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“Bye, love bug. Have a good first day. Call me if you want to come home early.” I fear my offer of coming to get her falls on open space because the door slams before I can even finish my sentence. I stay there, parked until Alyssa and Cassie are walking into the building, and I can no longer see them. The person behind me blares their horn, and it takes all I have not to flip them off. I get it; they probably have to get to work. There’s somewhere I have to be as well.

As I pull into our little downtown, I scan the area, looking for Bree’s store, but I also find myself looking for empty store frontage. I could open my own office and keep the hours I want, although I’m not sure about the expenses. But I like the idea, especially if I can get the local businesses to use me for their websites.

Bree’s shop is easy to spot. It’s the one decorated with Christmas and art. There’s a parking space right in front of the store, and I grab my portfolio before getting out of the car. I don’t know how long I stand by the window, admiring the snowy landscape painting, but it’s enough that Bree has to come out and invite me in. She has on a long, blue sweater and black tights with her caramel-colored hair in waves down her back. It’s hard not to gape at her when she looks as beautiful as she does.

“You gonna stand out here all day?” she asks, laughing as she holds the door open.

I point at the painting. “Sorry. It reminds me of Sugar Mountain.”

She winks. “That’s because it is.” Her curious gaze averts to my portfolio for a few seconds before turning her beautiful green eyes back to me. “How did drop off go?” she asks as I follow her into the studio. The second I see everything she has, I’m in awe. There are paintings everywhere, all strategically placed where the lighting illuminates every piece. There are even a few unique sculptures scattered throughout. I’m completely taken back by everything she has in the space, but I notice she’s missing the one thing I can offer her.

“Easy, it seems Alyssa and Cassie had plans to meet up and walk in together. I didn’t have to park and walk her in.”

Bree leads me into the back room and hands me a much-needed cup of coffee, and motions for me to sit down in one of the chairs she has around the table. “That’s good. At least, she’s adjusting.”

“True. Sometimes I feel like she’s growing up way too fast. I’m going to blink my eyes one day and find out she’s twenty-five years old.”

She chuckles. “Ah yes, it’ll happen sooner than you think.” Her eyes drop down to my folder again. “Okay, so should we get down to business. I’m assuming what you have to show me is in there?”

I nod and set my portfolio on the table. “They’re not anything special,” I tell her as I show her the first photo. “I do this as a hobby.”

Bree is quiet as she sips her coffee and flips through the portfolio of photos I’ve saved. Sometimes, I like to take pictures of people or scenery, whatever I find at the moment.

“Where do you display these?”

“I don’t.” I shake my head slightly. “As I said, it’s a hobby, but I thought if you put them in your gallery for sale, I’ll do your website for free.”

She continues to flip the pages without saying anything, making me feel like I’ve overstepped.

“If you don’t think—”

Bree closes my book gently and sets her hand on top. “Caleb, I think these are amazing and would love to display your work. I feel like I’d be taking advantage, though, because I won’t have an issue selling these. I even know a few customers who are looking for pieces just like this. I’ll have at least five sold by tomorrow.”


“Absolutely.” She nods. “But you’re going to have to let me pay you for my website.”

I shake my head.

“I have to do something,” she pleads as she sets her hand on top of mine. I’m tempted to pull away but am surprised to find that I like the feel of her hand there. The dads, and some of the moms in the support group I’m in, tell me there is no time limit on moving on and that by us moving means I’m ready to start over.

“Can you cook?” I ask her.

Her eyes narrow, and she smiles. “I can. Working at Aunt Mathie’s when I was younger taught me a thing or two.”

“Okay, how about this?” I say as I lean forward. “Why don’t you come over and cook dinner for Alyssa and me tonight?”

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