Page 35 of About Tomorrow

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He didn’t look convinced. “People called you two a couple.”

I shrugged this time. “They wanted us to be…I think Chase wanted us to be. I made it clear to him it was just as friends.”

“You didn’t like him?”

I didn’t reply right away. I could say I didn’t like Chase that way and leave it at that or I could be honest with Creed. He had been honest with me. This summer was different. We weren’t kids anymore. I only had a couple of months with him.

“Chase is a friend. He’s nice, but he isn’t who I like. I told him there was someone else…in New Hampshire.”

Creed looked down at me then and I could see the pleased look in his eyes. “Really?” he asked.

I nodded.

His lips broke into a full grin. “It’s about damn time.”

“What is?” I asked him, returning his smile.

“Us, Sailor. It’s time for us. I’ve been waiting for what feels like forever.”


November 12, 2019

Portsmouth, New Hampshire

When I pulled into my driveway around seven that night, it was nice to see the house next door lit up again. It had been dark at night since my arrival until two nights ago. Although I hadn’t seen Creed since Saturday, when he gave me a tour of the house, I saw his lights. He was home and that made me feel warm inside. It was strange I know but it did. I liked knowing he was there.

I wondered if he was hungry and considered making a big pot of chili and calling to invite him over. Other than Albert at work, I hadn’t talked to anyone in days and I was lonely. Albert couldn’t be considered a conversationalist. Griff had texted twice to tell me he was busy and would call soon. He still hadn’t called.

After parking the car, I walked toward Creed’s house, deciding I’d invite him over for dinner if he hadn’t already eaten. It was a neighborly and friendly thing to do. I didn’t get very far though when I saw a brunette with long brown hair standing in the kitchen with a glass of wine in her hand laughing at something.

He had company and I was doubting he was hungry for food. Turning back around, I headed for my house and another night alone. I was getting good at dinner, the Hallmark Channel, and wine in the evenings. It wasn’t a bad thing. Soon we’d have snow and I could have holiday parties by myself.

Sighing, I unlocked my door and went inside the cold house. Doing my regular routine, I hurried and got the fireplace going then moved to the wooden stove in the kitchen. I kept my coat on until things warmed up, but I found my furry slippers and took off my heels and put them on instead. Maybe I would get a puppy…no, those could be a lot of trouble and needed attention. I had work. Oh! I could get a cat. They liked being left alone for the most part.

Pouring myself a glass of wine, I went to the living room to turn on my trusty companion, the television, and then stood in front of the fire. I was almost warm enough to take off my coat when there was a knock on the door. I sat my empty wine glass on the coffee table and went to the door.

Creed was standing outside, holding a large pot with oven mittens on his hands. Was he bringing me dinner? “Hey,” I said stepping back so he could come inside.

I glanced behind him, hoping the brunette wasn’t about to follow him. I didn’t see her. “Are you bringing me your left overs?” I asked.

“No, I’m bringing dinner over here to eat.”

I looked outside again to make sure the other woman wasn’t out there then closed the door before any more warmth escaped.

“Since you just got home, I figured you wouldn’t have eaten yet,” he said as he sat the pot on my stove.

I walked into the kitchen behind him. “Uh, no, I haven’t eaten yet,” I replied. “I was about to make some chili but I never made it that far. I’ve been warming up.”

He leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest casually. “Good. How’s your week going?”

He was staying? I looked out the kitchen window toward his house. “I uh, thought you had company?” I said, wondering why he was here with me holding a pot of something in his hands.

His eyebrows drew together in a slight frown then he smiled. “Are you talking about Rachel?” he asked.

I had no idea who I was talking about. I didn’t know the woman I had seen through his window but then Creed had a lot of women it would seem. “I guess if that’s the woman at your house.”

He shook his head. “Rachel isn’t company. She’s family. Our mothers are first cousins and she’s lived most of her life in London with her father. She just left her fiancé at the altar this weekend and fled to the states. I got a call yesterday from her, asking if I’d pick her up at the Boston airport. Somehow from that I got stuck with her hiding out at my house for now.”

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