Page 30 of Super Secret Santa

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I came that first time quickly, but he didn’t stop. Then suddenly a second orgasm came, stronger and deeper than the first. Neil looked amazed.

“Look at you. Should I go for three?”

I couldn’t seem to speak, so he continued once more, causing me to pull his hair as I writhed underneath him, moaning and calling out his name while I came again and again.

Our lovemaking would continue into daybreak. It was the best Christmas ever. We would fall asleep, exhausted, and one of us would wake the other, demanding more. Plus, Neil said he was determined to give Mark a little brother or sister.

I had gotten off the Pill a few months ago, which wouldn’t be great for my condition, but I was ready to give Neil a baby. In a few months, the adoption papers should be final, and Mark would officially be his son as well.

“I promise you, we will always find time for this. For us.”

He had said this last night, I remembered. It was now late morning, and I was famished. I got up and quietly ordered several different things from the room service menu, not wanting to wake Neil and ask what he wanted.

I feared I knew what he would answer—that all he wanted was more sex, not food—and I really did need to eat. I returned to bed, and Neil rolled towards me half asleep, but he didn’t wake up all the way.

He was almost smiling, like he was in the middle of a good dream. His right arm found me and slid across my skin, resting gently, low on my waist. I wondered if we would ever leave this bed, to enjoy the island paradise outside our room.

Then I snuggled up against him, content to stay there with him where I belonged. We could always return another time to actually see the sights. With our joint son, and our baby.THE END
