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Like, c'mon God. Isn't it enough you've made him extraordinarily handsome? Does Wyoming Keanu have to be poetry in motion, too?

I mean, sure, I know Jack also rates higher than me in the attractiveness scale, but I've never found him dazzling. I've been with the guy for over two years, but I've never thought Jack was out of my reach, and it's probably because I've also known of his flaws since day one.

Which is fine, of course.

There's nothing wrong about that.

It just means we're both imperfect, and while Jack and I may not ever make magic together, the two of us make sense at least.

Aidan and I, however...

"Stop overthinking things."

Aidan's tone of gentle chastisement pulls me out of my thoughts, and I can only smile weakly, knowing by now it's pointless to lie. The man is just too good at reading my thoughts, and besides...

"I just can't see things working out between us."

Some things simply have to be said, no matter how painful, and I mentally brace myself right after, thinking he'd tell me it's not true because he's nice like that, and of course I'd have to argue otherwise because I'm just pragmatic like that, and—-

"Have you figured it out yet?" Aidan asks calmly.

So much for my imaginary script, and I can only gaze at him in bemusement, asking, "Figured out what?"

"What you want to do with your life. Or even just what you want, to start with."

"Uh..." I can't help blinking, thinking that those words certainly came out of left field.

He raises a brow. "Well?"

"No, actually I haven't, and—-" Wait a minute. My gaze narrows at him. "What does that have to do with you?"

Aidan only smiles, and even though it's always enough to make my heart skip a beat...

Oh my God.

The glint in his gaze tells me exactly what he's thinking now, and I don't even know how to feel about it.

"If you're thinking what I want is you—-"

"I am."

I can only look at him helplessly, unable to believe he really went there. "Aidan—-"

"That's the first time you've said my name," he suddenly says, and I can only stare at him, my skin tingling at how his voice has become rough with need all at once.

"Say it again," he orders.

My brain tells me not to do it, but my heart is foolish than ever. It's actually thrilled to hear the note of command in his voice, and oh my God, it's hopeless. I'm hopeless, and next thing I know—-


I say it grudgingly, but because I still did say it, both of us know who's the winner and loser here, and I can't help grimacing at the way Aidan's dark gaze gleams in triumph.




No way am I going to do it. Just no way. No, no, no.

But next thing I know, I'm already saying it.


I growl it out, but that doesn't really make things any less worse, and I'm not surprised to see Aidan's lips curve ever so slowly into the cockiest and sexiest of smirks.

Hopeless. You are completely hopeless, Serafina Edison.

Wasn't it just five minutes ago that I told Aidan I can't see things working out between us? So what the hell am I doing now? Why am I flirting like I can hope for something more and—-

"I heard it all, you know." Aidan's murmur cuts through my thoughts, and I look at him in surprise.

Heard what?

"Do you remember the first time we met?"

"Outside the diner?"

He smiles. "I saw you before that, though. Well, everyone did. Colette was giving you such a hard time we all kinda felt bad—-"

"Say no more," I interrupt with a wince. "I was such a wimp—-"

"You were kind," Aidan says simply. "You could've given her as good as you got. I saw it in your eyes. But you chose not to because you were kind, and frankly, that was what turned me on—-"

I can only gape at him. "My kindness made you horny?"

"Still does."

Oh my God.

I laugh and shake my head, speechless and shaken, but also thrilled and confused at the same time. I've never even thought myself as kind in the first place, and now Wyoming Keanu is telling me the reason he's been after me all this time is because I'm...kind?

"You are such a freak."

But Aidan only smiles and starts the engine.

I watch him drive, and I feel like there's something new I should be figuring out now. I've told him that I don't know what I want in life, and his response is to tell me that I'm kind. Is there even a real connection between these two things or am I just reading too much into things here?

When we make it back to the B&B, I'm still stumped, and there's only one thing I know. I'm just not ready for the night to end yet, and as Aidan helps me out of his pick-up, I hear myself ask, "Can we hang out a bit?"
