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I feel like a load's suddenly been taken off my shoulders at Mairi's words, and before I know it I'm already dialing the number listed on the Hartland Police Department's website—-

Oh God.

The phone has only started to ring when someone picks up—-

"This is the Hartland Police—-"

The sound of Aidan's deep, gentle voice makes me close my eyes, and I cut him off, saying right away, "It's me." Whatever the outcome may be, I don't want to give myself the chance to chicken out, and right now...

The taut silence from the other end is killing me.


There's another painful moment of silence—-

"It took you long enough to call."

I burst into tears, and Mairi quickly gives me a tissue I can sniff and blow my nose into.

"You c-could've called m-me f-first."

"I wish that was true." Aidan's own voice is rough with emotion. "But it's not. The next move had to come from you."

"I hate you."

But Aidan being Aidan, he just lets this slide. "Tell me how you've been."

A sob claws up my throat at the question, and I can only clutch my phone more tightly.

"Talk to me, baby."

Oh God.

I really thought I'd never hear him say that again, and my chest feels like it's about to burst.

"Have you figured things out?"


"That's fine."

"It's not fine," I choke out. "What if I never figure things out?"

"You will."

He sounds so confident I want to believe him. I want to believe him so badly, but...

"I'm a mess."

"You mean you've reached a crossroad in your life."

"I might want to quit my job."

"As long as it makes you happy."

"I haven't even broken up with Jack—-"

"That pisses me off," Aidan acknowledges.

I can't help holding my breath, feeling like there's a but coming...

"But we both know he's never been the issue between us."

I want to laugh and cry. Only Aidan, of course...only someone perfect like Aidan could actually say that the fact I still have a boyfriend doesn't matter, and the craziest thing about it is that every word he's said is true.

Jack is a problem, but he's never been the issue between us. Perfection has always been within reach, and the sun has always been mine for the taking, and I...

"I'm just so scared, Aidan," I whisper.

"I know."

"I'm used to guys like you dumping me."

"But am I really like them? Are they as hot as me? As handsome as me? As—-"

And it finally happens. I'm laughing and crying, and oh God, I'm still so scared, but more than that...

I think...

I think I already know what I want.

I'm almost sure of it.

And that's why I hear myself say...

"One last thing."

"It can be a thousand things..." I can hear the smile in Aidan's voice as he speaks. "But it won't make a difference." And now I'm hearing something else. Something so magical that my heart races and breaks all at the same time—-

One step at a time, Raffi.

I squeeze my eyes shut and...just go for it.

"I think I might want to settle down in Hartland eventually, but...not yet. I might want to travel first—-"

"Why do you think I quit my job?"

He what?

My eyes fly open, and I shoot up in my seat.

"Please tell me you're joking."

"Do you really want that to be a joke?"

A sob escapes me. No. I don't want it to be a joke, but there are just so many questions in my mind now, and I...I...

"I miss you," I choke out. "I wish I had never left. I wish you're here with me. I want to see you so bad, and—-"

"Ask me to come to you then."

My heart nearly stops.

"I told you before, remember? I'm all yours, baby..." Aidan's voice becomes hoarse all of a sudden, and oh God, the sound of it...


It's been minutes since Aidan and I had hung up, and it's only when I hear Mairi's worried voice that I belatedly realize I'm still at the cafe, and oh my God, doesn't that also mean I've been sobbing my heart out in public?

"I'm sorry," Mairi says awkwardly when my stunned gaze flies up to her. "You were crying so hard while you were on the phone, but you were also smiling at the same time so..."

"You were wondering if I've lost my mind?"

"It did seem that way, but no. I was just wondering what the, er, other guy said."


"Did you decide to give him a chance then?"

"I did."

Mairi looks at me expectantly. "And?"

"And he says..."

My heart starts going crazy as I remember Aidan's last words.

"He, um..."

I draw a shaky uneven breath.

"He says he's coming here to be with me."

A KNOCK ON HIS DOOR had the Mayor of Hartland, Wyoming glancing up from his laptop. "Come in, Frankie."

His secretary entered his office and placed a white envelope on his desk. "This just came in today." She paused rather meaningfully before adding, "It's from Chief Blackwood."

Ah. He leaned back against his seat. "So the day has come then."

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