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“I wasn’t sneaking” he finally answered. “You didn’t notice because my cousin seemed to have captured your attention so well.” The jealousy in his voice did unexplainable things to my body. I wanted more of it.

“What can I help you with, husband?” I took delight in the way his eyes narrowed, and his nostrils flared. My smile was small, but he didn’t miss it, and his irritation turned into exasperation.

“Anna’s here.”

Amusement faded, and I was standing up from the bench. “Why?” I haven’t seen my friend in nearly a month, but worry over the reason she was here wouldn’t allow me to be excited.

Angel’s gaze flickered behind me where I knew Andrew watched us. “Come inside, and she’ll tell you.”Chapter EighteenMIANWe found Anna in a room with blue walls, gold rectangular molding, a cerulean love seat, and a fireplace. She was staring out the window pretending not to notice Lucas’s attention across the room. The moment we entered, she shot to her feet, scowled at Lucas, and rushed towards us.

“You’re really okay! Oh, Mian! I’ve missed you!” She bounced up and down in that adorable way only Anna could, but when I didn’t return her joy, she paused. “Is everything okay?” Her threatening glare was back and directed at Angel when he stepped around me with Caylen still in his arms.

“I was going to ask you the same.”

The question in her gaze had me stomping over to Angel with my hands on my hips. I waited as he set Caylen on his feet and ignored how my heart fluttered when he set a steadying hand on his back and didn’t move away until he was sure Caylen wouldn’t fall.

His back was still to me as he sighed and stood up straight. I couldn’t stand the amused purse of his lips when he faced me.

“Yes, Mian?”

“Why is she here?”

His frown before he spoke was sincere. “Is something wrong?”

“Yes,” I hissed. “I don’t want her here. She needs to go home.” Where she’s safe… and away from Lucas. My peripheral allowed me to see how he stood up straight when I demanded she be sent away.

“Did I do something wrong?” The hurt in Anna’s voice made my stomach turn.

“Of course not,” I rushed to assure. “But it’s not safe here.” I faced Angel again. “And you know that.”

“Her mother disappeared a couple of days ago,” Angel offered.

“And some guy,” Z growled, “came around looking for her.”

“He spooked me,” Anna finished. “I came home from school today and found the door kicked in. I didn’t know what else to do.”

Shit. “Anna, I’m sorry.” Angel and his family were slowly stripping away the parts that made me human, but rather than blame them, I took my friend in my arms. “I’m an ass.”

She nodded with her head tucked into my shoulder. “It’s okay. You didn’t know.”

I still wasn’t convinced it was any safer for her to be here, but there was no way I would turn her away. This may not have been my home, but if Angel wanted this marriage, he damn well better protect my friend.

“We’ll put her in the room next to ours,” he whispered in my ear. His warm breath skated over my skin. I forced myself to let Anna go before she could feel my entire body tremble for him.

“What about school? She can’t fall behind.” Anna had dreams of being a doctor and the better school she got in, the better chance she’d one day wear that stethoscope.

“I’ll get her schoolwork,” Z answered.

“Mian is right,” Lucas spoke for the first time. His voice was cool as he said, “She shouldn’t be here.” My gaze slid to him, and his eyes dared me to challenge him. Anna’s gasp was so soft, if we hadn’t been standing so close, I would have missed it.

“Exactly what is your problem with her staying here?”

Ignoring me, he faced off with Angel. “We can hide her, but it can’t be here.”

“Where?” Suddenly, I didn’t appreciate Angel’s indulgence.

“One of your relatives.” Angel seemed to mull it over causing another thread of Lucas’s control to unravel. “You know what’s coming. She can’t stay.”

What was coming?

“Maybe he’s right.” Z’s grimace was apologetic. “We’re tapped out on risks.”

The room was silent while Angel thought it over. “Tell the men I need a detail,” he said to Lucas.

“What exactly are we talking about here?” I interjected. Lucas was already punching buttons on his phone to make bad things happen so problems disappeared.

“It’s not the right time.” Angel’s tone was dismissive. He didn’t even look at me.

“I think—”

“I said not now,” he barked. His glare was now on me full force, warning me not to push.

Maybe I was as spoiled as he had me pegged because I couldn’t keep myself from crossing my arms and saying, “Then if she goes, I go.”

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