Page 23 of The Daughter In Law

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“Tough dad, I don’t see why the rest of you are always so afraid to tell this little tramp how it is. I for one am not afraid to speak my mind. This family was doing very well before you came into the picture. We never fought or had disagreements until you showed up with your New York attitude putting on airs like as if you’re somebody. You’re nothing but an upstart little wannabe with your gangster father and your overblown mother.”

Okay this bitch done lost her damn mind. I wasn’t gonna do this. It’s two days before Xmas and my father in law, a man I have a modicum of respect for didn’t need any more stress. But this shit was for the birds.

“Listen you breech born bastard. Yes, I know all about the fact that your skank of a mother wasn’t married to your dad when she got knocked up with you and the poor man had to sell his life away to make an honest woman out of her. Talk about a deal with the devil.” She turned ten shades of puke grey and I could see her chest rising and falling with every breath she took.

“I’m sorry that it’s illegal, not to mention immoral, for you to fuck your brother. Yes I peeped your little issue the first time we met. You remember? Like how you’d force yourself between us whenever we were sitting down together? Or the hissy fit you threw when he finally got tired of your shit and told you to cut it out? Or how about when we would come over for a BBQ or something at the house and you were always running your hands through his hair and making those inappropriate comments in front of your friends? You don’t fool me. It’s not my fault you can’t find a man willing to stay around longer than it takes to stick it and run. That’s about all it takes for them to know that it’s not worth it.” Oh this bitch had me good and steamed now. Her twat of a mother had spoiled my holidays for this shit.

“How dare you…you.” She had literally run out of words. “I hear you’re supposedly pregnant, I hope you don’t think that that entitles you and your whelp to any part of our inheritance. In fact is it even my brother’s? First thing I’ll have mom do when it’s born is have Damien take a paternity test to make sure it’s his…”

Before she could finish the hiss on that S I was in her ass. I pounded her face like the dough nana use to teach me how to make when I was little. Her dad and her sister were screaming and yelling but I was blind deaf and dumb. This bitch had a lot of talk but she couldn’t fight worth shit. She just kept screaming for her dad to ‘get her off me get her off me’. But he must’ve seen the kill lights in my eyes when I went after her because he stayed put.

Hospital security had to break us up and then they kicked me out because I started it. They couldn’t very well ask her to leave anyway since they had to stitch her mouth back together. Dumb twit.

So I’m outside in the parking lot wondering what I was supposed to do now? Damien was still in the room with Maleficent and I wasn’t sure how long it would be before he knew what had happened? Would Denise or his dad even tell him? I doubt it.

I sat in the car and stewed because this whole thing was so unfair. I just know Damien’s gonna blame me for this.

I sat there biting my nails and pleading with pin not to make me throw up. My mind was going in sixty different directions at once. The end all and be all was that ratchet crotch had destroyed any chance I had for a good holiday.

I tried to remember at what point the beast from the great beyond had taken up residence in that black putrid mass she calls a heart, but no one discerning moment came to mind. When I first met the wildebeest I thought I’d hit the jackpot. Who haven’t heard in law stories? I’d heard plenty. But my future mother in law was a gem. She was always praising me, giving me compliments on the way I dressed, my hair, the way I carried myself. There was always something wrong with the tentacle that she’d birthed but I just figured Barbara was that one lunatic relative everyone in the south supposedly had out on their front porch.

We use to actually do things together, and Damien, since he was away so much, was more than happy that his girl and his mom were close.

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