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‘No idea what it means.’ He grinned like a naughty boy caught out at something he shouldn’t be doing.

‘Why am I not surprised?’

‘How are you feeling? That was some sleep going on. I could hear the snores out here.’

‘He doesn’t do diplomacy either,’ she muttered.

‘Pulling your leg.’ He nudged a chair out from the table. ‘Take a load off and I’ll get the cutlery. This is ready to go.’

‘How can I resist such an invitation?’ Sienna sank onto the chair, breathing in the rich aroma, and trying to hold her stomach in so it didn’t add noise to the scene.

They ate in silence. At least it was companionable. Until Harry said, ‘I see you’re going to a day spa some time soon.’

Her fork stopped halfway to her mouth. ‘You what?’

He shrugged. ‘Don’t leave it lying around if anything’s a secret.’ Those full lips tilted up into a wide smile. ‘A spa seems innocuous compared to a fling.’

‘You think?’ Right now a spa was way up there, while a fling wasn’t even registering. Not while Harrison was being his usual stroppy self. Setting her fork on the plate, she leaned back in her chair. ‘Guess you’ve never been to a spa, then.’

His eyes widened, and that smile grew. ‘I haven’t had the need.’

He saw her words as a challenge? Gah. Whatever. She was a big girl. ‘Another thing to show how different our lives are.’ She was backing off, and that surprised her, but then she wasn’t used to flirting, usually got cold feet the moment she got close.

Harrison pushed his empty plate aside and leaned back in the chair, his expression now empty of teasing as he watched her. ‘We are poles apart, yet we’re almost alike in our need to protect ourselves from others.’

The tension that had been tightening over the last few minutes disappeared. Harrison wound her up, softened her down, all too easily. Thoughtlessly she squeezed his hand, and got zapped by an electric current for her trouble. Or so it felt. Her eyes flicked straight to Harry’s, saw the same shock registering in that lightening black-grey.

It wasn’t as though she could pull away. If she even tried. Which she didn’t. It was more as though they were fused together. Her brain had stopped thinking straight, was entirely focused on the current running between them. Her lungs were acting strange, taking in short grabs of air, pushing it out fast. As for the rest of her body—she was leaning forward, getting closer and closer to Harry. They were standing. How had that happened? Their hands linked, fingers entwined. Breathing the same air, hot air filled with tension and sparks and—

Sienna sighed as Harrison’s lips caressed hers. Yes. Exactly what she wanted, needed. No. It wasn’t enough. As she pressed forward, her peaked breasts touched his chest. Desire fired through her. Her hips found his. Her stomach clenched, relaxed, clenched. Heat pooled lower. The aches and pains of the last few days receded to a dull background throbbing.

Strong arms wound around her, pulling her into that muscular, masculine body, and she was being kissed thoroughly. Harry left nothing to chance. His mouth claimed hers, his tongue forayed inside, his taste sent over more messages of hazy need. His eyes were open, focused on her. She fell into that gaze, gave over control of her mouth, her body. How could she not?

Harry’s arms tightened further as his mouth pressed harder. A groan escaped over her lips. Or was that from Harry? What did it matter? Raising her arms to slide around his neck, she held on as her legs no longer had the strength to keep her standing. As she twisted to get more connection with his chest a serious pain stabbed her right side.

This time her groan wasn’t about desire.

Instantly Harry lifted his head, set her back without letting go. Just as well or she’d be staggering around finding her balance. ‘I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I don’t want to hurt you.’

‘You didn’t. I moved badly, did it all by myself.’ She wouldn’t accept he meant he shouldn’t have kissed her. That would be humiliating when she’d finally let go completely to kiss him. She did not want to think that for Harry that was an everyday kind of kiss.

He was staring at the point where her finger touched her mouth. Pulling her hand away, she glanced around the kitchen. Back to reality. The kitchen was ordinary. Reality didn’t go with sensational kisses. Kiss. They’d only had one. But what a kiss. Right this minute she’d opt for more over keeping her life on track. Her iron-strong control had been stolen in a moment of need. Her eyes sought Harry again, locked on to him. ‘Don’t be sorry.’

‘I think it’s time I headed over the fence.’

Her stomach dropped. So that was how he was going to play it. She wasn’t going to beg. They’d shared a moment. Not entirely unexpected—on her part anyway. He both infuriated and intrigued her, and for a few minutes that intrigue had won out. Now she knew what it was like to be kissed by Harrison. Shame it wasn’t enough. But it was going to have to be. He was already at the door.

Don’t show how disappointed you are.

They did not need to get together for a fling. They were opposites. He was all the things she didn’t want in a man. Opposites might attract but that didn’t mean they worked out long-term. Look at her parents. Not that she was looking for anything like that. Not even short-term involvement. But some fun wouldn’t cause havoc on her heart, would it?

With Harry, it just might.

‘Sienna, I’m not running away.’ He was back, standing before her, his gaze cruising over her. ‘But I don’t want to take advantage of you.’

Take advantage of her? ‘You didn’t. I’m an adult. At least I was last time I looked.’ But for a moment back in that kiss she could’ve been a teenager again.

His finger traced her jawline. ‘Believe me, I know. I’m playing safe, okay?’

‘Why?’ She did safe, not others around her. But he had pointed out they were similar in many ways.

Whipping his hand away, he shoved both in his pockets and stared out the window. ‘I don’t do permanent.’

‘One kiss and you’re running from commitment? Excuse me, but that was never on offer.’

‘There’s something between us. It’s been there from the night you walked up my drive. I don’t usually stall, but I don’t want to hurt you, and I think that would be too easy to do.’

‘Trust me, I’m on lock-down. You’re a man constantly moving, I’m a woman with my feet firmly fixed on my property. We are never going to have more than some fun, if even that.’ Disappointment tasted bitter when it should be gratitude for his not roaring in to stomp all over her feelings. What would it be like to make love with this man? Her blood hummed and her head thumped. She guessed she’d never know.

He turned back to her, then said through the softest, most confusing smile, ‘You’re not as tough as you make out.’

Forget humming. Her blood was racing with longing. A longing for more than having sex. Longing for making love, not sex. Longing for someone to always be there with a smile like that for her. For a man who understood her far too well with so little to go by. ‘Only when I want to be.’

Which is right about now.

But she wasn’t saying.

That smile lingered, drumming up inappropriate responses throughout her body. If Harry could read her mind he’d be laughing at her weakness, or he’d b

e disgusted that she was so easy.

‘Sienna.’ Her name sounded like honey on his tongue.

‘Harry.’ Where were they going with this? Actually, she knew. He was right. They’d been headed down this track from the moment they met. She made up her mind in an instant of heat and need. Her lungs filled, drawing in confidence, and a heady mix of man scent. Her shoulders lifted as she laid a hand on his arm. ‘Harrison.’

‘I haven’t been called Harrison so much in years.’ The smile widened, his eyes filled with—longing?

Please be that.

‘Is that good?’ Sienna rose on her toes, ignored the protests from battered muscles, and leaned forward.

Then she was being wrapped in those arms again, Harrison’s strength holding her still while he moved closer, shutting out the gap between them—physically if not mentally—to tuck her up against him. There was an incredible gentleness about his movements, an awareness of her bruises that he must’ve forgotten when he’d kissed her.

‘Don’t treat me like a china doll,’ she all but begged.

‘Sienna,’ he repeated, and put her away from him. ‘I can’t. We can’t.’

She would not give in to the frustration clawing through her. Not in front of him, at any rate. ‘Fine,’ she snapped and turned away to fill the kettle for something to do with her hands before she wrapped them around him and shook him until he changed his mind.

‘I’m attracted to you.’ His laugh was terse. ‘That’s an understatement. But there’s the rub. I’m always moving, never stopping in one place for long, and nothing’s going to change that. While you...’ He stopped.

Turning, she leaned back against the bench. ‘I’m in a holding pattern. I go to work, come home, tidy up, eat, sleep and go back to work. Occasionally I throw in a bike ride to change the routine. What has any of this got to do with not following through on what’s between us?’

He pulled a chair out from the table and straddled it, his chin resting on his hand, his eyes thoughtful. ‘It’s all part of how I operate. I sign a contract, move to wherever I’m required, see out my time, and find the next contract. I don’t stop for anyone or anything.’

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