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After Lucas had led me to the state-of-the-art kitchen with Z trailing behind us, I refused to perform any culinary action. My defiance lasted up until Z calmly worked his belt from the loops of his pants while maintaining eye contact. The threat was clear. I barely knew Z, yet somehow, I was surprised but smart enough to know he meant it.

“Maybe he didn’t trust us with you,” Z leaned in and whispered.

“Makes sense. My dad didn’t really trust anyone with me.” He would have told Angel not to bring anyone around.

Lucas chuckled from his perch beside Z at the bar. “He’s not talking about your pops, girl.”

“Oh…” They were silent but watchful, letting it sink in on its own. “I think you’re wrong. Angel didn’t even know I existed.”

Z rolled his eyes and leaned back. “If you truly believed that, your sexy body wouldn’t be so flushed right now.”

“It wasn’t always tense between us,” I admitted.

“You want to fuck him, don’t you, pretty girl?”

“No, Zachariah. I do not. I want him to die.”

“I call bullshit.”

“You can call the press, too, if you’d like. My answer stays the same.”

“You like lying to yourself?”

“It’s not a lie to say I’m not attracted to the man who kidnapped my son.”

“So you feel nothing?”

“Not even a twinge. Eggs are ready.” I picked up the hot skillet from the flat top stove and spooned the scrambled eggs onto their waiting plates. Bacon, toast, and fresh fruit were already waiting along with tall glasses of orange juice. “Enjoy,” I said, not meaning it.

Lucas smirked and fixed his gaze on mine. “You didn’t poison the food, did you?”

“Oh, how I wish I could.”

“Ease up, Sprite. Let’s have a truce for now and just eat.”

“I told you I wasn’t hungry.” It was a lie, of course. I was starving but eager to get away from them. I was still naked, and the apron Z gave me to cook in didn’t preserve much of my modesty.

Lucas’s nostrils flared. “And I said to eat.”

“There’s no food left.”

“There’s plenty here, princess.” Z patted his lap with a grin.

“I’m not sitting on your lap.”

“Then you can sit on mine,” Lucas offered.

“But there’s a seat between you.”

“Since you share our food you sit where we want you.”

“But I don’t want your food!”

“Battle’s lost.”

I pulled my wild card. “What would Angel say?”

He smirked. “He would insist.”

“You’re lying.”

“Should we call him? He’d be very interested to know that you refuse to eat.”

“God, you’re both assholes.”

“Comes with the job description, babe.”

“Yeah, I bet.” I grabbed a fork and walked around the counter and because Z was closer and Lucas scared me, I chose his lap. He wasted no time settling me in with an arm around my waist.

“You feel good.”

“Yeah, I’m not sitting here so you can sample me.” The trill of Lucas’s phone sent him away from the bar and into another room. “Can I have some eggs please?”

Z’s chuckle was low and deep. “Thought you weren’t hungry.”

“I guess all this banter has worked up an appetite.”

“What’s mine is yours,” he whispered seductively. “Take what you want.”

“Yeah, I’ll just take the eggs, buddy.”

His sexy chuckle caressed my neck and then we ate in silence until his plate was cleared. “Damn, princess. You can really put it away.”

“Do you have any idea how to talk to a girl?”

I felt a fingertip trail down my arm. “To be fair, I don’t really do much talking when I interact with women.”

“And you’re proud of yourself?”

“I’ve had no complaints. You’re welcome to take me for a spin.”

“Ok. Breakfast is over.” When he didn’t unlock his arm from my waist, I added, “May I be excused?”

“You learn quick.” I could hear the grin in his tone and gritted my teeth but said nothing. After feeling up my naked hip, he released me from his hold. I wasted no time jumping from his lap and turning my bare ass from his view. Of course, he noticed. “You’re making this enjoyable.”

“How so?”

“You’re hiding yourself from me when I’ve already seen it all.” His gaze drifted to my breasts that were still covered by the apron. “You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’m not ashamed of my body. I simply don’t want strange men taking my clothes off without my permission.”

“You’re going to have more things to worry about before this is over.”

“But Angel will clear me and let us go.” He didn’t reply. Z was the easiest to talk to. Maybe I could use it to my advantage and charm him into talking. I leaned toward him and whispered, “What do you know?”

He looked surprised for a moment before his lip curled. “I’m on his side, Mian. Don’t take my kindness for weakness.” He shoved his empty plate to the end of the bar. My hand flew out to keep it from crashing to the floor. “Clean up.”

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