Page 91 of Lilac

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Braxton was keeping me on edge.

Rubbing my eyes with the heel of my hands, I sighed. Fuck it. I climbed out of my bunk just as Braxton entered wearing a camisole and… Where the hell were her shorts? She usually wore them, or maybe it was the other way around. Perhaps she was tired of accommodating us by being decent, which was more than fine with me.

Panties covered her perky bottom—if you could even call them that. They went up her ass like a thong, but they had a little more material. I had no idea what chicks called those shits. It was sexy as fuck, and that’s all I needed to know.

Since I was just standing there in my boxers like a dope, Braxton eyed me warily as she finished towel drying her hair. More than once, her gaze strayed to my chest before catching herself and meeting my eyes. I could feel Rich silently warning me from his bunk to stick to the plan.

Fuck the plan.

“Enjoy your beignet?”

There was amusement in Braxton’s eyes as she regarded me. “Does the answer have anything to do with tomorrow night’s show?”

Cheeky bitch.

“It would if you got food poisoning.” I wasn’t quite sure if she could from eating fried dough and powdered sugar but…anything to keep her talking.

Tossing her towel at the foot of her bunk, she turned away from me. “I think I’ll be fine, Loren. Good night.” As Braxton climbed in her bunk, Houston showed up and got an eyeful of her nice, round ass.

He looked like he wanted to say something to her, but one glance at Rich, and he swallowed it. It was good to know he followed someone else’s rules better than he did his own.

Tucked inside her bunk and nestled under the covers now, Braxton met Houston’s gaze, and a moment later, she turned, giving him—us—her back.


Rich promptly threw his pillow at my head, a final warning before he lost his shit. Rolling my eyes, I decided to brush my teeth before Houston could finish getting ready for his shower. Once I was done, I borrowed a couple of things and was back in my bunk after hiding them under my pillow.

Eyes shut, left arm tucked underneath my head, I listened to Braxton’s nails click against her phone screen as she texted her friends. I knew it could be no one else. She didn’t seem to have a lot of people in her corner, and we were planning to change that the moment she let us in.

Houston returned from his shower, and by then, it was two in the morning. I wasn’t even a little bit sleepy, though, and apparently, neither was Braxton. Rich was already snoring loud as fuck, and Houston’s breathing had turned deep.


Keeping my eyes closed, I drew the items I’d hidden from under my pillow. The lube I’d taken from the bedroom. After squirting some into my palm, I pushed my boxers down enough to free my cock.

I didn’t bother drawing the curtains.

I wanted her to see.

Her back was still turned as she faced the wall, but I knew she wouldn’t be like that for long. My mind then conjured her photo as my muse, the memory as vivid as if I still held it in my hand. I kept my rhythm nice and easy, squeezing the head on every upstroke until I began to fantasize, drawing her nipples between my lips.

“Shit,” I let slip when I imagined their taste.

I heard the rustling of sheets and knew that it was her turning over to see. I stroked my dick faster, my hips rising off the bed now and then as I chased my orgasm. I imagined her legs wrapped around me as I slowly slipped inside of her. She’d coat my dick with her arousal, making it easy for me to have my way inside her tight, warm walls. I’d bury myself so deep I’d never be able to find my way out.

“Fuck, Braxton.”

I didn’t even care that she knew it was her I was imagining. It could never be anyone else ever again. No use pretending.

When my movements turned jerky, and I couldn’t control my grunts, I knew there was no turning back. Grabbing the second item I borrowed, I groaned long and hard as I used it to catch my cum.

I heard the growl Braxton tried to conceal when she recognized the purple panties she’d been wearing earlier.

I smiled to myself.

After cleaning my dick off with them and figuring she might want ’em back, I tossed them on the floor before rolling onto my stomach.

Now I could sleep.You might lose love

It might fade in the wind as if it had never been

You might mourn the good years left behind

You might curse the lonely ones that follow

And when you wake up, you realize

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