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His sardonic look only increased his allure. “You and I don’t have a lot of that to spare between us.”

I nodded. “True. But we have to start somewhere, right?”

Conflict crossed his features — as if he were struggling just as I was with feelings he shouldn’t have — but he finally agreed with a short nod. “Where do you want to go?”

“Anywhere with you.”

It was the simple, unadorned truth, even if it was wrong for both of us.

I shouldn’t want to spend quality time with Cason. I should be using my feminine power to get free but I couldn’t. I truly wanted to see the real Cason, not the cruel jackass he wanted me to believe was the real him.

Was I being naive? Had Cason shown me his true colors earlier but I wanted to believe in an illusion to save my pride?


I had to take that risk.

Cason kissed me again, harder this time. I gladly gave him what he wanted. I opened my mouth, accepting the invasion of his tongue as we danced together.

Before long, I felt him stir against my leg and I marveled at his stamina.

This time, I eagerly rolled to my belly and he slid inside me easily, the slicked passage still dripping with his seed.

It was a sloppy mess but felt so good.

Cason seemed to agree. He came quickly, losing himself a second time inside me.

I sighed as he rolled off me.

Suddenly, Cason rose and helped me from the bed. “Let’s get you cleaned up so we can get out of here.”

Giddy to leave this place, I hurried to the bathroom, shocked when he followed.

“Let me,” he insisted, taking the wash cloth from my hand, wetting it and gently cleaning my folds. Being tended to by Cason was far more intimate than sex ever could be, though I was shocked by the realization.

Cason tenderly wiped away the evidence of his seed, rinsed the cloth and started again.

Emboldened, I relieved him of the cloth and returned the favor, washing his penis, taking careful note of every aspect of his manhood. I loved the way it grew to such a strong length yet the skin covering the shaft was like silk.

“Careful, or we’ll never leave,” he warned. I looked up to see Cason regarding me with an emotion I’d never seen before. My breath hitched. This was what people meant when they said they could drown in someone’s eyes.

I was underwater beneath his gaze, completely lost.

I knew whatever this was had no rhyme or reason for either of us.

A current of tension crackled between us like a live wire and if we were careless, we’d both end up burnt.

But maybe that’d been the point all along.

To disintegrate in a blaze of glory, never to be the same again.

If that were the case, I accepted my fate.

For now, I just wanted to be with Cason.

And I no longer wanted to question why I was so weak.

Chapter 22


Nothing was going to plan.

I was fighting myself.

Holly was under my skin in a way I hadn’t considered happening.

It was a hiccup in the overall scheme that I wasn’t sure I could recover from.

But I couldn’t deny that Holly was starting to mean something to me.

Even if I wanted to push her away, my need for her eclipsed everything else.

How was it possible?

In the space of two fucking days?

I didn’t believe in love at first sight.

And I still didn’t.

But I had to admit that there was something between us that bordered on obsession.

There was a sweetness about Holly that I craved but didn’t deserve. Even after everything I’d done, she embraced me with open arms.

I half hoped Holly was trying to dupe me into a false sense of security because then at least I could take solace in the fact that I deserved being tricked.

I was so pathetic I desperately wanted to make things right, even though I knew I couldn’t.

I couldn’t erase what I’d put her through, couldn’t return her virginity.

A selfish part of me growled at the thought of never seeing her again.

Holly was the ultimate prize, not the bait as I’d originally thought.

And when she smiled at me like she was doing right now…the world disappeared.

“Is there something wrong with my face?” she asked, fearing a blemish.

I wanted to answer she was perfect but I didn’t have the right to feel that way about her. I’d fucked things up in royal fashion and I didn’t know what I was doing anymore.

“You’re fine,” is what I finally said.

The plan had seemed a helluva lot more simple when I’d cooked it up in my head.

I hadn’t even considered for a second that I might find it hard as hell to follow through once I saw her.

We walked out the back door and found the car. Climbing in, I started the engine and we pulled out of the parking lot, onto the street.

“Why’d they let us stay the night?” she asked, curious as she blinked against the sun. “Is that a thing here?”

“I pulled some strings. And no, that’s not a thing. Someone I was very close to, used to work here.”

I could tell she wanted to ask more questions but I was grateful when she didn’t. I wasn’t ready to talk about Shay and Christine.

Not yet.

I had no business sharing such personal things with Holly at all. Things were already muddled.

I’d made a colossal mess of everything and I didn’t know how to recover.

I should’ve been more jacked up about it, but there was a ball of heat radiating in my chest and it grew each time I looked at Holly.

What did it mean? I didn’t want to know.

We stopped long enough to get something to eat at the corner market and then headed out of the city. I wanted to get away from everything that reminded me of my goal.

I didn’t know where we were going. I just wanted to drive.

Holly seemed content to ride.

We headed out of the city and ended up at a secluded beach, which used to house an army base.

The base was long since gone and the beach had stopped attracting tourists but the view was pretty damn good.

I held Holly’s hand as we climbed the bluff, the white sand giving under our feet while the beach grass swayed in the breeze. White caps danced on the water and nothing but the sound of nature surrounded us.

“It’s beautiful,” Holly said, smiling.

I was momentarily dazzled by the brilliance of her simple joy. When had I stopped noticing the small things such as a beautiful beach on a clear day?

When seeing it through her eyes, everything seemed new.

I nodded, pleased that my choice had been good, and we found a comfortable spot on the bluff.

Here, it was easy to forget the hell we left behind.

The wind played with Holly’s hair, whipping it playfully as she fought to keep from eating the wayward strands.

I laughed and helped tuck her hair behind her back.


“Much,” she answered.

We broke open our food and ate while listening to the waves. It was the most peaceful, stolen moment I’d ever experienced.

Finished, Holly laid back on the sand, smiling as I leaned over her. “We should’ve brought a blanket.”

“I didn’t know we’d end up at the beach,” I admitted but I liked the flecks of sand clinging to her legs and arms. She looked fierce and untamed but only I knew just how wild she could be.

I would’ve been content to soak up every minute of unfettered happiness with her, even knowing in my heart that I didn’t deserve it.

Holly’s smile faded as she asked, “Why do you hate my brother so much?”

I wanted to tell her. But a part of me wasn’t willing to sully the moment.

She gazed up at me with total trust.

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