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“Vanilla is fine. You really didn’t have to do this,” I pleaded in vain. She waved me off and set the cake on the counter. The house was covered in streamers and balloons with even more decorating their backyard where the party would be held. She had even invited all her friends and neighbors with small kids to celebrate my son’s first birthday.

“I keep telling you it’s no trouble. I haven’t been able to throw a party like this since Tabitha turned twelve. Now all she wants are gifts and a day out with her friends.”

“Thank you,” I said for the hundredth time since she proposed the idea.

“You’re welcome, sweet girl. You and that adorable baby will always have a place here. I want you to remember that.” After a teary hug, I helped her finish getting the house ready for the party. Caylen was upstairs napping, but he’d be awake soon. I just hoped he wouldn’t be afraid of a house full of strangers. He’d always been good with people, so I wasn’t too worried.

The party was in full swing an hour later. I was dressed as Cruella de Vil and Caylen was my little Dalmatian pup. Michelle had promised small, but it was anything but. I didn’t mind since everyone was nothing but kind. The two tables not covered with food were piled high with gifts for a boy they’d never even met. It made me wonder how much Michelle had told them, but I decided not to dwell on it. Caylen was happy. It was all that mattered. Michelle, Tim, and Tabitha were dressed as Morticia, Gomez, and Wednesday from the Addams Family. Tabitha had complained to her mom that she should have made her brother, Austin, come home so their getup would be complete.

“These people are so nice,” Anna gushed. Tim had offered to pick Anna up and bring her so she wouldn’t miss Caylen’s birthday, and she’d come as Dany from Game of Thrones. “Do you know any of them?”

“Not one. They’re all Michelle and Tim’s friends.”

“To be honest, I’m not sure I know who half of them are either,” Tabitha grumbled as she played with Caylen. “But they brought gifts!”

My laugh died in my throat. I felt punched in the gut. I couldn’t breathe when the patio door slid open, and he stepped through. His sudden presence arrested me as well as every woman there. He was back in the suit, looking much larger than life and more ruthless than death. Dark shades covered his eyes, blocking out the sun and every curious eye.

“What is he doing here?” Anna growled.

Tabitha, however, handed over Caylen and ran over to greet her older cousin. Tim and Michelle had already hurried over to speak to him quietly. Not once had he looked my way, but he’d know I was there.

“I don’t know.” I could barely hear myself think over the sound of my heart racing.

“Maybe Officer Garrett will arrest him if he tries to take you back.”

We were still watching when Michelle and Tim cast worried glances our way. Their attention, unfortunately, drew Angel’s attention. I couldn’t see his eyes, but I knew they were on me. I started to think I’d never be free of his trance when Tabitha tapped him on the shoulder, forcing his attention away from me. I didn’t stop watching him though. He said a few words to his cousin and then handed her something I couldn’t see.

And then he was gone again.

Later that night, when the clock struck midnight, I didn’t call to wish him a happy birthday, and he didn’t call to make me.* * *“I HATE GEOMETRY,” Tabitha groaned for the third time. She was sitting at the coffee table suffering through her homework while I fed Caylen dinner.

“Just wait until you’re taking calculus,” Anna deadpanned. “You’ll be tempted to drop out of school.” Tabitha groaned and slammed her face in her textbook. Anna and Tabitha hit it off at Caylen’s party two months ago. She started sleeping over every weekend after Tabitha and Michelle insisted I invite her over the first time. Today, she was helping Tabitha study for her geometry test the next day.

“It seems bad now, endless even, but when it’s over, you’ll realize it was worth fighting for.” Tabitha lifted her head from the textbook, and they both regarded me curiously.

“Do you think you’ll ever go back?” Tabitha shyly questioned. I suppressed a groan. How did we go from talking about high school math to my love life?

“Why? You tired of us already?” I joked to avoid answering.

“Having you here is awesome. It’s just so obvious you’re in love with my cousin. Why would you leave him?”

I had their attention as they waited for my reason. Saying I didn’t love him was an easy lie when the truth was so complicated. “I left Angel because love is war… and we both lost.”

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