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So who do I blame for my spiral downward? Angel? My father? Myself?

“You are a beautiful one.”

The familiar voice sent my heart plummeting into my stomach. Fear rooted me to the spot. I was afraid to turn around and see the monster attached to the voice. The air didn’t seem so fresh anymore. It was too thick to breathe in and was pungent with the stench of evil. I looked around for the best escape route and realized I was now in an unfamiliar part of the grounds. I hadn’t realized how far I’d wandered off. I could no longer see Z or the tree he stood under.

“My son isn’t always intelligent,” the voice continued, “but he has good taste.” I felt a crawling sensation on the bare skin of my arm and realized it wasn’t phantom. He was actually touching me. I spun around then, but the sickening feeling piercing my skin didn’t dissipate when his hand fell. I opened and closed my mouth several times but words—all words—escaped me. “What am I doing here?” the senator offered.

I could only nod.

“I’m here to see Angel.”

“You’re out of your mind.” I was startled by the threat in my own voice.

“You mistake my intentions, Ms. Ross. I simply want to call a truce. Angel is more valuable to me alive than dead.”

“You mean because he’s still alive, he’s more valuable to you as an ally than an enemy. You’re afraid of him.”

Angel was undoubtedly someone to be feared, but it still amazed me that he could hold someone as powerful as a senator under his thumb. And then came the reminder that I’d tried and failed to kill him. What would he do to me once he’d gained his strength back? My death could reinforce their allegiance if Angel took his revenge.

“Don’t be so smug, Ms. Ross. I’m not the only one vulnerable.”

“But you’re the only one afraid. Fear makes people desperate. It breaks them.”

“And what does fear do to you, Ms. Ross?” His voice had lowered, and though no one paid us any attention, he stepped forward to ensure I would be the only one to hear his next words. “When someone threatens your life or the life of your child, will you break?”

His challenge hit its mark and the need to vomit built. He’s never going to leave us alone.

“Mian!” The senator’s deceiving smile dropped as he looked over my shoulder. I knew that voice, and I knew Z was closing in. I could hear his footsteps pounding on the pavement. The senator, unfortunately, still had me under his spell.

Suddenly, I was being shoved behind a wall cloaked in a black hoodie I recognized. “You want to die, senator?” I could hear the leashed rage straining in Z’s voice.

“Dear boy, it is not as if you are going to murder me in broad daylight. There are witnesses mere feet away.” His gaze returned to me, his smile indulgent, and I knew it was the only reason I was still alive.

“Then you underestimate my ability to not give a fuck, Staten. What are you doing here?”

“Paying my respects.”

“Angel isn’t dead.” He snarled. “You’re going to have to pay your respects another time… if we don’t kill you first.”

“It is well within my power to have you arrested for threatening death to a senator.” Staten coolly dangled Z’s freedom in front of him like a leash.

“Then do it.” Z took a step closer to the senator, and my heart stopped when I saw Staten’s two-man guard reaching for their guns.

“Z, take me inside.” There was no way I could risk seeing Z gunned down. I’ve had enough death for a lifetime. When my plea failed, I grabbed his hand to get his attention and dug my fingers into the warm skin of his palm. He trained his frown on me, but there was no longer murder in his eyes as he stared back. “I want to go inside,” I repeated. “Now.”

His hand tightened around mine, and after one last warning glance at the senator, he led me back inside with his body shielding me the entire way.* * *WE DIDN’T RETURN to the estate. Arturo’s home was much further from the hospital, but maybe that was why he chose this place for us to retreat.

“I can’t believe anyone voted for that ass!” Anna paced the room that had once been my prison with a deep scowl twisting her soft features. This was becoming a too often occurrence—bad things happening to me and me bringing them to Anna’s doorstep. For Christ’s sake, she’s just a kid. This shouldn’t be her world. “What are you going to do?”

I purged my answer quickly so I wouldn’t back out. “I’m going to run.” After Z had recounted my run-in with the senator to Lucas, Caylen and I were driven to Crecia under guard. Running had been all I could think about since. It was scary and reckless, but it was also my salvation.

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