Page 42 of The Daughter In Law

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“They are? how did you arrange that?”

“I have my ways.”

Scary. I’ll have to wait ‘til I could move again to go snooping.

Chapter 20

He has lost his damn mind and that’s all there is to it. Somehow he got it into his head to enlist my father’s help in dealing with old ratchet face. Now you have to understand something here, when I started this beef with his monster birth sac, I had no intentions on things going this far. I thought we’d have a big blow up and then I’d learn to freeze her out at future family gatherings as most sane people do. Damien, not so much! We brought little Justine home and all hell broke loose.

First, I learned through my mother, since Dami was still being tight-lipped, that his idiot mother found out about the birth through one of the volunteers, whose grandmother plays bridge with haggie or some such nonsense. According to mom Damien got the girl dismissed even though she needed the experience for her school credits or something. She tried explaining to him that Beelzebub’s side piece had told her a sob story about me, the heartless bitch of a daughter in law who was after her son’s money and was trying to cut her out of her only grandchild’s life, and yadda, yadda, yadda. Damien’s answer? I don’t give a fuck. You endangered my wife and child now you can deal with the consequences.

With that said we came home a few days later and Damien went into overdrive. The security detail was back on the gate, Justine and I were fitted with these very suspicious matching bracelets, and the house was literally on lockdown. I was still pretty much in a daze from having pushed a meteor out my crotch so I wasn’t too swift on the uptake. Mom kept supplying me with info that she kept siphoning out of dad. (I don’t even wanna know). Anyway there was a ping, pong match going on inside my house. The men would sneak and do their thing and mom would eavesdrop and come back and tell me which stage of crazy my husband was at.

“Damien what’s going on with you and my dad? Are you really gonna let him relocate your parents?”

“How do you know about that?”

“Don’t mind that just tell me what’s going on.”

“Look, the restraining order isn’t working, and the cops can’t seem to do shit. Your dad was there when she showed up at the hospital remember? He saw what lengths she’d go to.”

“Yeah but still…”

“She tried to name my fucking kid.”


“Oh your mail service didn’t report that one huh? Yep, she’s crossed all boundaries with me.”

“But how was she planning to do that?”

“How the fuck should I know how her mind works? The woman is nuts. Apparently the clueless twit who let her in was gonna help her get the papers to sign.”

I’m all kinds of confused, could people really do shit like that?

“Anyway there’s a stalking law here and she fits the profile. I knew she would pull something like this and I made it easy for her. Now she’s fallen nicely into my trap and she’s been given a choice. Relocate or face a prison sentence, and when I spell out the shit she’s pulled in front of a judge she’s facing no less than four years. To ensure that she stays where the fuck she’s going, your father offered up a location where he’s sure he can keep an eye on her. Apparently a lot of his old retired pals live around there.”

Oh shit. Haggie had really cooked her goose but good this time.


It’s been three years since I heard from haggie. She tried one last ditch effort back then, with a long-winded fauxpology that I gave to Damien to add to his arsenal. Haven’t heard a peep out of her since. I was too caught up in my new baby to pay too much mind to her and her shit anyway. My man had gone above and beyond the call of duty and I no longer felt the need to punch her in the face. Only rarely would a memory raise its head, and I’d daydream about what I should’ve done to put her ass in traction, but those days were far and in between.

I’ve seen Barbara around a handful of times, but since she doesn’t have Broom Hilda to back her plays, she usually just makes a quick exit when she sees me coming. I’m not sure what all Damien had done to her after the day we moved in, but she was keeping a low profile. Funnily enough a lot of the women who used to befriend her and Haggie were now coming out of the woodwork with stories. These women were very cliquish, for them it was all about appearances and who had the biggest house. I wasn’t interested, and besides, Damien was like a Pitt-bull these days, the only ones who got close were my family.

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