist and stomach. He nuzzled his face against my ear, murmuring something in Portuguese as his fingers traced lower to massage the gusset of my panties. Rubio had good dance-partner hands and it felt great, but I wondered what Liam was doing. I didn’t want him to be jealous.

But what right did he have to be jealous?

Then Liam appeared at my other side and grabbed my teased-out hair. “What the hell is this mess?” he whispered. “Who are you?”

Before I could answer I felt a biting sting on the outside of my right thigh. I jerked and turned my head to see Ruby with a big smile, an erection, and a pink crop. “Move, Li-am,” he said. “You’re blocking my strike zone.”

“Don’t move,” I said to Liam, only half-kidding.

“I’ll hold her for you,” Liam assured Ruby, shooting me a look. He braced a leg in front of me and curved an arm around my waist. “There. Now you can’t miss.”

Rubio stung my ass cheeks with the crop again, and again. For a cute, pink implement, it hurt like hell. I jerked away at each stroke but thanks to Liam, I couldn’t go anywhere and I definitely couldn’t run away. “Having fun?” he asked when Ruby took a breather to flick a nearby woman and flirt with her.

Honestly, I was having fun. I liked the sting and the feeling of being bound and helpless in the chains. I liked being able to connect with Liam this way, on his terms, in his play room. I hadn’t wanted things to stay angry between us.

“I’m having a blast. Are you having fun?” I asked back, smiling to show how much I appreciated this experience. Liam buried his fingers in my hair and tilted my head and kissed me.

I’d wanted him to kiss me, to acknowledge our history and our closeness, but this kiss felt wrong and not close at all. It was a player kiss. He wasn’t present in it, not the way he used to be. I wished we were both naked back in his cottage, feeling deeply connected, but that was a onetime thing. I arched my hips against the front of him, only to brush against the cool roughness of his jeans.

“Ouch!” I cried out against his lips as something harder smacked my backside. That would be the strap, and Rubio the maniac wielding it. I gave Liam a pleading look and he reached out to his friend.

“Give it to me. Let me have a go at her.”

I almost sagged in relief when Rubio handed it over without an argument. Now his hands were on me again, around my waist as if to help me pirouette, but I wasn’t

doing any pirouetting right now. Ruby gazed at me with a curious, attentive look. I was staring right back at him when Liam landed the first stroke.

Oh my fucking mother of God!

I spun around to Liam. “Please, no. Ow, that’s—” It was much harder than Ruby had hit me. I wanted to reach back and cover myself but my hands were cuffed above my head. Ruby grinned down at me.

“Oh, no, little girl. You must hold the position.”

“Help me out, Ruby, will ya?” asked Liam.


He wrapped his arms more tightly around me. His muscles bunched against my skin as another blow fell and I struggled helplessly, trying to pull away.

“You remember the safeword?” asked Liam.

“Yes, Sir. But…”

Another stinging blow. It wasn’t unbearable, but it hurt so much. “Make him stop,” I begged Rubio.

“You don’t want to stop,” he said, his dark eyes glittering. “Let go, Ash-lee. He’s trying to help you let go.”

“I thought he would—ow!— I thought he would hit me softer than you.”

He shook his head. “I told you. You don’t listen. I told you Liam Wilder plays hard.”

My ass was on fire. I was shaking in the cuffs, my arms straining to defend myself, but I was defenseless and Rubio wouldn’t let me move an inch. I hopped from toe to toe like that could soothe the pain. “It hurts,” I cried. I jerked as Liam hit me again, catching me under both ass cheeks. Adrenaline surged through me as I processed the spreading, aching fire. Ruby’s hands slid down and rubbed over my panties, soothing my flaming cheeks. It was such a relief I almost sobbed.

“Is he done?” I asked.

“For the moment,” said Ruby. “He’s giving you a break.”

I felt a second set of hands caressing me. I smelled the scent of Liam, felt the presence of him at my back. I looked over my shoulder and he smiled at me, which gave me the courage I needed. I was a masochist—I wanted this—but I was still kind of scared. What if he pushed me too far? What if I had to use my safeword? Some unseen signal passed between the two men and Ruby’s hands tightened on me again. I braced for pain and Liam didn’t disappoint me. It was no harder than that one demo stroke he’d given me so long ago, but now the blows came one after the other, two, three, four in a row.

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