Page 2 of Hold Her Close

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I don’t have to answer for her to know. She turns her head and follows my gaze. I know what she’s seeing. Blond hair with enough length to run your fingers through. Gray button-down that’s nearly bursting over the width of his chest and the thickness of his arms. The sleeves are rolled back revealing toned forearms and gorgeous tattooed skin, and every inch of his relaxed pose screams sex.

“Oh,” she says. “Got it. Understood.”

“Will you be okay?” I ask.

“What do you mean?”

I laugh, but I don’t take my eyes off him. “I’m going to fuck that man. And I don’t know if I’ll do it here or at his place, but it’s happening. So are you okay hanging solo?”

“Girl, I’ll be fine. And if I don’t see you, I’ll still be there to take you to the airport in the morning.”

I grin. “Thanks, Jenn.”

“And I’ll await a full and detailed report in the morning,” she says, before she disappears, likely looking for her own version of getting lucky.

Looking back, the blond still has his eyes on me, and I raise an eyebrow. He raises one back. Never in my life have I crooked a finger at a man and had him come. But the second I make the motion, he stands from the railing and heads for the stairs, completely ignoring the calls of his friends behind him.

Even the way he walks is sexy. Smooth and confident, not a care in the world besides reaching me. I could get used to that kind of attention.

Coming to a stop in front of me, he takes a long sip of his drink, looking me up and down. “You beckoned?”

His voice isn’t loud, but somehow I can hear him perfectly clearly. Like the words are at a completely different resonance than the rest of the noise in the club.

“Seemed like a waste of time for us to spend the whole night just staring at each other from across the room.”

A half smile. “That would be a waste.”

“You’re sure that your friends won’t miss you?”

His laugh slides down my spine, and I shiver. “I’m sure that they’ll survive. Is your friend coming back?”

“I sent her to find her own target.”

“Is that what I am?”

“Maybe,” I say. “Or maybe I have one painted on my ass. You tell me, you’re the one who’s been staring all night.”

His smile deepens. “I stare when there’s something worth staring at.”

“My ass makes the list?”

“Your ass makes the rest of the list question why they’re even on the list.” Without warning, he closes the gap between us, hand sliding down my ribs and around my back. He hesitates just before touching the area in question.

“I’d be interested in a closer look at that.”

“As long as I get a look at yours.”

He leans closer, smelling of cedar and the best kind of whiskey. His lips brush my cheek, and I’m already shaking with adrenaline and anticipation. “You can look and touch any part of me you want, baby girl.”

And then he leans down and presses his lips to mine. The kiss is pure fire, lighting me up from within. My body goes into overdrive as if it wasn’t already on its way there. Fucking hell the man can kiss, his tongue runs along my lips until I yield to him.

His hand is on my ass now, the other placing his glass down on the bar so he can explore the rest of me. He brushes it subtly down over my breast and to the side where my shirt creeps up exposing my skin.

“We need to get out of here,” I breathe.

“That would be another waste,” he says against my lips. “When I have a private room just steps away.”

I pull back in surprise. “You have a VIP room and you’re not already using it?”

He chuckles. “I’m not from here. I wanted to get a feel for the atmosphere of the club.”

“Your friends must be pissed.”

A shrug. “They weren’t happy, but I think it’s working out, don’t you?”


He grabs my hand and pulls me away from the bar. We weave across the dance floor, dodging bodies and limbs and any attempts to dance with us. Everything is hazy and my body is humming. Have I ever fucked a man this hot before? Is this a dream? We walk down a narrow hallway past a bouncer. When he flashes him a card, the bouncer opens anther door that leads to a dark hallway lined with doors. He stops at one and slides the key card. He opens the door and extends his arm, showing me the way inside.

The room is light and golden. There’s a bucket with champagne next to a lush sofa, and the shimmer of a crystal chandelier reflects sparks of light across the walls. But that’s all I see before I’m slammed into the back of the closed door, his body fully pressed against mine. His mouth comes down hard taking what he wants as his hands slip the straps of my top over my shoulders, exposing more skin for him to taste, and he does.
